I am here to give a review about this service. To be upfront and honest, this is unsolicited and I have a monthly subscription to the service. I almost don;t want to write this because then there will be more folks using the list, but because of the amount of urls and the quality, I don't think it will matter! This service was recommended to me by a fellow GSAer and I am so lucky he told me about it.
I have been using GSA for a few years now and I have never had as many verified urls for a campaign...EVER!!! Not only that but they happen in such a short period of time. I have been able to get 40k verifieds in a few of days! The list of sites are of high quality I k now that because of my rankings.
This service comes with an app that I run while GSA is running, the app then adds new urls a few times a day so I am constantly getting new urls every day. My verified list has grown immensely! What that really means is that I am receiving Fresh urls everyday!!! A few times a day!!!
I can;t say enough about the service. Oh, I almost forgot! There is also a skype group with the service and JB and the others seem to always be online to give a helping hand! If you want to start getting Massive verifeids with a set and forget service, this is the one to choose!!!
If you want to really build a verified list of your own that no one else is abusing ( because you bought a verified list that everyone else also bought ), my service it the perfect solution for that.
Everyone's SER is setup differently with different options, captcha breaker settings, proxies, emails, VPS, etc. You won't be placing links on the same URLs as others with my feed because of this.
Still cranking out millions of URLs a day. Still sending out about 12-15k verifieds a week too from my personal setup as a bonus for a monthly total of 50k+ verifieds a month that NO one else has on this forum. These verifieds are also all deduped by URL AND DOMAIN. I go back and clean the list of verifieds too all the time to ensure good quality.
I don't play around like other providers. URL for URL, I am delivering more for cheaper with more flexibility than anyone else in the game.
Looking like another 12,000 to 13,000 verifieds to be emailed out this Sunday.
These verifieds that I send out are from my personal SER setup. I use pretty restrictive settings such as only posting to a domain 1 time ( unless its a engine like blog comments, etc ), no video or pingback URLs, no engines with less than 10% success rate, etc.
I am routinely creating 12-15k verifieds a week with those restrictive settings and sending out to members as a bonus of this service. Here is a sample below: http://oi59.tinypic.com/2wexicj.jpg
On top that, members get 3 ways to access our daily updated identified URLs:
1. DropBox 2. Custom search engine API that plugs into SER 3. Custom download app that downloads files automatcially for you to be used in Global folders
We updated the above options every 4 hours with new URLs. Each update is deduped by URL and domain.
On top of that, we have a Skype group where I post the raw URL dump file of the prior day's URLs ( which is not deduped at all ) that contains over 1,500,000 URLs daily as a zip file.
That's a total of 45,000,000 ( 45 Million ) identified URLs a month AND on average 50,000 verifieds a month for only $44.95 a month.
Compare our service to others that:
1. Do not give you access to their old list of URLs, you miss a day or week with them and you dont get anything....
2. Only give you verifieds for the week you bought or a 1 time verifieds list. With my verifieds you get my personal .SL file of verifieds and you get all of them, not just the 12-15k new ones I made that week, but the whole file. Each week you get this file and it grows by 12-15k weekly.
3. Only give you 1 way of accessing their lists. I give you 4 when you include the Skype group.
4. Oversell their services and sell abused lists. My service allows you to create your own verifieds list with identified urls. You dont get a 1 time list thats been bought 150 times already. You get a 4 hour updated list no one else is really hitting.
I could go on and on, but my prior posts in this thread can cover that.
I've got about 15 open slots left before I close up the service. I routinely help my members out in Skype by remote desktop-ing into their VPS to help figure out issues with SER, giving them free Yahoo emails if needed, giving them advice in their campaigns, etc.
Once I fill up these 15 remaining slots, I'm closing down the service until someone drops out and creates room. This is a side business for me, so I am not trying to pay bills with it and bleed it dry. Once its locked up, its locked up.
alexander34 We havent had a free trial in a long time now.
We use to do this, but we got enough members to sustain our business from it, that we closed it down. It also caused a lot of fraud where people would sign up for 7 days free, cancel on day 6, and try to sign up again under another account for another free 7 day trial.
Because of this fraud, and also because we did get a solid base of members from it.. we no longer needed to have it.
