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★★★↔[Daily Identified URLs List]↔★★★Don't waste time scraping for URLs anymore. Save money!

Stop Babysitting GSA SER Today.

We Scrape Millions Of URLs Daily & Identify Them For You

Our system was privately built by spammers, for spammers, when we needed a way to free up our servers to just BUILD links from GSA SER.

If you use SER to any extent, you know the pain of having to wait for SER to scrape and identify URLs for your projects. Then you branch out and buy more servers and more licenses to SER and other software to speed things up only to have to spend more money every month to grow, spend time moving files, and babysit restarting software when it fails.

Yeah, we hated it too.

It was endless cycle of keeping up VPS's, software, licences, proxies, moving files around, deduping, and just lots of headache when all we wanted to do was build links.

That's why three of the best blackhat link spammers on the internet decided to create a system to force feed their copies of GSA SER millions of already identified links so that they could focus on the one thing that matters, DROPPING MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF LINKS!

What You Get By Signing Up
  • At least 250,000 daily unique identified URLs. Typically A LOT more though ( upwards of 1MM daily )
  • Constant update every 4 hours of new URLs to abuse That's 250k NEW URLs every 4 hours.
  • A 7 day risk-free trial. Love it or leave it.

Here's what LOVELY about our service. We see, on average, about 3-5% of our links become verified* total from each list of 250k we send you. If we send you a new 250k Identified URL list every 4 hours for a full day over 30 days, how many verifieds could we possibly send you in 1 month ( depending on SER settings )?

* Everyone's GSA SER set-up, proxies, captcha breaker, VPS, etc all perform differently. The amount of verified links you obtain from this list is NOT guaranteed.

For $34.95 a month, you get several options to integrate our daily list into your copy of GSA SER.
  • Dropbox Shared Folder ( you have to email your dropbox email within the members area for this )
  • Custom App I developed to download our lists to your computer if you don't have Dropbox
  • Custom search engine. Just add this engine to GSA and set and forget it.

You get 2 lists basically.
  • 1 Huge dump file that you can directly import into your projects. LPMs fly with this option. This is actually a bonus list for members
  • A folder with Site List files. Replace your GSA SER identified global folder with this option.



1. How Many URLs will I get?
A. The system updates all files ( Big Dump File and Site List Folder Files and Custom Search Engine ) every 4 hours. Every 4 hours you will get 250k URLs.

2. Are These URLs Verified?
A. No, the URLs are simply Identified URLs.

3. Why should we use your lists over providers lists?
A. A lot of people sell 1-time lists. Those that sell often might sell you 1 list every 2-4 weeks.  You buy a list and its abused by hundreds of other people and then you have to wait 3-4 weeks to buy another list again. I'm giving you a membership to pay 1 time a month and get daily identified list that's updated 4 times daily that can potentially give you more verifieds than any list seller ( or all list sellers combined actually ). Even if my service gave you the same % of verifieds to just scraping with GSA SER, you save money with my service considering the costs of extra VPS's, software, proxies, and headache just to scrape and identify these URLs in GSA SER alone.

4. You're new, why should I trust you?
A. I am new to the forum, but not to the SEO spam scene. I offer a free 7-day trial too. Try it out, if you don't like it you lose anything.

5. Is this only for GSA SER?
A. No, you can use Xrumer, SENuke, or any link building tool that needs links to spam. My big dump file and custom search engine allows you to use my service with ANY TOOL.

6. How do I set this up?
A. Instructions are inside the members area.

7. The custom apps I downloaded don't seem to work when I start them.
A. This is normal. Depending on your VPS and connection speed, the app needs time to download all the huge files. It will appear frozen or stuck when you first run it.

8. Do I keep the custom apps open the whole time?
A. Yes. Once you open them, never close them unless you shut down GSA SER or your VPS. They need to stay open 24/7 to constantly download URLs every 4 hours.

9. Refunds or money back gar?
A. No, I offer a free 7-day trial and you should cancel before then if you do not want the service.

10. What's best way to use your service?
A. Personally, I love connecting with DropBox and importing the big dump file directly into my projects. my LMP flys this way.  You however, may want a more hands-off approach which is why I offer the Site List option for you to replace your Global List in GSA and the custom search engine too.


  • edited February 2015
    Wanted to drop in some images in the next few post of different parts of our system...

    This is our DropBox account which updates files every 4 hours.

