force stop GSA-SER-initiated-proxies-testing in proxies panel and proxies on status bar (resolved)
please allow for proxy testing forced stop from the proxies panel
if it starts and you want to do changes on the proxies panel you have to wait until it stops which could take LONG time
also please consider putting the count of good/bad proxies on the statusbar
if it starts and you want to do changes on the proxies panel you have to wait until it stops which could take LONG time
also please consider putting the count of good/bad proxies on the statusbar
it would be very handy to have a stop testing even though the test was initiated by the program itself
the proxies number on the status bar is very welcome
anything on the way to forcefully stop proxy checking ?
I still propose for the feature to forceful stop of GSA-SER-initiated-proxies-testing
when I want to test new settings on proxies settings but proxies is already initiated by program
I have not wait but stop all projects and shut down GSA SER otherwise I might have to wait for long time for test to finish