Just sent out my verifieds .SL list to members... stats below this week:
Category - Article............: 31576
Category - Blog Comment.......: 94488
Category - Directory..........: 609
Category - Exploit............: 2512
Category - Forum..............: 4424
Category - Guestbook..........: 5136
Category - Image Comment......: 1340
Category - Indexer............: 26105
Category - Microblog..........: 160
Category - Referrer...........: 80
Category - Social Bookmark....: 126
Category - Social Network.....: 4060
Category - Trackback..........: 1892
Category - URL Shortener......: 7314
Category - Wiki...............: 1289
Total.........................: 181,111
For just $44.99 a month, we offer you 1,500,000 Identified URLs every single day.
Some of my competitors only deliver to you 1,500,000 total every month for 3x more money too!
I also deliver 10,000-12,000 Verified URLs to you every week, 40,000 to 50,000 a month!
Some of my competitors barely offer 40,000 verifieds a month and ALSO charge you for them each month! Verifieds are free with my Identifieds package!
I also provide 3 ways to access my lists to help you build links tailored fit to your setup. My lists are updated every 4 hours too.
Also, I provide via our Skype channel the prior day's full URL list ( undeduped ) so you can slice and dice the data up ANY WAY you choose.
Why stick with other list sellers that make you wait for their next list of updates? Wouldn't you rather get an updated list every 4 hours to keep building links? Why would you wait weeks for someone else to give you new updates AND make you pay again for the updated list?
Why are you paying for verifieds when you can get them free each week?
Why not build up your own customized list of verifieds on your install of SER tailored fit to your SER settings and filters? The verified lists you are buying now are built to someone else's filters and settings, so you will never reach 100% success on their list. You are already losing out on links based on this fact!
With an Identified URL list, you get to build up a custom verifieds list tailored to your settings, filters, and needs.
I have 10 spots left before I hit my maximum capacity. Once those are filled I am not accepting new members unless someone drops out.
I will also be raising the price of memberships when I roll out the ability to access past/prior lists in the members area. Who else gives you access to their old list to do as you please? Yeah, no one!
Prices for new members will also go up because I am adding in more URLs delivered per day from 1.5MM to 5MM a day very shortly.
The best links in town are going to get better. Lock in the low price now which is still cheaper than all my competitors.
About to send out my weekly verifieds list as a .SL file to all members.
We now stand at 191,500+ URLs verified.
Below are stats:
Category - Article............: 32671
Category - Blog Comment.......: 101738
Category - Directory..........: 619
Category - Exploit............: 2546
Category - Forum..............: 4632
Category - Guestbook..........: 5318
Category - Image Comment......: 1693
Category - Indexer............: 26775
Category - Microblog..........: 166
Category - Referrer...........: 85
Category - Social Bookmark....: 127
Category - Social Network.....: 4175
Category - Trackback..........: 2087
Category - URL Shortener......: 7534
Category - Wiki...............: 1335
Total.........................: 191501
We also now provide you public proxies within our shared DropBox folder for all members too.
Who else gives you free verifieds weekly? Who else offers you free proxies ( Elite level too )?
All these plus 1,500,000 URLs daily identifieds so you can stop scraping for URLs and stop scraping for proxies and let GSA SER simply drop links for you.
Our verifieds list will be ready tomorrow night, but here is what it is looking like already today:
Category - Article............: 36035
Category - Blog Comment.......: 127464
Category - Directory..........: 839
Category - Exploit............: 3596
Category - Forum..............: 5076
Category - Guestbook..........: 6023
Category - Image Comment......: 2090
Category - Indexer............: 27633
Category - Microblog..........: 181
Category - Referrer...........: 127
Category - Social Bookmark....: 156
Category - Social Network.....: 4509
Category - Trackback..........: 2592
Category - URL Shortener......: 8071
Category - Wiki...............: 1548
Total.........................: 225940
This is what you get each month from our service:
1. Over 1.5 million daily identified URLs to help you build up your own unique verified, submission, and failed folders. Using our service ensures you don't get the same crappy links as everyone else and it builds a pool of verifieds custom tailored to your SER needs. I currently offer 7 different ways to access this list ( DropBox options, API options, downloadable app options )
2. Elite level proxies updated every 15-30 minutes. There is no additional cost for this. Join our DropBox shared folder and use them all you want!
