SocialSER - send social signals from SER (FB/Twitter/G+ shares, likes, comments)
This is finally working 100%. SocialSER allows you to send social signals directly from GSA SER into your money site or auto-generated tier 1/2 links, PBNs or money sites that prove Google your sites are not trash.
Stop wasting time & money buying social signal packages!
With this game changing plugin, you can buy social accounts, and keep using them for pumping social shares forever.
Think about it: do you really think webpage can be high quality, authoritative & useful but never shared on any of the world's biggest social network sites? Facebook + Twitter + Google Plus together have 2.4 BILLION of monthly active users and you are saying your tier 1/2 web 2.0 blog post is high quality even though no one has ever shared it? I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but if I figured this footprint out, Google 100% did too.
This is where SocialSER comes in:

P.S. This was released as beta couple months ago, it had stopped working for very short period of time, this is relaunch, everything works and support is being provided. Your money will help me pay my college fees
So help a brother out by subscribing or getting a lifetime license 
If I see enough demand, LinkedIn & Pinterest engines will be added.
Stop wasting time & money buying social signal packages!
With this game changing plugin, you can buy social accounts, and keep using them for pumping social shares forever.
Think about it: do you really think webpage can be high quality, authoritative & useful but never shared on any of the world's biggest social network sites? Facebook + Twitter + Google Plus together have 2.4 BILLION of monthly active users and you are saying your tier 1/2 web 2.0 blog post is high quality even though no one has ever shared it? I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but if I figured this footprint out, Google 100% did too.
This is where SocialSER comes in:

SocialSER features
- Google Plus engines - custom shares, post likes, custom post comments
- Twitter engines - custom tweets, retweets, likes, custom replies
- Facebook engines - custom shares, post likes, custom post comments, webpage likes
- Super easy setup - launch SocialSER, input your accounts & proxies into it's dialog one time (saves/loads everything automatically), use it
- Headless browser emulator, which means SocialSER 100% acts like a normal human person
- Session storing! If you log into your account 100 times per minute - it's obvious that it's a bot doing the work, so SocialSER will login once and store the session cookies.
- Same proxy for account - if you log into your account from 100 proxies - it's another footprint, so SocialSER will use the same proxy you specify for all of it's work with that account.

- Circuit-breaker limits - afraid SER will accidentally post 500 tweets in a minute on your account and it will get suspended for suspicious activity if you miss some option? This will not happen, because of custom hard limits that it can't get through (useful when having many projects):
P.S. This was released as beta couple months ago, it had stopped working for very short period of time, this is relaunch, everything works and support is being provided. Your money will help me pay my college fees

If I see enough demand, LinkedIn & Pinterest engines will be added.

