GSA Package, Proxy and Server
Hello all,
I have just heard of GSA last week and planning to try. I have a few questions I need answer for before I can move further, hopefully someone here is able to help. Many thanks in advance.
Here are my questions,
1. Which GSA softwares I will need to start with? I'm thinking about Captcha Breaker, Website Submitter, Content Generator, Keyword Research, SEO Indexer and of course Search Engine Ranker. But will I still need GSA Keyword research if I alrady have semrush and do I still need Content Generator if I am already using chatGPT?
2. I am thinking about using, does anyone here have experience with this company and which VPS package is sufficient to start with? I have 4 websites which I want ot build links to.
3. How do you guys choose your proxy providers? Some are really expensive but some look so cheap, what is a reasonable pricing for proxies? is or a better place for starters? also, is getting GSA Proxy Scraper the same as buying proxies from 3rd providers? I am a bit confused.
4. Finally, I understand we should build links using GSA only to 2nd, 3rd tiers links and should avoid building links using GSA directly to our main sites. What is your experience using GSA? Are the backlinks built using GSA effective? I am asking because I invested a lot buying backlinks in the past couple of years and when I finally found out about GSA, I started to think those links I bought may be coming from this software, although I am not completely sure. If they are tho, then purchasing this software should be a smarter decision for me as I will not only able to build more backlinks with hopefully much less money and time, but also have more control over those backlinks. Can someone please share with me your experience with GSA in general please?
Thank you so much for reading. Please share if you can.
I have just heard of GSA last week and planning to try. I have a few questions I need answer for before I can move further, hopefully someone here is able to help. Many thanks in advance.
Here are my questions,
1. Which GSA softwares I will need to start with? I'm thinking about Captcha Breaker, Website Submitter, Content Generator, Keyword Research, SEO Indexer and of course Search Engine Ranker. But will I still need GSA Keyword research if I alrady have semrush and do I still need Content Generator if I am already using chatGPT?
2. I am thinking about using, does anyone here have experience with this company and which VPS package is sufficient to start with? I have 4 websites which I want ot build links to.
3. How do you guys choose your proxy providers? Some are really expensive but some look so cheap, what is a reasonable pricing for proxies? is or a better place for starters? also, is getting GSA Proxy Scraper the same as buying proxies from 3rd providers? I am a bit confused.
4. Finally, I understand we should build links using GSA only to 2nd, 3rd tiers links and should avoid building links using GSA directly to our main sites. What is your experience using GSA? Are the backlinks built using GSA effective? I am asking because I invested a lot buying backlinks in the past couple of years and when I finally found out about GSA, I started to think those links I bought may be coming from this software, although I am not completely sure. If they are tho, then purchasing this software should be a smarter decision for me as I will not only able to build more backlinks with hopefully much less money and time, but also have more control over those backlinks. Can someone please share with me your experience with GSA in general please?
Thank you so much for reading. Please share if you can.
Welcome to the world of GSA - you'll be happily excited.
I am not affiliated to GSA but am just a happy user for several years now. I have licenses for SER, Indexer and URL Redirect Pro.
Let me answer your questions from my experience.
1) You'll need GSA SER and a Captcha breaker to start with. GSA captcha breaker is great for image captchas but you will need another solution for ReCaptchas (and others). One option here is Xevil, another is a SaaS such as
GSA Keyword research is another great tool with lots of capabilities. Being a Semrush user myself, this is sufficient for my needs. Give GSA KW research a try, though.
GSA Indexer is not that strong anymore, Google, Bing & Co. want more. Check the Buy / Sell / Trade forum for the service provided by @Kaine for indexing.
Content: OpenAI is directly integrated into GSA SER now. All you need is your API-key.
2) My installation is running on a medium-sized Hetzner VPS at the fraction of the cost the provider you mentioned charges. It takes 20 minutes to set up the VPS (plus the Windows license) but the service is stable and performs well.
3) You can use GSA Proxy Scraper to find public proxies (don't use it on a Hetzner VPS though as they will ban your VPS from port scanning!). As rule of thumb, 1 (private) proxy per 10 GSA SER threads is fine. Public proxies might not give you the best results, better go for private proxies from i.e.
Scrapebox can be used to harvest (public) proxies. A much better use of it is to find target sites for GSA SER. One of the beauties in GSA SER is that you can export the footprints of various engines, combine these with your keywords, and then use a powerful tool such as Scrapebox to find targets. It is not needed to start with, but helpful.
4) Every SEO will tell you not to use GSA SER for direct links to your money site. This forum of active users will tell you different
Hope this answers some of your questions. Don't wait with GSA SER on your own VPS, the learning curve is huge, and take it from there!
Thanks for the support
Particularly the medium-sized Hetzner VPS part. I'm currently using SolidSEOVPS myself.
Are you using the Hetzner Cloud option and manually installed Windows yourself? Is that how you've managed the much lower pricing point? If I can get 2 servers running then might sounds quite attractive.
What's the spec of the server you're running, if you don't mind me asking?
You can find instructions on how to install Windows yourself in the FAQ section. The image is provided by Hetzner, a couple of virtual "disk swaps" during installation to load the VPS drivers, and you are up and running.
