REQ. option to save current Data and Option selections

I know that it is possible to save platform selections, but I cant find a way to save data and option field selections.
I think most people normally select the same data and option settings for different tiers, so instead of having to repeat the selection every single time you build a new project would be nice to have a option to save the current selection for data and option fields same as what we can currently do for platform selection.
If this is allready possible then please point me in the right direction.
I think most people normally select the same data and option settings for different tiers, so instead of having to repeat the selection every single time you build a new project would be nice to have a option to save the current selection for data and option fields same as what we can currently do for platform selection.
If this is allready possible then please point me in the right direction.
To do a back up it require that i fill in urls, keywords, email addresses etc, all of those things are unique to each project. It will mean i use dummy info just to create a back up i would have to delete it again every time i create a project.
The save current platform selection works great and if the same could be done for options and data it would be great. In the meantime i will try with the back up restore option.
Yes something like that.
Maybe if the current option to save platforms could be extended to save all the fields in the data and Option Screen that would be SUPER. I am talking about things like filter selections, search engine selections.
I just done a back up, and then edited the PRJ file and removed the URL, Keywords, emails and all stuff i dont want, then zipped it again and changed it to.ser, but it did not wanted to restore so i copied the prj into the projects folder and loaded SER and it worked, URL data and keywords are now gone but my filters and other options are preserved.
What i could do is just do the same for each Tier and then each time duplicate that template project --- But it would be a hell of allot easier if i the save current settings option is possible :-)
Thanks for the help...
For the Data Fields i don't see the point because data are different for all projects.
No Data field is NOT the same for all projects, because by default all the selections are blank I am talking in specific about the filter \ selections before you get to content data, like for instance :
"Use Url Variations with"
"Keyword options"
"All of the Anchor Text options"
"and then further down, just below article, the option " Automatically insert your URL"
Hope Sven will consider extending the option of Save Current selection of the Engine selection to include Data and Option screen settings -- that would be great, otherwise i will just use the manipulation of the PRJ file and then everytime just duplicate it to build which ever tier options i need.
Thanks Sven
if some day you run out of work
may be it would be nice to have the back-up feature automated
like "make backup ever xx hours" from all projects / settings
I am surely missing such a one click or automated option
A real back up solution would be one that back up everything, including settings, so that when you have a problem about a new update that have issues, you only need to restore to yesterday's full back up to be up and running. Bad comparison but almost like Cpanel Back ups work
Thank you for including the save and load templates in version 6.42.
After searching for a while i found it under the Tools Tab,
I exported a template, and then i clicked on create new project, went to the TOOL\Import but the template option was grayed out, which mean i cant use the template to create a new project, which was the whole idea.
I noticed that if i go to a saved project then the Import template becomes available, but dont see the point of having it available only for existing projects.
Would appreciate if you could maybe help me out here