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ScraperBandit - Beta Testing Open To Public

edited December 2014 in GSA Search Engine Ranker
*Edit* - ScraperBandit Service is now fully up and running! Check out the official sales thread for more details:

After 8 grueling months, 5 developers, and thousands of dollars spent (and wasted), we are FINALLY able to release a beta version to the public for ScraperBandit! For detailed information on what this system is about and previous interest, please refer to this thread:

Note: The Footprint system is not quite ready. We wanted to get the scraping part out as fast as possible and want to get that perfected first.

In a nutshell, this system will replace your current Google scraping servers at a much lower cost. People argue that they only pay a one time fee for their GScraper/Scrapebox, but what they don't count in their expenses are their servers and proxies to run these software's. Our system handles all the server usage, all the proxies, and most importantly the link handling. Also, would you rather be able to scrape 50 million total links in a month with your current setup, or 50 million links in a single day using our system? Your answer to this question depends on how much you want to increase your link building in GSA SER.

In our current beta version we allow FTP and DROPBOX upload which gives you the opportunity to constantly append to a certain text file in your Dropbox folder so that GSA SER can continually read that updated site list. How powerful is that?! Forget GSA scraping for you, forget having to constantly transfer over files from ScrapeBox/Gscraper to your sitelist file --- our system will handle it for you automatically!

The starting price (tentatively) will be $0.0000005 per link, which is $5 for 10 million scraped links. This price MAY change as we see our LPM increase/decrease according to the footprints given by people. However, for beta testing, you will be given 24 million links FREE each day until the end of beta testing!

To be a beta tester, you must give an honest review of the system once you've given it a test. I don't care if it's bad or good, as long as you're honest (and not a competitor of course). If you do not give a review after testing, we will unfortunately have to ban you from the system for further usage. Taking 2 minutes out of your day to post a review is not much to ask for 24 million links FREE each day, so please help us out!

Simply post below if you are interested and I will PM you with details on how to sign up for your free account.

Thank you so much for the continued support of BanditIM everyone, I really appreciate it!

- Neil Emeigh
BanditIM Admin


  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->

    I'll test it and leave you an honest review.
  • I am interested in this service and will leave a review.  Please PM me the details.  Thanks
  • Absolutely interested, and will definitely leave a review.  This is exactly what I need!
  • Would be glad to test a new one scraper and leave my reviews.
  • Interested, would give a good feedback what features to add and would leave a honest review too.
  • magicallymagically
    Surely interested, feedback is essential in order to improve - hence no problem in my end.
  • I'm using gscrapper for past few years and would definitely be interested in service like yours, i'd like to get the beta access if possible :).
  • BlazingSEOBlazingSEO
    PMs sent out to everyone, enjoy :)
  • Hi Neil,

    Definitely interested, count me in.
  • Tim89Tim89
    I've had the opportunity to test this out already and it does exactly what it is meant to do.

    This service literally takes away your scraping work, it cuts costs for running a scraper + proxies, VPS, resources in general.

    It's a set and forget / plug n play system, it'll continuously scrape you targets, the only thing you've got to make sure of, is to have the resources to process these lists :).

    Nobody should have to purchase lists anymore with something like this, this has taken the tedious task of scraping and cuts costs dramatically, I mean, $5 for 10,000,000 URL's, with some of the list sellers selling lists for around $50 each for upto 100,000 links... You can obtain 50,000,000 potential targets for that price alone.

    All you need is keywords + footprints.

    Great work @BanditIM‌ for creating such an innovative piece of online software, all the best!

  • magicallymagically
    Great work and thank you for allowing a beta-test in terms of me.

    Intro Review:

    The interface is Very user friendly and easy to navigate.
    Actually - even an idiot are able to navigate and use the GUI - without loosing direction.

    Naturally some more descriptions could be added, and tips from me will follow.

    Problem 1:

    I experienced problems when I tried to manually paste the footprints and keywords into the forms.
    After 2 attempts, I realized that there had to be a problem, so I switsed and used upload files.

