Big Thanks
Just wanted to say thank you to many of you for either answering my questions or helping out previously or just from (almost) keeping your cool when jumped up idiots like me ask the same questions that have already been answered. I do search (hence why I might drag up old posts) but somethings you just can't put into the same words as other people. Anyway, in no particular order and I'm sure there are more people, but the ones I remembered have been:
@ron @Wizzardly @gooner @hans51 <love how angry you get sometimes but your avatar is of two hearts @JamPackedSpam @Tim89 @PeterParker @Pratik @sweeppicker @2Take2 and of course @Sven - I know there is a 'donate' button at the top of this page for GSA (which should stand out more imo), but the rest of you deserve a beer from us minions/newbies too.
I'll try and return the favour, and have already tried, by answering other people's questions where I can.
Ahh nice to see people being that polite nowadays. But he is right. I also like how people try to help each other.
Opening this forum was the best idea ever. It leaves me more time to code when you guys help each other.
This place gets very addictive, we should all probably chat less and work more lol