Can you add support for this captcha? its very simple, please try it, thanks! 1.3k captchas (Filenames are solution) Note: around 6-7 captchas are wrong there, but 99% of 1.3k captchas are correct.
Very hard as well. However, I got it to 9% by now. Still no manual tweaking...the program tries everything by itself to optimize it. After it is done (maybe another day) I can try to manually improve it.
100 files - the file name is the correct answer
I tried with filter 'gray on white with noize' but coudnt solve it.
It comes from the Outlook sign up page. If I could get you 250 to 300 solved samples would that increase the odds? I would really be super happy for a 10% to 15% rate.
I worked on this myself but only managed to get a %00.16 rate. However that was my first ever attempt at using the sdk.
If you think 250 to 300 samples would help I will get them to you in a few days. Unfortunately my vps crashed after I input all the answers and I did not save with the solved file names. Thanks for your help it really is truly appreciated !
Can you help me with this captcha?
I have uploaded 50+ captchas zipped, while named with their correct answer.
even a low % would be nice
1.3k captchas (Filenames are solution)
Note: around 6-7 captchas are wrong there, but 99% of 1.3k captchas are correct.
please check and add, Thank you so so much!
Settings are:
If I could get you 250 to 300 solved samples would that increase the odds? I would really be super happy for a 10% to 15% rate.
I worked on this myself but only managed to get a %00.16 rate. However that was my first ever attempt at using the sdk.
If you think 250 to 300 samples would help I will get them to you in a few days. Unfortunately my vps crashed after I input all the answers and I did not save with the solved file names. Thanks for your help it really is truly appreciated !