    Uploading of the 2 txt-files, containing the footprints and keywords seems to work flawless.

    Currently I wait for completion, and in my case I have chosen to have the list delivered directly into dropbox.

    I have refreshed the 'results' a few times and so far it only shows in process. Hopefully this will show in percentage how much is left, time will tell.

    The actual review will come later.

  • magicallymagically
    edited November 2014
    Intro Review Part 2:

    WOW - The results got delivered within 10 min directly into my dropbox as a zip-file.
    Even got an email: "Your google scrapping campaign has finished"

    Now that is surely something:D Let's try to dedupe the files and run it in GSA SER afterwards.

    Actually the files inside the zip-file contains three versions:
    1. Full list.
    2. Unique domains
    3. Unique URL


    So far i'm pretty impressed by the speed and easy navigation!

    After running them through the Cannon, I will make yet another follow-up - Stay Tuned!
  • edited November 2014
    The interface is clean and easy to use.  One issue, is that it limits the number of keywords / footprints you can put in based on generating 24,000,000 links.  The problem is, not every keyword is going to have the max # of links, so you end up getting less than expected.

    My run was supposed to get just under the daily 24 mil, here are the results:
    40,603 TOTAL urls scraped
    27,530 unique urls
    7,077 unique domains

    Now, I can still do more scraping, as I didn't actually use the 24 mil links, but that means getting back in there and starting new campaigns until I use it up.

    It would be easier if it let you set up a monstrous campaign that could last weeks, and just processes it in batches to stay within the daily limit.

    Also, it appears the footprints did not work at all, so I doubt I will be able to build many, if any links with these urls.  There were a ton from Amazon and Craigslist for example.

    Once the footprint system is working, with a few tweaks - this thing is going to be a monster!
  • I am interested in testing this new service
  • magicallymagically

    As a beta-tester I have allready submitted a review of two parts of this product:

    1. The GUI/Interface
    2. The functionality inside the interface

    Both seems to be very well made, except the minor mentioned problem with manual submission of the footprints and keywords.
    Uploads of the files works flawless.

    Part 3 is about the actual result:

    Obviously the end-result is currently not optimal of the following reassons:

    1. Too many noFollow links (84%) + Too few verified (That is of course caused by other parameters such a GSA Ser itself + the footprints/keywords)
    2. Not sharp aimed and targeting according to the footprints.

    What I do like about this, is that we are not facing the problem with 'allready parsed' which seems to happen over and over again, when Gscraper is used.
    This Scrape is more 'clean' - unfortunately not optimized 100% according to the submitted footprints.

    My lpm were 25 running only 100 threads.
    I was able to get a list with 41.900 unique urls to run through GSA SER.

    Those result-links were clearly not the ones, I was trying to target according to the submitted footprints

    We have to realize that it doesnt matter if we are able to pull 100 millions links, if those are not targeted 'sharp as chili' according to the submitted footprints.

    In order to really bring customer value - those footprint-aiming must be improved - not just a little, but superb!!!

    I hope to be able to run yet another test, where those footprints are more tightned up.

    Overall the product is innovative and it looks promising so far, but bare in mind that the actual outcome/result must be of a higher quality.
  • mirenmiren Macedonia
    Looks promising. Will like to try this
  • Hi @BanditIM , can you please check my PM ? I didn't get the confirmation email for registration at all.
  • GREAT News - I was searching to get started with 3 dedicated servers with GSCraper and Additional proxies services add on subscriptions from GSCraper and I got yours thread link from my partner he said grab the beta test spot and get started because I am looking for at least 12+ months subscription so,.. If it will work what you described then HONEST review coming yours way - Thanks for such a great service development and I want to signup as BETA tester, PLEASE if you don't mind send me access..

    Have a nice day and WE wish you great wishes!!! :)
  • Where can I sign up?
  • BlazingSEOBlazingSEO
    All new PMs sent out for access.