Hetzner is charging the VPS per minute. So, if you find after an hour that it is not working for you, you've just paid some Cents for the experience.
I'll run one up over the next few days and give it a test. At that price I might get 2
Thanks so much for your quick reply too. Was interested in your machine spec
Thanks so much for your answers. Sorry for getting back so late, I didnt notice I have got replies until I checked the forum again today.
Thank you again so much for your kind help. Have a wonderful weekend. I hope to hear back from you again soon.
Thanks in advance.
You need to create the VPS first and then choose the ISO you want to mount and install.
It takes some time to familiarise yourself with their interface and terms so take your time. I warmed myself up on the Linux server first lol
I readthe FAQ and it looks like you have to purchase your own copy of windows and install it yourself. Hmmm...I may just stay with window vps else where. How was your experience with SolidSEOVPS? Would you recommend them? Also, do you use emails generated by gsa ser or like what organiccastle said, you set up your own server for catchall accounts?
Thanks a lot I have learned some new things from both of you.
One more thing: You'll also need mail accounts. Set up your own mail server for catchall accounts (more performant than individual accounts), some domain names and a $5 linux vps will do, or buy POP3/IMAP accounts (Buy / Sell / Trade forum section).
SolidSEOVPS was a good service. Obviously significantly more expensive. I was using their $52'ish VPS which was a little less than what you get with Hetzner but, all in all, I was happy with them - I only just canceled this morning since Hetzner is ticking away good now (just need to sort out some Tailscale issue).
Yes, I have my own mail server and a few domains. One of them is used as a catch-all email service.
Yes I finally found CPX31 under their cloud section. it's € 16.18 a month. I tried to use their chat to ask more about windows installation but the chat service is not available at the moment but I did find some tutorial on youtube, It looks a lot less scary that I originally thought but I will try to chat with them again to see how much help you can offer if I run into trouble, this is the link to the video in case someone want to see it:
Also, you must be familiar with proxies, in organicastle's reply he said:
Im a bit confused here. GSA Proxy Scraper looks like is part of the main software GSA SER, and how can you install it on Hatzner server but not run it from the same server? Do you think he means NOT using GSA Proxy Scraper on Hatzner at al but instead purchase private proxies else where?
I bet you have figured that I am a total amateur by now
Well, you'll be better off using private proxies, if you're using GSA SER.
I've own GSA Proxy Scraper myself, just to play around with and test it from time to time on my home Proxmox-based Windows VM. There aren't that many around and most get killed/banned very quickly.
[1] You don't want to be dealing with that if you're trying to build links
[2] and you will find most VPS provides will ban you if they catch you scraping. I'm sure some allow it or turn a blind eye to it but it is a risk
I'm still using Webshare proxies due to both the price as well as a few proxy providers I've tried are more expensive without any gain over Webshare. That forum thread is HERE
It's good to ask questions so don't worry in the slightest. I ask many questions and still very much a GSA newbie. Keep asking and learning.
Anyways, Hetzner also have many people who they don't approve. Apparently, they have a cap of some sort.
When you do apply for an account, supply them with the required ID (like a passport in my case) and also a selfie showing you and the same ID in the selfie.
Sawadee krap!! Yeah I love Thailand so much too. One day when I can rely on just online income, one of the things I want to do is to learn Thai in Thailand.
I've own GSA Proxy Scraper myself, just to play around with and test it from time to time on my home Proxmox-based Windows VM. There aren't that many around and most get killed/banned very quickly.
Ok. So my understanding is, install GSA SER on Hetzner but use private proxies from third parties. Never run GSA Proxy Scraper on Hetzner. Also, just out of curiousity, do you use Scrapebox? On which server do you run it on? Any recommendations?
newipnow: 25 private proxies for $22/m
newipnow: 50 private proxies for $44/m
webshare: 25 private proxies for $13.89/m
webshare: 50 private proxies for $26.32/m
The differences are quite big. I will go with webshare!! Thanks again for the tips.
Are we looking at the same Hetzner here? I took a screenshot from
When you do apply for an account, supply them with the required ID (like a passport in my case) and also a selfie showing you and the same ID in the selfie.
Wow! Seriously? I have never seen any hosting company like this...hopefully they will approve when I apply. I am working on my shopping list for GSA SER, trying to figure out how much money I have to spend as percisely as possible. I am hoping to make the purchase by next week Wish me luck.
One more question, this is about email server. I already have my site hosted on ultahost and I am able to create email accounts using my account. In this case, do I still need to purchase a separate email server to just create email accounts? Please advise. I have never dealt with email hosting before...Thanks
GSA (Any other GSA products I should add to start?)
$147.00 GSA Content Generator or should I use Article Builder $127/Year?
I am asking because I saw this video and they use Article Builder instead of GSA CG, any thoughts about this, please?
$87.30 GSA Search Engine Ranker
Captcha Solver
$190 xEvil
- $15.00 Semrush (Purchase account from blackhatworld)
- 16.18 Euro/Month VPS ( | CPX31)
- $13.89/Month 25 private proxies from webshare
- $10 xEvil Monthly Fee (start paying after first 3 months)
- Email server?
