I was trying to throw out an idea for the API, but I would not spend a lot of time improving the model for KW intent unless @Sven confirms he wants to integrate it.
@TOPtActics - It seems like it works pretty good for intent. The software already handles KW intent, but it's not separated into as many categories as I listed above. Categorizing content pages is also a neat idea. Are you working on any other APIs?
@s4nt0s Yes, i have an really good, blazing fast keyword extraction and ranking algorithm:
language = "en" (can be modified, it is multilingual! )
ngram max size = 8
ngram max size = 8 harder duplication threshold (can be modified)
This is no swiss army knife like the content categorizer, but maybe exact what keyword research tool needs. The results are really impressive in terms of no further need to clean the extracted keywords, they are ready to use :-).
No the issue is still there. Tools->check EMD highlighted->.com all one word-> export->cancel. After 1 second it autoclose. It's not really a issue, just wanted to report
@z3r upcoming update has a new option to perform an extended check (previously enabled). Try to export with that option unchecked.
https://prnt.sc/v0ixvi I have compiled the send bug report is possible to see how much time is need for the threads to be done http://prntscr.com/v0insv after few minutes it was still locked and I forced the closure. This is after i pressed to continue the application after error popup
@Sven I just had an idea which joins that of the internal mesh (all the internal pages and their anchors which point towards a page). Do you remember I told you that creating an exploration part for it could be used for bigger things to come?
Here is an application for external links that could be interesting. Say I analyze the backlinks of a competitor. For example, I want to highlight the index links of a domain for example domaintest.com.
I type "domaintest.com" in the search engine and all the indexed results appear. Would it be possible for Keyword Research to collect all the links in the search engine selected and visit them to extract informations like their anchors (and number), if they are nofollow/dofollow links?
Well most of the links returned are those dynamic ones with the domain being part of the URL. I don' think thats of any value to see what anchors are used.
Yes, i have an really good, blazing fast keyword extraction and ranking algorithm:
Example: https://www.nba.com/history/legends/profiles/michael-jordan First 4 Paragraphs
ngram max size = 8
ngram max size = 8
harder duplication threshold (can be modified)
This is no swiss army knife like the content categorizer, but maybe exact what keyword research tool needs. The results are really impressive in terms of no further need to clean the extracted keywords, they are ready to use :-).
is possible to see how much time is need for the threads to be done http://prntscr.com/v0insv after few minutes it was still locked and I forced the closure. This is after i pressed to continue the application after error popup
I just had an idea which joins that of the internal mesh (all the internal pages and their anchors which point towards a page). Do you remember I told you that creating an exploration part for it could be used for bigger things to come?
I think the search engine input variable ("gsa-online.de") should remain fully configurable (not hard coded).