    This is our dump.txt file which holds 250k identified URLs for GSA SER from the last 4 hours. You can take this dump file and import it directly to projects as needed. You can also use it for more than just GSA SER ( Xrumer, SEnuke, etc ) :

    And this is the Site List files that you can replace your Identifieds Global List with. Just point the path to the Global List inside GSA SER to the DropBox folder. It will updated every 4 hours:

  • edited February 2015
    Our custom search engine option spits out URLs from our database as well and holds 250k URLs, which refreshes every 4 hours. Every 4 hours it updates itself so it's totally hands-free for you. Instructions for setup are inside members area. Below is a sample output from the basic search engine:

  • Don't have DropBox or want to mess with it? Don't want to change your search engine settings?

    No worries, we have you covered. Our custom download app will download our URLs to your computer/VPS every 4 hours for you automatically and provide you the location they are stored for easy access:

  • Just did some nice massive upgrades to the system.

    • Added in new footprints for more engine matches. This will effect Site List folders the most, but impacts all lists/options.
    • Cleaned up a lot of URL errors/junk URLs that should help raise LPMs/VPMs
    The improvements should kick in within the next 8 hours once the DB has time to flush itself.
  • 1 fantastic user of this forum ( I will keep them anon unless they want to be known ) gave me 2 great ideas to implement to better the quality of the list.

    1 of those ideas I implemented today and it will take about 8-12 hours to flush out the DB and become active.

    The other idea I need to work on, but it will improve the quality of the targets from abusers. This will have to come later on, but I can tell you the free trial will be ending once a certain # of users is hit to keep free loaders and abusers from abusing the free trial and hurting targets for paid members.

  • Improved the lists a lot by hunting down and removing a good deal of honeypots and spamtraps this morning from the sites similar to and

    I was able to find all their related domains and services and shut them all out of the lists this morning.
  • Wanted to post stats of links from a recent run ( yesterday ). As you can see, many contextual. This was only 1/6th the entire daily list

  • edited February 2015
    Ran several projects under 1 of our every 4 hours updated list. When done I exported all verifieds from them, put them in Scrapebox, deduped by URL and domain and got over 14,000 verifieds from 1 our 4 hour list. This list is updated 6 times a day, so you could be getting 6 * 14k which is 84,000 verifieds a day possible.

    You only limit is how fast can you make SER fly?

    Notice below we also have a currently running campaign ( hidden behind scrapebox in green, but you can see the top of it ) and its running over 77 LPM on a shitty home DSL connection with just CB and 225 threads on SER.

    Our list is golden for those looking for lots of verifieds daily at a cheap price.

    Remember, with our service you no longer have to scrape for URLs, deal with proxies on search engines, buy and maintain VPS's and babysite extra software and move files around. You not only save money, but gain potentially up to 84k verifieds a day for less than $35 a month.

  • edited February 2015
    Ran 1/6th of our list while I slept. Woke up to a little over 9k in verifieds.

    This is with a low timeout setting, skipping hard captcha's, and 0 retries on CB.


    This was the breakdown:

