@01971 (I hate referring to someone by a number! You are not an inmate somewhere are you?) Thanks for the tips! I have proxies unchecked for verification. I will check on the others.
@ron...yeah...I had not been running 5.22 (at all). I downloaded it today and was going to give it a whirl at midnight tonight...and see what it does tomorrow.
Do we need proxy for submission and verification and i think for pr checking we need proxy ? and how i can disbale pr checking and search, i only want use my own list , .
OK...@ron (and anyone else that cares)...here is my report for the day (so far). I switched back to release 5.22 (from the current release) at midnight and bumped my thread count to 300. I had been averaging 20-30 LpM. Right when I started the run, the LpM jumped up over 100, but it rapidly (within 15 minutes fell down into the 30's).
That's when I had a moment of revelation that I should have had long ago!! (Dufus me!) I am using 30 semi-private proxies and have been using the same ones for a long time with no problems. The thought hit me that I should check my proxies. Sure enough...7 of them were timing out. I took those 7 out of SER (so I am now running with 23 proxies). It is now 7:45AM my time and SER is getting about 58 LpM. While this does not make me part of the "100 Club", it is double what I was getting...that is significant in my book!
I will probably spend some time today checking my other proxies. If all (or many) of them are slower than they should be, this would greatly effect my results as well.
What is even better than doubled LpM that I am getting is the fact that my "Verified" percentage is much better. This is certainly from the other tweaks that I had made a few days ago, but, with the speed increase, I am effectly TRIPLING the number of verified links. I was getting 10-15% verified (vs submitted). So far today, I am just over 20%. I have close to 6,000 verified links so far today. At this rate, I will have 20-25K today!!!
I don't think many people have seen it. As a matter of fact, shortly after I posted it I could not find it. Then I realized that it was at the very top of the list, with the "Announcements". I guess @Sven saw it and thought it was worth making it a "sticky" thread. (I'm honored!) Anyway...it is easy to overlook at the very top of the thread list (I know I did). Hope it helps some of you out!
congrats David glad you were able to work it out. Are your proxies local to you or scattered around the world? I recently changed to European only proxies and my LPM jumped up straight away (I'm in Europe BTW). Thanks for posting
@DavidA2: set your proxy options like this and it will disable bad proxies on use and recheck every proxy every XX minutes. change the number of active proxies to the amount of proxies you have. also activate "stop projects when no proxies are in use" in Options --> Submission
David, don't get hustled on the bad proxy thing (especially if you are operating from home). I always get a ton of false signals that some proxies aren't working.
Always use a third party software like Scrapebox or SEOSpyglass to validate that the proxies are not working.
Almost always when I check them with Scrapebox they are all working. It's to the point where I don't even check them anymore, and just let all run. Otherwise, you are babysitting instead of doing new things to make money.
"set your proxy options like this and it will disable bad proxies on use
and recheck every proxy every XX minutes. change the number of active
proxies to the amount of proxies you have. also activate "stop projects
when no proxies are in use" in Options --> Submission"
I set my proxies like that and now it's trying to find public proxies. I have 30 dedicated ones, so I dont want to use public at all. Am I missing something?
@meatplow - This is old but thought it might help someone in the future. To prevent it from finding public proxies but testing your private ones, go to the List page (instead of proxies --> options) and go to Add/Edit Sites. From there you can right click and "deselect all" so that SER doesn't have any sites to scrape public ones from.
many years ago I moved my site from US based hosting to european based hosting (to IMO may be the worlds finest root server company hetzner.de - now they also have regular hosting and VPS)
during the server - IP changing hours already (global NS updates) I got an instant 30+ % traffic increase within less than 24 hrs generic traffic - NO bots and artificial traffic that increase remained permanently my site is for a global audience and I use to have visitors from 220+ countries each months then with my full size site on 3 root servers. Now with the modified domain parking (grave) I have uv from 200+ countries last months.
hence hosting country has proven to be essential may be same applies for proxy hosting
why ? about the same time or few months earlier there was a coverage on CNN(?) with a canadian professor talking about censorship by governments and he mentioned that some 40 countries do restrict www access.
so may be it is worthy a test to see the3 difference between EU only vs global vs US based proxies ...
I am going to explain how to get the most out of your GSA SER... I mean like literly blasting 500+ LpM
1. Buy proxies. (but even without there is a tweak) 2. You are using CB right ?
Oke so here's a logical explanation to all you myth spreading Ninja's who only try to confuse you with BS talk about what to do, but missing to explain the total most logical explanation to why you FAIL, which I am about to unravel for you all..
