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ScraperBandit - Beta Testing Open To Public



  • I can't create any campaigns :(
  • I'll test it and leave you an honest review.
  • BlazingSEOBlazingSEO
    Please refer to for our recent update.

    @Seljo - Why can't you?
  • can't create campaigns either
  • Are Beta testing slots available? If so I'd be glad to test and leave a review.
  • BlazingSEOBlazingSEO
    edited November 2014
    @convert2seo - Try uploading files instead of using the type-in fields. I believe that's the bug everyone is encountering and some uses are getting campaigns in just fine by uploading now.

    @sarav - We have plans to include a standalone identify/sort for GSA lists that will automatically be ran after results come back... this will save you LOTS of time :)
  • I'd like to beta test. Let me know if that's still possible? Thanks.
  • Yes uploading files got me scraping on steroids :)

  • Hi  I would like to test your ScraperBandit, it looks very promising. Price are also cheap. Can't wait :).
  • BlazingSEOBlazingSEO
    All PMs sent.

    We have fixed all bugs from today (despite it being Thanksgiving holiday). Scraper is running at full speed and you are able to use the text fields instead of uploading again. 

    Due to the bugs, we will be pushing out a more advanced scheduler hopefully by tomorrow night. The current scheduler simply takes away all credits until you replenish credits (better than the current system that only allows you to upload as many search terms as your credits allow). The advanced scheduler we are implementing will allow you to Play/Pause campaigns, as well as schedule "Create X links per day" for each campaign. It'll give you MUCH more control over your campaigns :)
  • KevinRBKevinRB Chiang Mai, Thailand
    Hi Neil
    Any indication yet as to the real launch date?.
  • edited November 2014
    i am interested in beta testing
  • @BanditIM now copy paste works, but with files it stopped working.

    There still must be a bug
  • REVIEW time

    okay this could be game changer for me . for 24mn links scraping (ignoring dups etc) takes me around 2-3 hours of public proxy scraping and then a day of scraping. Then 5-10 mins of deleting dups . With this service I can either cancel my scrapers vps or use it for other purposes. Huge money + time + resourse saver .
  • @BanditIM

    Option to exclude urls from no domains( ipaddress) will be great.

  • Interested in beta testin :)
  • BlazingSEOBlazingSEO
    @KevinRB - Once we push our big update out about the scheduling campaigns we will open up purchasing credits. During the beta phase still we will be giving discounted links, so it may be in most people's interest to stock pile on these discounted links while they can :)

    @Seljo - Darn, we fix one bug and it causes another... I'll have the dev look into it.

    @sarav - GSA can post to IP address URLs though. I'll write it down though on our todo list.
  • edited November 2014
    I'm interested in testing it    :-h
  • I haven't yet uploaded an official review but I have to say... you can scrape usable URLs in about 1 hour in what takes me or would take me 24 hours and probably a lot more to do.  This is just flabbergasting.
  • edited November 2014
    waho i just have a hand feel of this tool this is something out of this world you don't need to spend money in getting server and proxies for scraper list

    i just played with it doing a test drive got about 22,000 unquie domains and about 58,000 urls this is great far better than scrape box and gscraper
  • i just uesed it this morning it is a BOMB, just as the developer said you don't need server or proxies to run this muster  (tool) very easy to understand  and it does what it says


    but one recommendation I have is that it should be made a monthly fee not credit cos any one can easily finish up the credit in one campaign

    also the footprint should be preinstall in the tool since itis meant for scraping gsa footprint then it should be be stored there apparently such that user can edith   add or remove or modify it to there taste
  • [My English language is very weak so sorry about this]

    I just use this Scraper last night so here is my result.
    I used around 24000 Keywords and 1 Footprint for demo.
    There are still 16376324 Links Remaining on this demo package
    Here is what i got>
    Time Start                  --  Time End
    2014-11-28 09:03:37  --  2014-11-28 11:51:15

    Links I got>
    7623676 links found.
    4817028 unique links found
    1183102 unique domains found

    First of all I did not get verification email but then i just apply for forget password then i receive verification email and random password.
    But now there is no option for changing password.

  • As of now I'm getting so many good results that if this is priced right, I'm ditching gscraper. 

    So many good results (thanks to my footprints), with only 5mio links spent I have made a very nice verified list for GSA, without the crappy platforms :)

    Very very satisfied :)

  • This is just unbelievable I scraped just in 30/40 minutes a list that I would do in a month with Scrapebox. This is not normal. All I can say, thanks for testing your tool. It's a tool that a lot of people willing to pay for. I'm 100% SURE. 
  • thoughts and review. I must say i like this service alot. Havent been scraping much for SER as i wanted to use the inbuilt scraper, but i ive scraped quite alot for scrapebox and ultimate demon in the past. Its time consuming and gets messy with all the processing and keeping track of all the files needed. This clean and simple, and with the nature of SER`s target list capabilities. I simply run the scrape, take the output and feed it to the software, and im done. Im gonna use this service alot in the future
  • Hey BanditIM...I'm interested in beta testing this.  So far, reviews look outstanding!
  • Tim89Tim89
    It's an outstanding innovative web service, that works well.

    Should have been made a long time ago! Lazy bugger @BanditIM :)
  • Me too interested in testing this service. 
  • Did a test with Korean KWs. Scraper Bandit is a super app.

    One suggestion. Add a sieve filter like Hrefer.

    Sieve filter = Scraped links are checked against the sieve filters. Anything not matching the sieve filters will be discarded.



  • I have started the campaign few hours ago and the status is till " Building Campaign..." @BanditIM , is everything working fine tonight ? 
This discussion has been closed.