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[Scripting] **Quick Question/Answer Thread**



  • SvenSven


    add fixed data=easycalccheck=%question% sectplcode[2] + ';'

  • SvenSven

    for the previous question about the use a wrong one in [article]...correct it to...

    custom link format=%anchor_text% - %url%

  • andrzejekandrzejek Polska
    edited August 2015

    custom link format=%url%

    Edit: Obviously the problem was here: Unchecking the box and nothing is added anymore.

    add fixed data=easycalccheck=%question% sectplcode[2] + ';'

    Yes... but i said that this text captcha cant be found on the registration page... we must go to ./misc.php?mod=secqaa&action=update&idhash=%captchaquestionhash1%

    front1=sectplcode[2] + '

    Second thing is, using add fixed data=easycalccheck=%question% sectplcode[2] + ';'

    ";" is a separator for next data added to form... what results in added

    add fixed data=okok=%question% fixed:./misc.php?mod=secqaa&action=update&idhash=%captchaquestionhash1% sectplcode[2] + ';'

    is not working too...but i dont know if  fixed: can be used for %question% its not clear

  • SvenSven
    oh ok ... you always seem to have a lot of problems I never came across...I will see how to get that scripted.
  • SvenSven
    next version will give you the %question% fixed:%var% posebility.
  • Where %var% = text captcha or url for textcaptcha? @sven
  • SvenSven

    naw like this...

    add fixed data=okok=%question fixed:%textcaptcha1%

    with the url and front/back defined in [textcaptcha1].

  • Awesome! Thank you. 
  • @sven can this work? In submit success "!". So if "textchar" does not appear in page = means we are logged in.

    submit success=!textchar
  • SvenSven
    yes that should work fine, or you simply put that into "submit failed" and leave "submit success" empty.
  • @sven but for example, when we have 2 login steps, and text from "submit failed" appears after logstep1 submission - submission wont stop?

    for example

    submit failed=ourtext

    Where "ourtext" matches after login_step1 submission
  • SvenSven
    a submission step is aborted as soon as one of the messages apply. So using !outtext will as well stop it i guess.
  • andrzejekandrzejek Polska
    edited August 2015
    Can you check if thats a bug?

    html to bbs=1
    bbs supports=url,b,i,u,img
    html to custom link format=1
    custom link format=[url]%url%[/url]

    post data=


    html to bbs=0
    bbs supports=url,b,i,u,img
    html to custom link format=1
    custom link format=[url]%url%[/url]

    post data=

    So it should respect my custom link format once 
    html to bbs=1
  • SvenSven


    for html to bbs you also need to define allow html=1.

    Anyway you always use normal html syntax everywhere. The "html to bbs" will convert this to the correct bbcode format. A custom link format will require html to custom link format

  • Yes but the thing is, i would like to convert [img] and [b] [i] to bbs - but this particular engine dont accept anchor texts so i need [url]%url%[/url]. SER is forcing [url=%url%][%anchor_text%[/url] Beacuse of html to bbs=1

    And yes i know about allow html=1 
  • SvenSven
    edited August 2015

    use this...

    bbs supports anchor text in url=0

    Just updated the manual.

  • Thanks will check that.
  • %question% fixed:%var% is working great, thank you
  • edited September 2015
    How can I add multiple urls?
    fixed url=

    I want ser to go through all of them every time I use the engine. Like when importing them(import target url).
  • SvenSven

    @cefege use...

    fixed url=url1 url2 url3...

    Just put a space between the URLs.

  • Would be cool to place macro there :P
  • edited September 2015
    Does this work?
    form id=regbutton !regbutton2 !fb-regbutton !regbutton999

    It seems it only reads respects the first 2 arguments? (regbutton !regbutton2 )

    Update: tried switching them and still not working.
    I used "form url" to block them however.
  • edited September 2015
    Is there any reason a website would serve me mobile version of their site? When I register and login from my computer I don't get this...
  • SvenSven


    form id: it will use all arguments here. However maybe you need to use * like !*regbutton2*

    mobile: it's one of the used user agents in user_agent.dat ... try deleting all "mobile" entries.

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