@mdsurf You were using the list in the members area, which is very old. I have been putting a lot of effort into improving the live sync, but I failed to update the manual list in the members area. The reason I put it on the back burner is that everyone is using the live sync, and it is exponentially better at delivering lists. Anyway, I will update that today just for the sake of it.
However I just sent your real time sync invite, so accept that and then follow the setup guide in the members area and you will be set with the most current list and you will get exponentially better success then the old list you were using.
@RuFFCut Just sent your live sync invite as well. There are no 1 off lists yet, its not a top priority, all 1 off lists are already included in the live sync for members anyway, so you will have it. I have a lot I want to do with the live sync and new features to add. At this point the interest in the live sync dwarfs the 1 off lists by far so Im devoting all the effort to what the majority of people want. However sorry to those who do want a 1 off list, they are coming eventually.
By add links that are not AA what do you mean? In the world of GSA SER AA/verified is a site that a link can be built on. Non AA don't allow links, generally speaking, at least not without going thru moderation. As a general rule most people, that I have run into, don't want moderated sites. Are you asking for just a list of urls that GSA has identified but that it can't necessarily build links on, or that it can submit to but that require moderator approval?
The AA lists in live sync are deduped regularly, but not exactly live, just due to how it works. Any manual list will have been deduped.
Thanks @loopline yep that's what I meant, just identified platforms - it's just sometimes I manually write and spin an article for tier one links, and from experience these get set live more often than not even when moderated since they are pretty high quality.
Thanks for the info, looking forward to some good results!
@RuFFCuT Ok, that makes sense. So then you would probably only want contextual based ones?
I could provide identified only targets, to some degree. Currently I don't sort in and identify all my targets, in fact I don't sort in and identify any at this moment, the system is build differently and non AA get discarded by default.
However down the track as I add reCaptcha targets and text captchas that system is going to work differently. At the end of the day I probably could provide what you want, but at this exact moment it would be further down my todo list then adding things like SERengines support, reCaptcha targets, text captcha targets etc... But some or all of that should be done in the next 45 days anyway.
So would you specifically want something from particular platforms that you have had good experience with or all contextuals or all platforms in general or ? As it stands at the moment it would be just a massive identified list, sorted by platform, however it would still potentially include AA targets as well as moderated, would that be an issue or a non issue?
@pdnocs Yes its still on my todo for the day. I just activated your live sync, just accept the invite and follow the setup video in the members area and you will have the up to the minute live list.
Let me say what a difference it is working with your system. I should have bought into your "lovely box" sooner. Excellent is all I can say. Any chance of increasing the number of twitter clones or generally getting more micro blogs?
Forgot to ask, in your into video you show that the list shows little sync icons as and when synchronization updates are taking place. I could never see those, even though I am aware that syncs are taking place by looking at the time stamp.
@Max - There's a little orange square in the bottom right corner of the blue box icon in the system tray when it's "syncing". Also double clicking it will tell you how many items are left to sync and how long it will take.
@MaX Glad your loving the box sync! Thus far I have been doing lots of experiments, but I am actually working on dialing in social bookmarking and I will add micro blogs to the list. Basically all contextual things will get a lot of special attention over the coming weeks. I am uncertain how many micro blogs are out there, but I will focus on them.
Also as OldFusser said you can click the box icon to see when the last update was and how many files are left etc.. I am uncertain why you don't see the icons on the files and folders, but double check the box controller to see when it says that the last update was and make sure it has updated recently. Else it might be frozen or have crashed etc... So just make sure nothing is arry there so you are getting the lists.
Thanks Matt as a well as to OldFusser, I noticed the little orange square thanks for that, all OK on that front. Nothing frozen all syncs are working perfect. The non visible icons I know now are a browser issue. Thanks both of you.
@pdnocs Sure, in "Where to submit" just choose teh contextual platforms. When you click edit a project its the big white column on the left. SER will only post on a given project to the ones you select there and any filters you set in project options will also be applied. So my lists are just what is "available" for SER to use, but you get to tell it what it is "allowed" to use out of my list on any given project.
@RuFFCuT Ok, yes they would be split by engine. Ill play around with this over the coming days/weeks and see what I come up with and let you know.
Did you get a chance to update the members area lists? I have kind of unique needs so long story short I wont be using the live sync, I manly signed up for the service under the impression the lists would be updated on a regular basis so I can download them. Is this going to be the case? Or is everything going to be done on the live sync without much attention going to downloadable lists?
@mdsurf I updated the manual list in the members area, but I would still recommend using blue box. Not to integrate with GSA in your case, but to get the list. Let me explain why this is an advantage.
If you download the manual lists from the members area, then you have to firstly login and then second your getting an outdated list. Its out dated because a few mins after I upload it, the live list already has more targets in it.
So what I would recommend is you install the box sync app and let it create a folder on your machine. Then you just open that folder, highlight all the files, copy them and paste them into whatever folder you want to use them to work with. That way you can do that whenever you want, without ever having to go to the site and login, so that saves login hassle and time.
Second you always have the newest list. So if it has been 5 days since I updated the list in the members area, you can still get the most recent list any time you want 24 hours a day 7 days a week from the box folder.