    BuddyPress....................: 93
    XpressEngine..................: 22
    Joomla K2.....................: 2384
    Drupal - Blog.................: 34
    esoTalk.......................: 21
    UCenter.......................: 1
    Question2Answer...............: 2
    Blog Comment
    PrismoTube....................: 4
    BlogEngine....................: 3
    OrdaSoft Review...............: 6
    ShowNews......................: 187
    PHP Fusion Comment............: 2
    General Blogs.................: 2541
    JComments.....................: 28
    Lokomedia CMS.................: 183
    KeywordLuv....................: 2
    Aardvark Topsites.............: 66
    MyPHPAnnuaire.................: 1
    qlWebDS Pro...................: 1
    Unknown German Directory......: 4
    indexU........................: 5
    PHPInfo Exploit...............: 935
    Vanilla.......................: 5
    PHP-Nuke......................: 131
    vBulletin.....................: 8
    Burning Board.................: 2
    webSPELL......................: 3
    PunBB.........................: 23
    MyBB..........................: 10
    FluxBB........................: 26
    ExpressionEngine..............: 9
    SMF...........................: 11
    DZCP..........................: 1
    XOOPS.........................: 70
    SEO-Board.....................: 9
    DRBGuestbook..................: 13
    AchimWinkler Guestbook........: 1
    Easy Guestbook................: 17
    Basti Guestbook...............: 4
    E-Guest Guestbook.............: 1
    Free Perl Guestbook...........: 1
    Burning Book..................: 1
    ViperGB.......................: 8
    Lazarus Guestbook.............: 1
    Ard Guestbook.................: 8
    aSgbookPHP....................: 5
    BellaBook.....................: 33
    Advanced Guestbook............: 26
    Unknown Guestbook 4...........: 2
    Guestbook.....................: 17
    g_book........................: 11
    Easybook Reloaded.............: 100
    PJBlog Guestbook..............: 4
    DedeEIMS......................: 352
    Phoca Guestbook...............: 147
    Image Comment
    Pixelpost.....................: 2
    Gallery2......................: 17
    Coppermine Photo Gallery......: 2
    plogger.......................: 2
    DatsoGallery..................: 6
    Coppermine Photo Gallery-login: 1
    Whois or Statistics...........: 23
    Redirect......................: 11
    Blogtronix....................: 21
    Social Bookmark
    PHPDug........................: 3
    Social Network
    DotNetNuke....................: 7
    PJBlog........................: 110
    JomSocial.....................: 1
    Oxwall........................: 1
    Dolphin.......................: 1
    AvArcade......................: 163
    JCow..........................: 4
    vldPersonals..................: 3
    phpDolphin....................: 110
    PHPFox........................: 10
    WallpaperSiteScript...........: 11
    DataLife CMS..................: 31
    Elgg..........................: 10
    ClanSphere....................: 29
    BoINC.........................: 1
    Trackback-Format2.............: 5
    Trackback.....................: 46
    URL Shortener
    YOURLS........................: 143
    lilURL........................: 15
    URL Redirect..................: 367
    Phurl.........................: 18
    Premium URL Shortener.........: 10
    CodeCanopy URL Shortener......: 21
    GET API URL Shortener.........: 1
    BrokenScript..................: 4
    S6L ShortURL..................: 15
    General URL Shortener.........: 133
    MediaWiki.....................: 152
    MacOSWiki.....................: 1
    WikkaWiki.....................: 3

    => 9099 links

  • Getting a nice set of contextuals and do follows atm from the list.

    Each updated list ( its updated 6 times a day ) , has at min. 250,000 URLs and when deduped by domain, contains on average between 25,000 and 45,000 unique domains ( as deduped by Scrapebox ). Out of these, I generally get 7000 to 9000 verifieds every 4 hours.

    You're getting this 6 times a day folks, every day for only 34.95 a month.

    You're only limit is how fast can you make GSA SER fly. 

    At 225 threads with just 1 project on 1/6th of my list I can hit 77LPMs easily and routinely. Add in 1-2 more projects and you are already at triple digit LPMs and VPMs
  • Also, just want to point out, when I verify I ton of these link by hand to view my links, sometimes I am the ONLY URL on the page for a blog link drop.

    Get this hotness today folks as I will be capping out users really soon.
  • As an update, the free 7-day trial is no longer available.

    If you missed out, too bad so sad folks! Free trial was available for 2 weeks on this forum and if you didn't sign up early and sat on the fence, you deserve to miss out!

    No more free trial as I already have a lot of users testing out the system.

    The price will also be going up very very soon, so if you do not buy a membership at $34.95 a month, you will be paying a lot more very soon.

    Similar services to mine cost 3-4x more per month and deliver to you less URLs in a whole day then I deliver in 4 hours! I also offer more options to get the URLs.

    Also, when I test my total number of verifieds in one my of 4 hour lists against some big name verified list sellers on this forum, I actually deliver more verified URLs too!

    My service is the cheapest out there for bulk link builders using SER, xRumer, SENuke, Scrapebox, and many more software.

    The free trial is now over, will you also miss out on the super low intro price of $34.95 a month too?
  • Price is going up in 24 hours folks.

    This time tomorrow ( 10 am EST ) the price goes up and I throw on a new benefit to paid users with a new list of URLs and targets  added to the mix.

    If you get in now, you lock in the cheaper price and also get the new list benefit as well. If you wait, you pay a higher price for it.
  • Just sent out a bonus list to all paid members of the service via email.

    Took my own personal verified global list and made it into a .sl file and sent it to all paid members to help boost their number of verifieds.

    List contained almost 50k total unique URLs on restrictive settings within SER, but still just using GSA SER and CB. Deduped by domain, it was still over 22k verifieds.

    This is what you're missing out on folks. Tons of already identified URLs so you never have to scrape again ( save time and money ) and now verified bonus lists emailed out to you to boost even more links from my personal global list within SER.

    Pricing going up in T Minus 20 hours.
  • After 2 weeks of $34.95, a free trial, and tons of new users testing out the system...