3. Weekly verifieds file. I use my own service for identifieds and then run them through my own personal copy of SER. Every week ( see above on the stats ) I post my verifieds and drop them into DropBox for you. This list grows between 10,000-15,000 per week in size.
4. Exclusive Skype help group. Our Skype group has helpful members who have been running SER and doing SEO for years helping each other out as needed. You personally will get access to me in this group and I have been doing SEO for almost 2 decades now. I have been running SER for several years too.
Just placed the verifieds in our shared DropBox folder. Also just noticed we had over 500 elite proxies as of this writing in our shared proxies file in DropBox as well.
Averaging over 600 elite level proxies shared with our members today ( members get this for free ).
Also updated the verifieds .SL file for this week.
Still delivering over 1.5MM identified URLs daily to all members via DropBox, downloadable app, or custom search engine within GSA SER.
Powering several high profile and well-known link agencies and BSTs on this and other forums.
Currently have only have a few open slots left and I am willing to work out a discount for these last few spots, but you have to PM me so I can see if you are a good candidate for our service/community.
On August 1st I am going to revamp this service some and clean up the lists, etc so for current members everything will run the same as normal except 1 thing, the verified .SL list I publish each week in Dropbox.
I will be skipping 1 or 2 updates to the verifieds .SL file I post ( 1-2 weeks ) so I can focus on list cleanup and revamping, but everything else will run same ( proxies, identifieds, etc )
Ill do a verified .SL update on July 31st and put in Dropbox, and that will be the last one for a week or 2 until I revamp and everything should go back to normal on August 7 or August 14th.
Current members will be able to access it during the revamp, it just skip 1 or 2 updates.
After this revamp, the price is going up from $44.95. I have already done 2 price increases since launch of this service and you can not get ANYWHERE else the quality of Identifieds ( to build up your own custom list specific to your SER copy ), elite level proxies ( free for our members ) and verifieds .SL file from my own copy of SER ( updated each week ) for the price I offer right now on this service. There is only 1 close competitor I have and their service is 3x higher than mine each month for less URLs daily.
Also, we have more integration options then anyone else on this forum ( Custom Search Engine API, DropBox, and a Downloadable APP ).
You should lock in prices now before the revamp when prices will go up again.
I can't say much for Loopline's list as I might mis-talk certain things and I do not want to do that, but at a high level we are both sellers of identified and verified lists that are updated frequently and available online.
Again, I can't speak for Loopline or his service, but I will tell you what I think we are similar and different in:
1. We both have identified and verified lists
2. Both services are available via DropBox. However, my core service is available via Custom Search Engine API ( where you add me as a search engine in SER ) and a custom download app that plugs my core list into SER too as a Global folder also. 3. We both offer identifieds as global list folder files.
4. I offer verifieds as a .SL file updated weekly. Loopline offers verifieds as a global site file folder and its updated in real time.
5. Both identifieds lists from me and Loopline are updated frequently ( his in real time, mine every 4 hours ).
6. I offer free elite level public proxies for all members of my service. I average about 600 of them daily at any given time.
7. I think we both have Skype groups ( not sure on Looplines ) 8. My service is a tad bit less money per month than his
9. You can also grab my identified lists as a single TXT file instead of many indiv. global site folder files.
10. My service gets capped at 35-40 users max. I've heard Looplines service has triple digit members using his list. If true, I would assume more people are abusing those URLs than compared to my service.
11. There are several people on my list that frequently tell me they use BOTH my service and Looplines together and those are the only lists they use for their SER needs.
The aim of my service is probably different than Looplines.
I focus on the identifieds as my core service offering with the verifieds and proxies treated as bonus items given free to members. With this focus, I treat identifieds as something new every 4 hours and not a giant pool of URLs of everything I have ever seen or touched. Therefor, I don't keep a massive list of identified URLs and hold on to them for X time frame and then offer a giant pool of identified URLs to my members.
Instead, I scan for URLs and identify them and update my list every 4 hours of what I found. This is passed to members in 4 hour updates. If you miss an update for whatever reason, you would miss out on what was sent to you ( however, I do have a rolling 5 day backlog of URLs if you did miss out ). This prevents new members from coming on to my service, abusing all the URLs, and then leaving and ditching the service the next day.