**Drums Rolling***
So, your using CB ? Right ? To unravel the LpM mystery you should take a closer look into CB... Not GSA. Why ? because GSA will do what it does best, finding you links, and trying to register and spam a link on it.
But you CB needs to solve the captchas in order to succeed in even getting 1.. Yes 1 Link.. If you CB struggles your LpM is low.. If your CB doesn't you LpM is high..
BOOM!! Mystery unraveled..
Now.. In order you get the highest LpM.. I repeat Again, you dont tweak GSA (this is for later) First your going to open up all the checks in CB and check all engines out.
Than.. your going to take your SpyGlass out of your pocket, and write down all the ones that have 100% succes rate.
Why ?
well, I like math? do you like math ?
If you take an engine where CB displays 50% success rate..
than it's very simple to say, that if you select an engine with 100% Success rate that you will have exactly HALF the success of your links submissions.
Half your LpM Half your CPU power wasted Half your Ram power waster Half of your TIME WASTED..
so you write down all the 100% Succes engines down. Than you go to GSA.. (Yes, now it's the time)
you open and collect all the footprints that had 100% succes rate in CB. You copy / paste them into a TXT file.
Than.. Open Gscraper / Scrapebox Whatever you like Hrefer, Nintendo 64.. Whatever grinds your gear..
You scrape for keywords. like 2-3 levels deep. Merge your footprints with the collected keywords.
Than you uncheck all engines in Scrapebox and only use... "jackpot" BING BING BING !!!
put it on 100 threads.. and let it run all night.
the next morning.. You collected.. about 5 million or more links ( WoW !!! )
"But now my Scrapebox does not open and warns me about exceeding the 128MB in the harvesters folder "
don't worry, just DO NOT PRESS to whipe your entire folder..
Go to settings and put in like 4000MB for your folder and your folder will instantly be created.
Than. You clean and whipe all duplicated url's... And throw them in GSA to identify and index (or GSA Platform Identifier, whatever grinds your gears!! )
After 68 hours... and it all got identified you don't press START!
You go to "Activate (Use global Site list Only)"
WAIT!! Don't hit that start button yet :@
In your project files, you also select only the engines that had 100% success rate in CB.. And please for the love of God CHECK the box in option to SKIP HARD TO SOLVE CAPTCHAS !! "why? well remember what I said about time wasting? Cpu wasting ? Ram wasting ? money wasting ?" thats why...
Once youve than all the above.. Press the shiny green button.. And watch your CB FLAWLESSLY solve all captchas..
And you are right about the verification.
Thanks !
No, I'm not locked up. I never thought of it that way, maybe I need to pick a better username.
P.S. Where the heck are you guys getting the old 5.22 from? I would love to go back and test too.
I had pretty good speed with 5.30 & 5.36
That's when I had a moment of revelation that I should have had long ago!! (Dufus me!) I am using 30 semi-private proxies and have been using the same ones for a long time with no problems. The thought hit me that I should check my proxies. Sure enough...7 of them were timing out. I took those 7 out of SER (so I am now running with 23 proxies). It is now 7:45AM my time and SER is getting about 58 LpM. While this does not make me part of the "100 Club", it is double what I was getting...that is significant in my book!
I will probably spend some time today checking my other proxies. If all (or many) of them are slower than they should be, this would greatly effect my results as well.
What is even better than doubled LpM that I am getting is the fact that my "Verified" percentage is much better. This is certainly from the other tweaks that I had made a few days ago, but, with the speed increase, I am effectly TRIPLING the number of verified links. I was getting 10-15% verified (vs submitted). So far today, I am just over 20%. I have close to 6,000 verified links so far today. At this rate, I will have 20-25K today!!!
Hey guys...just wanted to mention too...I created a thread yesterday that might help some people. Here it is...
I don't think many people have seen it. As a matter of fact, shortly after I posted it I could not find it. Then I realized that it was at the very top of the list, with the "Announcements". I guess @Sven saw it and thought it was worth making it a "sticky" thread. (I'm honored!) Anyway...it is easy to overlook at the very top of the thread list (I know I did). Hope it helps some of you out!
David, don't get hustled on the bad proxy thing (especially if you are operating from home). I always get a ton of false signals that some proxies aren't working.
Always use a third party software like Scrapebox or SEOSpyglass to validate that the proxies are not working.