    The price is now set at $44.95 a month and no more free trial!

    I warned you guys this was coming!

    I've also set up an additional list where I email out verified URLs to the paid members as well from my personal GSA SER global folder.

    Thanks guys!
  • edited March 2015
    Wanted to update some things...

    Here is a recent stat screen shot of 1/6th of our list ( a 4-hour update ):


    and this is a screenshot of some verifieds I sent out yesterday to members and its stats. i decided that paid members of my service would get a weekly email from me of my personal verified global list:


    Also an updated FAQ:


    Q. Do you offer a free trial?
    A. Not anymore.

    Q. I see this is a Paypal Subscription. Can I purchase via Paypal Checkout or other payment options?
    A. No. Paypal is our only provider at this time and we will remain a subscription service. We do not offer 1-time checkout.

    Q. Can I pay yearly?
    A. No.

    Q. Do you offer discounts?
    A. No. This service already delivers more verifieds ( once you run it ) per week than most other providers in a whole month. We also do this 2-4x cheaper than those competitors too.

    Q. Can I just pay for your weekly verifieds?
    A. No. You have to be a regular member to receive this.

    Q. I was a former member and had to cancel. I now want to join back up, can I get my beta pricing back?
    A. No.

    Q. How are refunds or cancellations handled?
    A. If you need to cancel, you have to do so yourself via inside your Paypal account. You will lose any special membership benefits ( if you had any, like beta members ) though if you sign up back at a later time. Also, we do not give out refunds for our service due to the nature of the product.


    Q. Can you set up your service on my VPS/desktop?
    A. No. You have 3 options to get our lists. 1 option is via Dropbox, which is how many GSA SER list sellers sell their list. Once setup on our Dropbox, you simply import the lists into your chosen campaigns.

    Another option is to use our custom download application that runs on your VPS/Desktop and auto updates a file of our URLs. It will tell you when it updates and where the file is. You import this file the same way as any list file.

    Our 3rd option is custom search engine. This is more advanced and basic instructions are set up in the members area.

    Q. Can you optimize/fix my copy of GSA SER or my VPS for me?
    A. No. That’s not our service.

    Q. How do I reach you for support?
    A. Support is via email only and the email is located inside the members area. We will also have a Skype channel, but it is not for official support request. Support issues must come via email.

    Q. I had an tech or support issue and hit up the Skype group and got no reponse from you?
    A. Support is via email only and the email is located inside the members area. We will also have a Skype channel, but it is not for official support request. Support issues must come via email.

    Our Skype group is for everyone to share tips and tricks and possible new features to our service. IT IS NOT FOR SUPPORT. We do not babysit the Skype group 24 hours a day so we do not use it for tech support issues.



    Q. What is the bare essentials I need to get good results with your service?
    A. Copy of GSA SER ( or SENuke, xRumer, Scrapebox, etc ).
    Captcha breaker tool like CB from GSA
    Private proxies ( don’t use public )

    Some people say you need a VPS or Dedicated server. I actually run some of my campaigns on my desktop computer with a crappy DSL connection and I do just fine. Even with 1 campaign running at 200 threads, I can hit LPM’s of 77 very easily.

    Q. Are the links all contextual or do-follow?
    A. No. There is a large mix of links to make your link building look natural.

    Q. How many people are you selling this to?
    A. Not very many. Even if I did, everyone’s GSA SER settings, VPS’s, proxies, and setups are all so different that you shouldn’t worry about the quality of the list being hurt by overselling.

    But to answer your question specifically, we are only looking to sell to 40 members at this time. We currently only send out to members ( you ) about 1/5th our total number of URLs we could possibly identify. If quality becomes an issue because of more members, we can easily scale up and send out more URLs to you.

    Q. How many copies of GSA SER can I run this on?
    A. Three. We monitor IPs that are connected to your subscription key. If you share or go over, you get banned.

    Q. Is this only for GSA SER users?
    A. No. We actually use and sell these lists to members inside who use software like xRumer, SeNuke, Scrapebox, and more with our lists.

    Q. Are these URLs unique?
    A. Yes and No.
    Every 4 hours we send out updates that are 250k unique URLs like clockwork. All of these URLs are unique and not duplicates.

    There are times that if you get an update at 7am of 250k URLs and then get an update at 11am of 250k URLs, some of the 7am update URLs could be in the 11am update too. This is extremely rare and the percentage of this happening is less than 5% at any given time.

    Our service dedupes by URL every 4-hour update. It does not dedupe by domain.

