Can somebody explain how to improve the captcha solving with SDK?
I just want to enter them over and over manually while its adding them to a solved database. The steps I found on here aren't FAST. Whats the FAST way to solve them manually?
BTW - These new twitter captchas are NOT hard to solve manually, duno why people keep saying they're so hard.
@labelpoof, well there are a lot combinations that are unreadable. For a tutorial on how to improve the captcha definitions, have a look on this forum. @Ozz did some real good threads here explaining everything in detail.
>BTW - These new twitter captchas are NOT hard to solve manually, duno why people keep saying they're so hard.
seriously, i downloaded 60 of them and at half of them i had to guess which number they want to know. also keep in mind that you should solve those captchas on your smart phone which is even harder to read.
even if they invested billions to develop such kind of captcha than they've failed tremendously as its discourage every legit user who wants to sign up with that. your best hope is that other people starts to complain about that (as some of you won't do that) and they change it.
but even if they change it than there is no guarantee that it will be easy to solve with any software.
man looking @ those images ozz, I honestly would have difficulty guessing, never mind a bot. I don't use twitter, but if I did I would be complaining. Im surem any who are not into blackhat stuff on twitter..will be complaining also. so the more that do complain then perhaps they will change.
Some of the people in this thread blow my mind. Twitter releases a new captcha and now its Svens responsibility to crack it with a high success rate? What if Twitter switched to Recatpcha? Now its his responsibility to single handedly crack Recaptcha too?
Let's think logically about this for a minute. GSA SER and CB are the most updated software in their target market. Period. Do you honestly think that Sven wouldn't release an update for this new captcha if he had a solution for it?
As soon as someone posted in the sales thread about twitter switching captchas, I started brute forcing it right way and could only get .84% success rate. A day later Sven releases an update for 5% success rate which is higher then any other tool on the market is currently offering.
The fact that Sven is in this thread responding to the rude replies shows that he cares about customers. Most of the software updates are feature requests from the customers. If he didn't care, he wouldn't be adding the features the customers request on an almost daily basis.
I spent a few hours trying to work on the new Twitter captcha and some of the captchas I couldn't even figure out myself. I even sent some to Decaptcher to solve and they would return back "error" or "cantsee" etc. Those are actual humans trying to solve these at Decaptcher. If humans are having trouble then OCR is going to have a very hard time.
As a fellow (old school Perl) programmer, I can't believe the amount of shit @Sven is getting.
I own GSA SER and Captcha Sniper X3, and also tried the demo of GSA CB, and once I get the money aside this month, I will also buy GSA CB because of the frequent updates we all get with GSA products, plus my experience of both products of being HIGH QUALITY, stable and fast.
Having said that, I confess that while I appreciate the amount of time GSA SER saves all of us in getting our backlinks, I also think that it's a dangerous tool in the hands of skiddies and 13-to-99 year old getmoneyfast fuckups that want everything served to them. Ditto with the GSA CB. If you think you can do it better yourselves, go and fucking program it. Or better yet, go to the Warrior Forum and wait for the next Ubot crapsoft that will "make you rich".
Around year ago I solved the old Twitter captcha myself, without using any commercial Captcha Breaker, using the same tools Sven uses in his software but from my command line, with a very respectable ~ 60% success. All it took was a lot of training of the OCR program. It was vulnerable for a series of reasons I won't be sharing here.
I also solved some other captchas I needed to be solved for my projects, some using the same method, others by being more creative and using, for instance, the audio captchas used as alternatives. I purchased CS X3 because of the capacity of programming the captchas in a more time-convenient way than just typing all, optimizing, trying, train, rinse and repeat.
I can tell you right now that because of the way GSA CB operates (using IM filters to "clean" the image and then using trained OCR programs to read it) this new captcha is IMPOSSIBLE to improve to an "acceptable" 80+% level, so stop asking Sven to promise you the impossible. IMO the only way this could be read with a high certainty would be to take a different course of action altogether (neural network, identify the font used, and use the pattern of the rotated digits -both hollow and solid, in a 30 angle radius left and right, which amounts to (30+30)*2*10 = ~ 1200 "patterns"- to identify them, one by one, on the image, with a certain degree of certainty, and solve the captcha. Of course, I believe (please Ozz and Sven correct me if I'm wrong) it would take a completely different kind of software. Or maybe wait until the OCR engines get REALLY smart.
BTW I tried this new Twitter captcha using many filters with CS X3 and couldn't got a steady 0%-1%. CS X3 doesn't even has the bruteforce option so go figure.
Hope it clears the reason why Sven is telling you it CAN'T be done, at least, to honestly promote it as "solvable" by GSA CB.
@sven - you are so patient. In my business I used to get rid of the 20% of my worst customers. They took all the time and paid the least. Have a read on the 80/20 principle and apply it to customers. You offer the best service of any software I've come across, and you do your best. Leave this thread and let them rant. We would much rather you focus your time on a platform trainer and an easier ability to repost to web2.0's. This would add 10 000x more value to most users than the twitter captcha.
i bet the actual solving rate when doing this manually is not that much better than 30% on average.
with 3 tries you are ending up with ~66% solving rate, which isn't that bad at all.
however, you are obviously right about to use human services when nothing else makes sense. the shitstorm against Sven that happened when twitter changed their captcha was just ridiculous.
Actual success rate is now about 40-50 for next release. But I have to admit that this hard coded dll was not my work (OK the dll out of the c++ source, but thats it). An freelancer made it for us.
Very nice @Sven, looking forward to the new release. I used a 80 images sample solved by myself to test that ratio, since solving by deathbycaptcha for sampling purposes was horrendous. I must reckon it's hard as-is for humans to solve.
If only that freelancer could take a shot at Recaptcha
I'm a little late in commenting, but after reading through two pages of this thread I had to put in my two cents I switched from Captcha Sniper to Captcha Breaker and am very happy. In fact, I'm glad no one was watching because I was like a little kid, clapping my hands with glee watching how well CB solves captchas.
CB solves those captchas better than I can. I stare at it till my eyes cross and still have no idea what it is supposed to be. Seriously, look at the image Ozz posted...what the hell is that? Looks like some sort of dark emo impressionist painting.
@Sven Keep up the good work. I think GSA and CB work great and people should put in some work instead of complaining.
Can somebody explain how to improve the captcha solving with SDK?
I just want to enter them over and over manually while its adding them to a solved database. The steps I found on here aren't FAST. Whats the FAST way to solve them manually?
BTW - These new twitter captchas are NOT hard to solve manually, duno why people keep saying they're so hard.
I don't use twitter, but if I did I would be complaining. Im surem any who are not into blackhat stuff on twitter..will be complaining also. so the more that do complain then perhaps they will change.
Someone will find a way to break it, if man made it man can break it looks like you give up easy over here.
Very nice job with this nasty captcha, guys...
I switched from Captcha Sniper to Captcha Breaker and am very happy. In fact, I'm glad no one was watching because I was like a little kid, clapping my hands with glee watching how well CB solves captchas.
CB solves those captchas better than I can. I stare at it till my eyes cross and still have no idea what it is supposed to be. Seriously, look at the image Ozz posted...what the hell is that? Looks like some sort of dark emo impressionist painting.
@Sven Keep up the good work. I think GSA and CB work great and people should put in some work instead of complaining.