    @Tim89 - Thanks so much for the fast and thorough review pal, glad you liked it. Still waiting on a PM back regarding Yahoo/Bing interest ;)

    @magically - Wow wow, thanks so much for the thorough review for everybody! We are looking into the copy/paste bug right now, as another user seems to be having similar problems with it. For now, everyone should just Upload the files - that seems to be working fine.

    Regarding results - I have to remind everyone that it all comes down to the footprints and keywords you give :). Sure, you could scrape millions of results using plain keywords with no footprints, but how targeted are they going to be for GSA usage? - not very. We do plan on adding features later on that sort the lists by nofollow, as well as identify and sort the lists for GSA to use, but right now it's all up to what you feed the system.

    @almostbasic - I completely agree about the monster campaigns. We have it on our to-do, it just wasn't top priority so that we could concentrate getting the base system out first. Regarding the 24 million links, let me clarify what's happening:

    We charge people 1000 link credits for each search term they submit. You're right, each search term will not get the full results, so when your order is sent back to us what we actually do is credit BACK the number of links that were not scraped. So for example, if your search term only came back with 500 links, then your balance would be +500 links at the end of the campaign :).

    Regarding footprints - our system scrapes them no differently than GScraper/Scrapebox, it all comes down to what footprints and what keywords you feed it. If they aren't of quality, then you're going to get bad results unfortunately. Thanks so much for the review though pal, appreciate it!

    I want to remind everyone this is termed "BETA" for a reason - we expect bugs :D. However, my developer's time is completely put on fixing bugs during this phase, so we hope to get them all fixed within 24 hours after being reported. We are relying on you to help us debug this system to make it as perfect as possible - thank you so much!

    - Neil
  • I would like to try! Thanks.
  • If this is as good as your text captcha service and email service I'm deffo in mate. Would like to test it if still available thanks
  • magicallymagically

    Here is something I quite don't understand....Initially you wrote this in the very first post:

    Note: The Footprint system is not quite ready. We wanted to get the scraping part out as fast as possible and want to get that perfected first.

    I added the very same footprints GSA SER is using + keywords - That should bring results accordingly to those information, right?

  • I'm interested in having access to the beta testing

  • I am interested in doing a beta test review.  I believe if you can offer this to me, I can spare a few minutes of my day to type out a few lines for.  That's not too much to ask.
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    I've only been beta testing for a an hour so but so far this thing is pretty impressive. I think one of the best parts about the service is that anyone can use it without having any prior scraping knowledge.

    As long as you understand how footprints/keywords work, you can start scraping right away. 

    Here's the steps it takes to start scraping:

    - Click create project
    - Name your campaign
    - Enter keywords
    - Enter footprints
    - Click start campaign

    It really doesn't get any easier then that. 

    The UI is very clean and straight forward.
    The scraping speed is very fast - I got my results returned in a matter of minutes.
    Not having to use and burn through my own proxies is a huge plus
    Not having to use my own server resources is another big plus

    My first small test run:
    Loaded 32 article footprints (pulled directly from SER)
    Loaded 14 random keywords

    Unique URLS: 11157 
    Unique Domains: 4349

    After identify and sorting, about 18% of URLS were recognized as postable by SER:


    Keep in mind this was using just a very small sample of 11,000 URLS. Loading in 1,000,000 URLS should yield some pretty good results.

    I think a lot of the other testers have pretty much covered the same suggestions I would have listed. Here's some more I'd like to see:

    1) Have a button to "clear" loaded keyword/footprint lists. Right now if I import a list, I don't see a way to clear it if I want to remove it.

    2) On the results page it would be cool if it listed out the results like: total URLs,  x unique URLS. x unique domains so we know the scraping results before downloading the file.

    That's all I can see for now. Can't wait to see how this service develops over the coming months.

    Another awesome service by Banditim :)
  • I'm definitely interested to try this out. The theory behind this idea is very clever, so lets see how this works in practice. 
  • If it is still possible, I would like to participate in this beta testing.
  • One More review, I,d really like to give you an honest review about the service

  • I'm interested in trying it to scrape foreign kws and see how it compares to hrefer
This discussion has been closed.