Wrong Default captcha detection
Hi guys,
I've imported the following .gcb file you've made to the GSA soft :
I've X checked it through the captcha type table and than produced a field trial.
This new captcha type is still configured as "OTHER" type,
The GSA didnt recognized that captcha type as the default one and instead
tried to solve it with Microblog's "Twitter clone script(tiny)"
I've tried to disable(uncheck) that captcha type(tiny) from the captcha table, and run the trial again,
but then it indicated the following :"skipped by settings" ,and didnt engaged with the "other" captcha type.
I even tried to configure the new captcha type as microblog type, but it didnt consider it in the detection process either!
What do i miss through the settings in order to configure the new captcha type as the default one
when the system encounter that new captcha type ?
Thanks in Advance.
I have no idea why it is not working over you, but for me it is solving and detecting each captcha correctly.
How do you send it to CB ?