This cap on abuse means the URLs I give to members are not abused as much and many of the URLs I update have very little or no links on them and my members are sometimes the first to to drop links on those pages. Since you are seeing my URLs as I find them every 4 hours typically, you can't abuse the whole pool at once.
Also, I use a different method than using Scrapebox, Gscraper, or SER to find these links. I am not saying Loopline does though. Different methods result in different URLs. URLs many other providers simply do not have.
Also of note, I send out about 1.5M URLS in a 24 hour period. The 4 hour updates are deduped and contain about 250k urls in each 4 hour update. In a 24 hour period total, you might see some dups, but every update itself is deduped.
My focus is to help YOU build up YOUR OWN verified list via my identified url service. Many people like to buy verifieds but realize that those verifieds were built ( and sold to you ) based on someone else's SER settings and filters, settings and filters that YOU might not require, want, or can use. You maybe are able to use 70% of a verified list because of the filters and settings to which that list was made. When you add in abuse ( say you're the 49th person to buy the list 3 days after it came out ), the abuse dwindles that verified list to maybe 50% usable b/c a lot of the sites are now filled with comments/links or 404 or out of bandwidth now.
My core aim was to help people build their own verified list to THEIR SER filters and settings which lead me to building an idenitified service as my core offering and a verified list as a bonus. Other providers ( I am not saying Loopline did this ) start with a verifieds offer first and add on identifieds later as a second thought.
Based on the fact above, the URLs I send you are hardly abused when they get sent to you since everybodys SER settings and filters are different.
I pioneered usage of this service several years ago with SER specifically in mind privately for myself and a few other highly regarded black/gray hat SEO's. I decided to release it as a service recently when a similar idea came to the SER marketplace.
- A lot of my customers are a mix of agency types and c&b guys. I use it myself for c&b.
- Verfieds are up and down. Right now we are at 260k total URLs in the verified .SL file
If you read the notice above, I am skipping an update or 2 to verifieds starting Aug 1 to improve the service which means the price will go up too. Make sure you get in before Aug 1.
Aint playing no games when it comes to value with my service.
Who else gives you identifieds, verifieds, and proxies for less than $45 a month?
800+ elite level proxies at the moment. We burning up some dedi's and VPS's over here.
But it won't stay this cheap for long.....
Not only am I almost at capacity for the service ( at the beginning of this thread I told you once I hit my number, I'm closing down to new members until someone else drops off ), but on August 1st I am revamping the service for a few weeks and raising the price AGAIN. More value and more URLs daily with limited capacity means the price goes up again until we are capped out.
If you sign up now and lock in the current price, you will be grandfathered like the people that got in for $39 and $34 before you ( beta users ).
We are at $44.99 right now, but you can save yourself from paying over $50+ if you sign up this week.
Still cranking out millions of URLs a day. Still sending out about 12-15k verifieds a week too from my personal setup as a bonus for a monthly total of 50k+ verifieds a month that NO one else has on this forum. These verifieds are also all deduped by URL AND DOMAIN. I go back and clean the list of verifieds too all the time to ensure good quality.
I don't play around like other providers. URL for URL, I am delivering more for cheaper with more flexibility than anyone else in the game.
These verifieds that I send out are from my personal SER setup. I use pretty restrictive settings such as only posting to a domain 1 time ( unless its a engine like blog comments, etc ), no video or pingback URLs, no engines with less than 10% success rate, etc.
I am routinely creating 12-15k verifieds a week with those restrictive settings and sending out to members as a bonus of this service. Here is a sample below:
On top that, members get 3 ways to access our daily updated identified URLs:
1. DropBox
2. Custom search engine API that plugs into SER
3. Custom download app that downloads files automatcially for you to be used in Global folders
We updated the above options every 4 hours with new URLs. Each update is deduped by URL and domain.
On top of that, we have a Skype group where I post the raw URL dump file of the prior day's URLs ( which is not deduped at all ) that contains over 1,500,000 URLs daily as a zip file.
That's a total of 45,000,000 ( 45 Million ) identified URLs a month AND on average 50,000 verifieds a month for only $44.95 a month.