This looks incredible. And, incredibly useful.
You wrote "...you can buy social accounts..." How does this work? Are these established accounts? Auctions? Can your engines also just create new accounts?
I will def check this out in a little bit. Without a doubt! I'm actually up to learning about engines right now, so it will be soon.
These engines def increase the scope of GSA-SER's functionality. This is a good way to start a Monday!
Thanks for the engines. I hope we see more and more added to @Sven's amazing platform!
I ranked all my money sites myself on the first page of Google with this social signals strategy. In fact, that's exactly why I decided to turn it into a plugin, so that other SEOs can use it.
The secret strategy is to get your money site, tier 1 links, PBN links automatically shared on a random social network every ~30 minutes (can do that easily with GSA SER), so that Google can see there is constant social activity going on all over and near your site.
can you share how did you connect your scripts with SER engines?
Already getting few reviews in email thanking me for boosting rankings
You once accused me of hating to help people so I'm going to take this opportunity to prove you wrong by helping anyone who is new to SEO and the forum and considering purchasing your tool.
You created this tool before you had even ranked a site of your own. If I remember correctly you had one or two money pages at the very bottom of page one of Google and then the rest were on page two and three for a non-English market. In all honesty, I would imagine they were just the money pages initial entry positions into the SERP rather than the result of any SEO efforts.
Without any experience of your own to prove your theory you just magically decided that social signals were a major ranking factor in Google to try and earn a little side cash from your plugin. As you could not vouch for the tool helping your own site's rank and no one wanted to have their name/forum alias associated with your product you put some made up quote on your sales page by "Blackhat SEO Expert" to try further your scam.
I'm calling bullshit on anyone having ever said that about your tool and if they did, it was you and as already pointed out, you are not a Blackhat SEO Expert. You also seem to have added the below screenshot from BHW to your sales page in an attempt to provide "evidence" that social signals have an effect on SEO.
As you can see, the guy has a grand total of 63 posts on the forum since 2013 and provides zero evidence to support his claims. The thread was basically the blind leading the blind and the only reason he made the post is because he also has a social media tool to try and sell (as shown in the screenshot below) but was also unable to prove it had any effect on SEO so failed to provide analytics or rank tracker data to back himself up.
Also, the guy who made the fake social signals have a positive effect on SEO post who you still have screenshotted on your sales page as "evidence" has now been banned....
Out of all of the people who appear to have tried your product in your beta thread, not a single one has posted in that thread or any of the other threads you have made to promote your tool with an update on how their SERP positions have changed due to your tool. This leads me to believe that they saw no rank improvement on their sites after paying for it. From first-hand experience, I know how persistent you can be when you want something so I just don't believe you would have let it go if any of them had anything positive to say about the tool.
If you read the beta thread there are only posts commenting on how the tool performs with regards to creating social media links not how it performs with those social media links ranking your site in search engines. When I read through the post the only two posts I could see that offer any insight into the performance of social media links were the two below and they both point out there is no evidence of social media having any benefit towards ranking.
In addition to this, you were initially asking $50 per month for this tool. You reached out to me and I pointed out this price was insane and you instantly knocked it down to £30 and I still feel that is massively overpriced considering there is no evidence social signals have any effect on SEO.
Another thing that makes me think you are only here to try and make some quick money from the community is that you post affiliate links directly on the forum as shown in the screenshot below.
I know that I post links to my blog on here and my blog contains affiliate links but I had been an active member here for years before I did so and the information I share on my blog had not previously been shared anywhere else and thus provides value to the community.
In addition, these engines are not free to the GSA community and this is essentially a BST thread so should be in the BST section of the forum to stop you bumping the thread every few days to try scam more people. I'm not sure why it hasn't been moved there but I feel it is unfair for members such as Tim who has been involved in the GSA community for years but his threads are locked in the BST section with no access to the front page of the forum.
Finally, after you trying to get me to promote your tool for you three times and me rejecting you all three times, you said you don't know why I wouldn't be interested...
Now you know....the whole thing screams scam/cash grab to me.
now I have to stop watching this one interesting documentary (Freakonomics the movie) and go debunk all your claims...
"I'm doing seo only for a few months honestly" yes, that was in august, which meant ~6-8 months at that time, so now it's around a year. I like staying humble and show humility, that had let me get a lot of people I need to like me in real life. This is called an attractive character trait but that's for a whole other topic.
"Without any experience of your own to prove your theory you just magically decided that social signals were a major ranking factor in Google" yeah, because there had been enough evidence & case studies on the internet and I had been successful with using them on my other money sites (not the one I had been talking about with you, but that one is doing fantastic now, I'll just keep it at that). I mean you don't need 10 years of seo experience to go try and check whether it works for you or not