Do I still need to purchase separate email server if I already have web hosting accounts that come with emails?
Link Lists (have you used any of these?):
How does this look to you?
I use GSA SER, GSA CaptchaBreaker, GSA Content Generator, GSA SEO Indexer (no real idea if this is doing anything, to be honest), my own Recaptcha code since I found Xevil to be buggy, the author/s are a bunch of unresponsive a$$h0les and I don't like their sneaky $10 monthly subscription after a few months.
Try whatever proxies until you find once that work for you. Still trial and error for me.
I'm using gsaserlists as well as now some Scrapebox action. I've only used gasserlists so I can't comment on the value of the others.
Jump in and get started anyway. You won't know what works for you until you start.
I got so excited and shot out so many questions at all once, sorry that was a bit rude. But thanks for taking your time reading through
organiccastle did mention about GSA indexer and he's the second, perhaps 3rd person who says that GSA Indexer may not work well any more.
Yeah, exactly! There are so many hidden fees trying to create and manage online businesses. First I thought all I needed to purchase was some wordpress themes, some plugins and ads. Then, I slowly learned that there are things called backlinks and seo, then a whole industry selling nothing but backlinks, now GSA...and within the software, there are so many other independent services that we need to purchase separately. It was for sure my fault not doing enough research at the beginning, so after so many years of burning money, I now try to get a better understanding of what I will really need to spend before getting into something new. I was really surprised tho when i read you saying that xEvil is no good, I have heard from multiple people that theyre pretty good, perhaps one of the best, someone even told me i will not need GSA Recaptcha Solver if I already have xEvil....see, now there is more i need to look into.
I think I will go with the one you suggested to start, they;re probably the most affordable one I have seen so far.
How do you like scrapebox? Which hosting company do you use for your scrapebox? mind to share?
Have you watched this video before?
This guy made this video 9 years ago but the GSA interface in the video looks just the same the way it looks today
he uses articlebuilder to create his content, i'm wondering how that compares to GSA content creator but there's not much information online...
The jury is still out on the effectiveness of GSA Indexer - it takes little resources so I'll continue to run it.
I didn't say Xevil didn't get results. I don't like the company and their tactics. GSA Captcha Breaker is much faster for a great many captchas. The suggested action is to use GSA CB for most captchas and then Xevil for the difficult ones such as Recaptchas. Do a bit more digging.
I only use Scrapebox locally at home for the moment. I'm already using a list so my home Scrapebox ticks along at home.
I'm sure there's plenty of VPS providers that you can use Scrapebox with though.
Cool. I will think about adding this one once I get myself more familiar with GSA SER
Ok now I understand what you mean exactly. Yes,some companies are just...
Yes you're right, the suggested action is indeed use GSA CB for most captchas and xevil for the difficult ones, i was tryin to save a few bucks but it looks like i should get GSA CB
I'm sure there's plenty of VPS providers that you can use Scrapebox with though.
I was told we should not run scrapebox on Hetzner and many other vps will block our account to so i was curious where you were running your scrapebox. It's good to know that you can just run it on your own computer. So when I finally get my copy of scrapebox i will first run it on my home computer too. thanks again for sharing.
Scrapebox: You can run it on a Hetzner VPS without any issues. Scrapebox is scraping the web, not scanning ports.
Thanks for the tips. Just found the standalone version here
Thanks also for information about Scrapebox
I think Im ready to go with this
$147.00 GSA Content Generator
$87.30 GSA Search Engine Ranker
$92.00 GSA Captcha Breaker
Captcha Solver
$69 xEvil
- $15.00 Semrush (Purchase account from blackhatworld)
- 16.18 Euro/Month VPS ( | CPX31)
- $13.89/Month 25 private proxies from webshare
- $100/Year xEvil Fees (start paying after first 3 months, $100 if paid in advance)
- $77 Per Year
Link Lists
Do you mean that we can use OpenAI instead of GSA Content Generator?
Another thing, with all respect to Hetzner we used to use them in some applications, and their support is zero compared to ours, we respond to any ticket at anytime within 3-5 minutes at most so next time you have a problem with hetzner or abuse, they will shut down at heartbeat, so all these is part of the cost you pay and profit on it is very very little.
We always encourage people to test other providers as we do ourselves and thats not the reason I am writing this, but just to comment on the pricing part especially with ip prices trippled, license prices, power prices tripling and global inflation going making it very hard for us as a provider not to raise prices, we never did and we wont, we also always try to help by providing deals every week for our tight budget customers to help make things easier and to still be able to enjoy our services, we are really not after raising prices or upsell our customers, we do really care for our clients
Thanks again and We appreciate your continuous support and this great community
I did try:
1., not sure I like them a lot of trash
2. just started using today, I will update when I have a conclusion about them.
But in general I'm still looking for a good link lists service.
Yeah I bought serocket too but not happy with it either. Never tried - will be great if you can share your review here after using. I'm looking at but.. I checked their site traffic and found that they get very few visitors daily... Not sure if that's a good or bad thing...