Compare our service to others that:
I've got about 15 open slots left before I close up the service. I routinely help my members out in Skype by remote desktop-ing into their VPS to help figure out issues with SER, giving them free Yahoo emails if needed, giving them advice in their campaigns, etc.
Also, I provide via our Skype channel the prior day's full URL list ( undeduped ) so you can slice and dice the data up ANY WAY you choose.
Why stick with other list sellers that make you wait for their next list of updates? Wouldn't you rather get an updated list every 4 hours to keep building links? Why would you wait weeks for someone else to give you new updates AND make you pay again for the updated list?
Why are you paying for verifieds when you can get them free each week?
Why not build up your own customized list of verifieds on your install of SER tailored fit to your SER settings and filters? The verified lists you are buying now are built to someone else's filters and settings, so you will never reach 100% success on their list. You are already losing out on links based on this fact!
With an Identified URL list, you get to build up a custom verifieds list tailored to your settings, filters, and needs.
I have 10 spots left before I hit my maximum capacity. Once those are filled I am not accepting new members unless someone drops out.
I will also be raising the price of memberships when I roll out the ability to access past/prior lists in the members area. Who else gives you access to their old list to do as you please? Yeah, no one!
Prices for new members will also go up because I am adding in more URLs delivered per day from 1.5MM to 5MM a day very shortly.
The best links in town are going to get better. Lock in the low price now which is still cheaper than all my competitors.
All members were updated with the correct procedure to follow for this change.
Also, just updated the verified .SL with over 205,000 verifieds this week.
Below are the stats:
2. Elite level proxies updated every 15-30 minutes. There is no additional cost for this. Join our DropBox shared folder and use them all you want!
4. Exclusive Skype help group. Our Skype group has helpful members who have been running SER and doing SEO for years helping each other out as needed. You personally will get access to me in this group and I have been doing SEO for almost 2 decades now. I have been running SER for several years too.
So why haven't you joined up as a member yet?
Life is good....
See below on stats:
Remember, with our service you get:
After this revamp, the price is going up from $44.95. I have already done 2 price increases since launch of this service and you can not get ANYWHERE else the quality of Identifieds ( to build up your own custom list specific to your SER copy ), elite level proxies ( free for our members ) and verifieds .SL file from my own copy of SER ( updated each week ) for the price I offer right now on this service. There is only 1 close competitor I have and their service is 3x higher than mine each month for less URLs daily.
Also, we have more integration options then anyone else on this forum ( Custom Search Engine API, DropBox, and a Downloadable APP ).
You should lock in prices now before the revamp when prices will go up again.
3. We both offer identifieds as global list folder files.
8. My service is a tad bit less money per month than his
Instead, I scan for URLs and identify them and update my list every 4 hours of what I found. This is passed to members in 4 hour updates. If you miss an update for whatever reason, you would miss out on what was sent to you ( however, I do have a rolling 5 day backlog of URLs if you did miss out ). This prevents new members from coming on to my service, abusing all the URLs, and then leaving and ditching the service the next day.
This cap on abuse means the URLs I give to members are not abused as much and many of the URLs I update have very little or no links on them and my members are sometimes the first to to drop links on those pages. Since you are seeing my URLs as I find them every 4 hours typically, you can't abuse the whole pool at once.
Also, I use a different method than using Scrapebox, Gscraper, or SER to find these links. I am not saying Loopline does though. Different methods result in different URLs. URLs many other providers simply do not have.
Also of note, I send out about 1.5M URLS in a 24 hour period. The 4 hour updates are deduped and contain about 250k urls in each 4 hour update. In a 24 hour period total, you might see some dups, but every update itself is deduped.
I pioneered usage of this service several years ago with SER specifically in mind privately for myself and a few other highly regarded black/gray hat SEO's. I decided to release it as a service recently when a similar idea came to the SER marketplace.
Hope that helps.
- How many verified urls per week on average including your verified lists/identified lists ?
- Is this good for c&b
Not only am I almost at capacity for the service ( at the beginning of this thread I told you once I hit my number, I'm closing down to new members until someone else drops off ), but on August 1st I am revamping the service for a few weeks and raising the price AGAIN. More value and more URLs daily with limited capacity means the price goes up again until we are capped out.
If you sign up now and lock in the current price, you will be grandfathered like the people that got in for $39 and $34 before you ( beta users ).