"As you could not vouch for the tool helping your own site's rank and no one wanted to have their name/forum alias associated with your product you put some made up quote on your sales page by "Blackhat SEO Expert" to try further your scam." oh man that's such a scam to put text in quotes!!
already tired but let's go debunk whatever else you wrote
No idea about that abhaybajaj guy on blackhatworld, I typed into Google social signals case study and it popped up. Doesn't matter, you can look up these two case studies that first come up now:
"Out of all of the people who appear to have tried your product in your beta thread, not a single one has posted in that thread or any of the other threads you have made to promote your tool with an update on how their SERP positions have changed due to your tool" dude, there is only ~10 customers subscribed and most of them didn't even come through this forum, they came from email promo and they don't know anything about this forum or sales thread.
Yeah, this was 50$/month when I first launched it, now it's 30$/month, what is the problem? This is the first product I'm launching, I don't expect to match price to exact demand - supply price elasticity equilibrium in the first try
"Another thing that makes me think you are only here to try and make some quick money from the community is that you post affiliate links directly on the forum" have you even read your own blog shaunmarrs.com or whatever it was? There is an affiliate link every paragraph
yes, I'm trying to make money. My money sites are aimed to make money (by selling leads). My projects I'm doing are aimed to make money. My investments in stock market are aimed to make money. 50% of things I spend my life on right now are aimed to make money. Yes, I believe in capitalism not communism
And yes, I did contact you to ask to promote it ... (thinking in process) ... because you have an exact audience of GSA users? Sorry, but this is the only reason I would ever contact you
"oh my god it's unfair someone has worked hard to build interesting product and then launched it into the market and now wants to make money and i cant do that because im lazy sack of poopoo" that's how you sound
"yes, I'm trying to make money. My money sites are aimed to make money (by selling leads). My projects I'm doing are aimed to make money. My investments in stock market are aimed to make money. 50% of things I spend my life on right now are aimed to make money. Yes, I believe in capitalism not communism
@Gintas I have no problem with people making money, my problem is when people lie to communities they are supposed to be apart of to sell unproven products/theories. I also find it kind of strange that rather than trying to prove social signals have any positive effect on SEO your mind turns to sex....
"Sorry, but this is the only reason I would ever contact you"
It seems you are forgetting about contacting me to be spoonfeed while also confirming you read my content.....
you yourself are trying to sell some true shit like all those indexers on your blog posts that for sure don't work, at least no more
But what truly works for indexing is 1 Google+ share
and don't post those PM screenshots, I know and told you in previous post the real reason I contacted you in august and those facade or nurturing requests I asked you don't change it
Not sure where you got the idea I am trying to dig myself out of a pit....I still maintain...
1 - Social Signals do nothing for SEO.
2 - You lied to the forum in your post above where you claimed you had received reviews about positive ranks.
3 - You lied to your customers on your sales page with that quote from "Blackhat SEO Expert".
4 - Your plugin is just a cash grab and you will keep lying to try and get customers.
Regarding your claims about my blog, here are two examples (one, two) from months ago of me changing links on my blog due to services going downhill/being available cheaper elsewhere to try and provide the best experience for my readers possible.
Edit - Skimming that thread reminded me I only changed the list links, not the OCR ones so I guess every cloud and all that :P.
1 - this is your personal opinion and it's okay you have an opinion, everyone has a lot of opinions in SEO. Some even claim PBNs are dead. I added links to 2 independent random case studies I just found in my previous post that show positive ranking effect.
2 - didn't I attach the whole screenshot of person thanking in 4th comment of this thread? yes I did and I don't know why you don't see it
3 - the first thing I see when I open your blog is a lie:
where is my rocket fuel you promise?!?!? you liar
This quote from my website is not a lie, shaun, this says exactly what you can do: "With SocialSER I can instantly have hundreds of social signals going into my money site and auto-generated tier 1 links every day!" this says exactly what this plugin allows you to do
4 - this is your opinion, however, the product I'm selling works and does exactly what it's supposed to do, enables Google+, Twitter & Facebook engines for GSA SER.
and stop with your blog, it's okay you make your $20/month from it, people here are trying to go big
Anyway, I'm going by the three strikes and your out thing I usually do. IMO you have not provided anything in any of your replies to indicate social signals offer any benefit to SEO so I will save us both time and stop posting in your thread as requested
I think it's a shame this thread was ruined by this useless conversation which belongs in a different forum section. Personally I would like to see how this product will turn out. It's extremely difficult to automate the main social networks without getting your accounts banned in an instance. Having used Mass Planner myself, which was the most perfect social network bot ever in my opinion, I know how easy it is to get your accounts purged when automating them on all the main social platforms. So if this product works even 50% efficiently of how Mass Planner used to work, I'm on board.
Hi bro,
All Facebook accounts and Google Plus are very easy to die if we restart your software (because of some reasons), it's still useful for Facebook because the links are still there but all Google Plus links disappear (wasted). Just my feedback, but your software is awesome !