Almost always when I check them with Scrapebox they are all working. It's to the point where I don't even check them anymore, and just let all run. Otherwise, you are babysitting instead of doing new things to make money.
"set your proxy options like this and it will disable bad proxies on use and recheck every proxy every XX minutes. change the number of active proxies to the amount of proxies you have. also activate "stop projects when no proxies are in use" in Options --> Submission"
I set my proxies like that and now it's trying to find public proxies. I have 30 dedicated ones, so I dont want to use public at all. Am I missing something?
I only have the private check boxes ticked.
re european vs US or world
many years ago I moved my site from US based hosting to european based hosting (to IMO may be the worlds finest root server company hetzner.de - now they also have regular hosting and VPS)
during the server - IP changing hours already (global NS updates) I got an instant 30+ % traffic increase within less than 24 hrs
generic traffic - NO bots and artificial traffic
that increase remained permanently
my site is for a global audience and I use to have visitors from 220+ countries each months then with my full size site on 3 root servers. Now with the modified domain parking (grave) I have uv from 200+ countries last months.
hence hosting country has proven to be essential
may be same applies for proxy hosting
why ?
about the same time or few months earlier there was a coverage on CNN(?) with a canadian professor talking about censorship by governments and he mentioned that some 40 countries do restrict www access.
so may be it is worthy a test to see the3 difference between EU only vs global vs US based proxies ...
I mean like literly blasting 500+ LpM
1. Buy proxies. (but even without there is a tweak)
2. You are using CB right ?
Oke so here's a logical explanation to all you myth spreading Ninja's who only try to confuse you with BS talk about what to do, but missing to explain the total most logical explanation to why you FAIL, which I am about to unravel for you all..
**Drums Rolling***
So, your using CB ? Right ? To unravel the LpM mystery you should take a closer look into CB... Not GSA.
Why ?
because GSA will do what it does best, finding you links, and trying to register and spam a link on it.
But you CB needs to solve the captchas in order to succeed in even getting 1.. Yes 1 Link..
If you CB struggles your LpM is low.. If your CB doesn't you LpM is high..
BOOM!! Mystery unraveled..
Now.. In order you get the highest LpM.. I repeat Again, you dont tweak GSA (this is for later)
First your going to open up all the checks in CB and check all engines out.
Than.. your going to take your SpyGlass out of your pocket, and write down all the ones that have 100% succes rate.
Why ?
well, I like math? do you like math ?
If you take an engine where CB displays 50% success rate..
than it's very simple to say, that if you select an engine with 100% Success rate that you will have exactly HALF the success of your links submissions.
Half your LpM
Half your CPU power wasted
Half your Ram power waster
Half of your TIME WASTED..
so you write down all the 100% Succes engines down.
Than you go to GSA.. (Yes, now it's the time)
you open and collect all the footprints that had 100% succes rate in CB.
You copy / paste them into a TXT file.
Open Gscraper / Scrapebox Whatever you like Hrefer, Nintendo 64.. Whatever grinds your gear..
You scrape for keywords. like 2-3 levels deep.
Merge your footprints with the collected keywords.
Than you uncheck all engines in Scrapebox and only use... "jackpot" BING BING BING !!!
put it on 100 threads.. and let it run all night.
the next morning.. You collected.. about 5 million or more links ( WoW !!! )
"But now my Scrapebox does not open and warns me about exceeding the 128MB in the harvesters folder
don't worry, just DO NOT PRESS to whipe your entire folder..
Go to settings and put in like 4000MB for your folder and your folder will instantly be created.
Than. You clean and whipe all duplicated url's...
And throw them in GSA to identify and index (or GSA Platform Identifier, whatever grinds your gears!! )
After 68 hours... and it all got identified you don't press START!
You go to "Activate (Use global Site list Only)"
WAIT!! Don't hit that start button yet :@
In your project files, you also select only the engines that had 100% success rate in CB..
And please for the love of God CHECK the box in option to SKIP HARD TO SOLVE CAPTCHAS !!
"why? well remember what I said about time wasting? Cpu wasting ? Ram wasting ? money wasting ?" thats why...
Once youve than all the above.. Press the shiny green button..
And watch your CB FLAWLESSLY solve all captchas..
And here's my "on avarage results"
50 threads - 100 lpm / 75 lpm
150 threads 200 lpm / 125 vpm
250 threads 300 lpm / 160 vpm
and running now on 350 threads with 556 lpm / 198 vpm
Happy spamming