    If you wish to have deduped by domain URLs, you can easily select this in GSA SER when you import our lists into your campaign. When doing so, your list will shrink from 250k URLs to an average of 30k URLs, which is still more than most other list sellers ( our competitors ) can provide you monthly.

    Q. I am using the Global Folder option via the custom download app. Does your service simply replace my Identified Global List files, or update ( add ) to them?
    A. We replace all the files. We do not add or append to them.

    The way it works is that the custom download app creates a folder on your VPS/Desktop and stores our URL files there for you. You simply tell GSA SER where this folder is for the Identified Global List. We do not overwrite or replace any files you had before our service in your original GSA SER Identified URL Global List.

    Our files are stored in our own folder we create and we overwrite our files on the updates every 4 hours.

  • catchallseocatchallseo <- Disposable Emails NO MORE!
    This is no doubt an incredible service to get fresh verified URLs everyday. I just started using this service for 3 days and after combining those identified URLs with the bonus verified list, I came up with following:

    Note: I set a filter in GSA SER to obtain only PR1+ Domain contextual backlinks. (So considering this filter, this seems to be a very decent results. With mix PRs I have been able to achieve 3000+ unique domains on contextual engines)


    I think this is a good service in a price being offered! =)
  • edited March 2015
    Thank you @sabahat

    Yes, if you set restrictive filters/settings you will end up with less total URLs/domain every day, but many people don't mind doing the whole kitchen sink or posting on domains ( not URLs ) more than once.

    Of course, the total number of URLs you place is determined on things like filters, VPS, proxies, captcha breakers, threads, etc.....

    I use very restrictive filters and settings on my campaigns personally and I am still able to get high quality links daily at about a rate of 2k new domains a day PER campaign ( I have mine set to only post to a domain 1x ). When you run multiple campaigns daily though ( 20+ ) your still getting a ton of links total even on restrictive settings.

    However, when I run kitchen sink campaigns, I routine hit LPMs on just 1 campaign in the 77-80 LPM range and tons of links. Sometimes I am getting 8-10k verified every 4 hours.
  • edited March 2015
    Just sent out to my paid users another weekly bonus verified list from my personal copy of GSA SER that I run my own service through.

    This weekly bonus list contained over 71,000 verified URLs as a .SL file.

    Listen guys, the benefits of this service blows away trying to do it yourself:
    1. This is a 1-time setup. Quickly get setup in just 60 seconds or less and never worry about scraping URLs or buying links again after a 1-time setup.
    2. Hands-free process. After setup, have the option to be involved as much as you want with the list, or you can simply go hands-free with our custom search engine API.
    3. More links than you can scrape yourself. We actually send more identified links per hour than a 4 server VPS setup with multiple copies of GScraper and GSA SER running at the same time.
    4. Less costs & overhead. You no longer need multiple servers, multiple licenses of software, extra proxy subscriptions, and a budget for verified lists. Put that money back into your business.
    5. No more babysitting. Tired of finding out a VPS is down, that your proxies got banned at Google, that GScraper or GSA SER crashed, or that you constantly have to move files from one Dropbox location to another folder? Problem solved with us...
    6. More verifieds. We've bought several lists from several providers here already. We can deliver you more potential verifieds in 1 week than most of them can deliver in a month. Also, you don't have to fool with burnt lists, waiting 3 weeks for another one, or placing your link alongside 3,200 URLs on a page.
    7. Quality. Many times my link is one of the first five on a page. Our do-follow ratio and contextual ratio blows away other dedicated verified list sellers.
    8. Flexibility. Your provider only offer you Dropbox as a solution? What a shame. We offer Dropbox too, but we also offer custom search engine API and also a custom download app to get all these URLs.
    9. Only YOU are the bottleneck. Other providers limit how many URLs you get on their list and when you can access them, causing a bottleneck to your GSA SER performance. With us, we get out of the way and let you decide what you want to do.
    10. Low potential for abuse. With other providers, you might be the #49 buyer of that "exclusive" list of only 50 who get to buy that list ( yeah, right! ).

      Those URLs are already burnt and abused by the time you even get to identify them. Cut the middlemen out and drop a link with our list before the other sellers have a chance to sell it away to your competitors. Several link sellers use this same system to identify, verify, and then sell away the URLs by the time you purchase them with 100's of other buyers.

      Cut out those middlemen and drop direct with our system.
    11. This REALLY will be exclusive. Some of you guys know me personally from other forums, some of you don't. I don't make my living selling lists and those of you that know me already know this.

      I am only looking to take 30-40 members tops on this system. I build digital marketing SaaS products and I have a few already under my belt. When I built this system years ago it was just for me and my spam partners, now I open it to you for use. The only way you will get in once I hit 30-40 members is to wait for someone to drop out. I don't need to whore out my service every month like others.

      I simply love making products for digital marketers and I love scratching my own itches. Making money while I do it isn't so bad either.
    12. I've been spamming for over a decade. I can't comment on other providers, but I actually use my own service daily and I have been a top spammer for more than a decade. I've been on the top of every update for years and have ranked thousands of tough vertical keywords for years ( verticals like medical, financial, health, education, etc ).

      I'm not some nobody that picked up a copy of GSA SER and xRumer and cheated my way to the top, I was spamming without these tools before they were developed and I was coding my own as well. I love GSA SER, but I don't want you to think I am just some "other" list seller.

      The tools I make, are the tools I use myself and I can back them with years of experience. I can't say if many others have this same experience or not, but with my products you always have an edge because they are different, backed with experience, and are used daily by their own creators in actively getting stuff ranked.

    I guess I also don't need to mention we are cheaper than just about everyone too?

  • For captcha sloving , it need only GSA CB ?
  • edited March 2015
    I exclusively use CB.. see below pic. I use nothing else @icrossing

  • edited March 2015
    Loving me some triple digital LPM's on a single campaign with only 10 proxies and on low end desktop ( not even a VPS ) with a low level DSL connection.

    Loving those contextuals and Do-follows...

  • Just to be clear @icrossing, I seen your comment over at SerSync thread about you not liking their lists.

    I use CB only for my list, but the list still contains captchas that can and could be solved by other programs like Recaptcha.

    That also does not mean it will solve every captcha for you as well just becuase I used CB and you also use CB on my list.

    Please understand this before buying.
  • yes IdentifiedURLs , but when you have for example 2000 verified article links in your list , i should at least get 1000 links from your list !!! not only 50 to 100 links !!!

    Please understand this
  • I totally agree on that, but everyone's GSA SER install is different.

    It very well could be that the list they sold you was burnt or bad ( I am NOT saying it was ).

    However, it could also be that your GSA SER settings his are completely different. The settings he used to get verifieds ( I dont know what it was or is, but lets pretend he had CB set to 3 retries with a 120 sec timeout and it was the only difference ) and you had your's set to 0 retries with a 30 second timeout.. he could have gotten 2k verifeds with you only having 50-100.

    Just always know, it is not always the list seller fault. I know this was another sellers list you are talking about, but just trying to help.

    Please understand this.
  • Officially started our Skype group and chat.

    All paid members now get this as a benefit on top of everything else.

    Also, I've been writing up how to optimize and get more out of GSA SER over here:

    Implenting these tips and tricks will help you drop more links with our service.
  • catchallseocatchallseo <- Disposable Emails NO MORE!
    edited March 2015
    Update Again!

    This is really important to understand how this incredible service works.

    J.B. (the owner of the service) has developed a software which would inject fresh identified URLs scraped every 4-6 hours. You just need to keep it open on your server. It will download the list automatically as shown on screen shot below


    All you need to do is to point any of your Global folder to the above mentioned path (where the system periodically downloads links to be verified). Here is the screenshot demonstration:


    We'd only check the verified folder to be created by SER. We'll use GSA SER to run against those URLs pointed to the above Identified folder path in project settings. This way it will add fresh verified URLs to the verified folder path for future projects.

    Once you are done with that you just have to activate your project and let it run all the time. It will create daily fresh verified URLs making your verified folder to be gold mine for future projects.


    My personal preference is always contextual settings with 301 GSA REDIRECT PRO : )

    SMALL TIP: (I put big spintax articles in ABOUT ME area to make them included in contextual engines as well for some high quality social media profiles)

    With PR1+ Filter I have been to achieve following results:


    With no PR restriction filter I have been to achieve following results:


    WOW above 8K unique contextual domains !  : )

    I recommend this incredible service to even those selling verified links over here to make this weapon a part of your tool. This will ease your way to get freshiest verfied links ever daily : )
  • I want to use this service, but I will have no money for private proxies. Will this work with my public proxies?
  • it will work with public proxies, with private proxies, or with no proxies.

    however, you will get more verifieds and submissions with private proxies. I can not gar. very many verifieds or submissions on private proxies.

    The service doesnt care the setup you use, but the final results are all your own on public proxies.
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