It is very important to note that you WOULD want to COPY the files out of that folder and paste them into another folder to work with them. Please do not try and delete the files in that folder or use the Cut command (as that deletes) or edit the files in that folder. My server will see the changes and try to sync the folder back to the live list and then your machine and my server will fight back and forth wasting resources for both of us.
Does that make sense? If I were you that is what I would do because I would always want the freshest list with the most targets and I would not want to have to login all the time. If you prefer to login all the time then of course you can. I have not been updating the manual lists because thus far everyone has used the live lists whether they are using them with GSA SER or using them for other uses, such as you mentioned. I even considered removing the manual lists because they can be downloaded from box sync any time.
Would you prefer to login and download the manual lists instead of getting them live from the box folder? (Just want some honest feedback so I can determine what people want).
Yes there is a limit, 100 users max per list cluster. What I mean by that is that at what point I reach 100 users I will not allow any other users to use that list. However I am able to scale.
So once 100 users are reached I will start a new group. The new group will have its own cluster of servers producing lists, and their own live sync folder with their own list in it. Each cluster of servers will approach list production using a different technique/starting point/method/etc...
What I mean by different starting points/methods etc.. is that there is many ways to go about building lists. In fact there are so many that I have to reign my self in when Im in R&D mode because I can spend days at a time checking out how to build lists and not getting any lists build, lol.
Given the scope and size of the internet and the targets that SER can post to, I can't guarantee all groups will have 100% unique lists, Im certain there will be some bleed over, but by using different methods to build lists I can minimize that bleedover and maximize the unqiueness of the list that each group of users gets. Of course there is nothing to stop any random person from scraping a target and using it or from another list provider from including a given target on their verified lists that they sell. Thus Im not worried about a little bleedover between lists as some of the targets will always be being used by other people anyway, but I can maximize the uniqueness of each groups list, and thats what I am after.
So 100 users max per list group, this applies to the main core list anyway. I will be offering SERengines targets, reCaptcha, and text captcha targets. That said I haven't fully tested those targets, so for those there may be more then 100 users that "could" use them. So everyone will get them included in the price for example, but I might share reCaptcha targets with 150 users, knowing that 80% of them said they won't use and don't want reCaptcha targets anyway, so usage might only wind up at 30 users etc... But with reCaptcha its a different ball game anyway, thus far almost all of my users have said they won't use them and only a small handful want them, so I don't think it will be an issue.
The reason being that by the time you buy reCaptcha solving, SERengines membership, text captcha solving etc... that is just added cost/hassle that many users don't want. SERlists quit offering reCaptcha targets all together as so many people said they don't want them.
For my service it makes sense to offer them, because I will offer them as an added value for members that want them, but keep them separated from the core list, so for most members they don't want to use them, no worries and people who do want them can get them.
Thank you for the detailed explanation. I must admit I was a little lazy and didn't take the time to fully understand how blubox worked, I signed up seeing that lists in members area would be updated regularly. No that I have actually set up my blubox account this is definitely a much better way of getting lists.
Quick question, I set up bluebox and can access the lists through the website but am having trouble accessing the lists from the desktop application. I signed into bluebox and when i opened the folder there is nothing there.
@mdsurf Great, glad blue box will work for you. You need to go back into the online account and next to the folder you will see a small drop down arrow. If you click that and choose to sync the folder with your desktop. Then give it a minute and it should sync. You might need to turn the box controller off and then back on or restart it.
I do not get any verified links from the "Referrer" I have setings of 100 submissions per day, I see that the submission count goes up to in between 30 and 40 than it stops, goes into verification mode and counts down back to 0 and no verified links at all. I deleted project several times, deleted cached Target URL Cache every time, checked if or not I have any submitted or verified URls , checked if there are any remaining URLs in the pipeline, not a single URL anywhere
@MaX Yes I will have a look, but I am in the middle of moving the site to a new server, its running too slowly atm, bear with me though and we will sort it.
@MaX I believe that awstats only updates the stats once daily, I am testing right now and getting the same immediate behavior that you are, but on the same sites I can see my domains dominating the awstats pages. So I will have to wait another 24-48 hours to be sure, but I know my own awstats (when I used to use them) on site only updated once a day or there abouts, so if I hit it right after an update it could take nearly 24 hours or more before I could see it. Ill track it and let you know. But it obviously won't show verified until it does show up. So you could have your project reverifiy links every 24 hours or there abouts.
@elliotps932 What platforms are you using? There is no real way to stop it, persay, but if your working with a small group of sites, based on your filters/parameteres, then it is going to happen due to how SER is setup.
But Im shooting in the dark without knowing a lot more about your setup. So if you can message me or post here what platforms you are using and what filters you have set etc.. I can answer much better. Or if you want to mail me a backup of your project and couple mins of your log file, I can give you a much better idea much faster.
You were using the list in the members area, which is very old. I have been putting a lot of effort into improving the live sync, but I failed to update the manual list in the members area. The reason I put it on the back burner is that everyone is using the live sync, and it is exponentially better at delivering lists. Anyway, I will update that today just for the sake of it.
However I just sent your real time sync invite, so accept that and then follow the setup guide in the members area and you will be set with the most current list and you will get exponentially better success then the old list you were using.
Just sent your live sync invite as well. There are no 1 off lists yet, its not a top priority, all 1 off lists are already included in the live sync for members anyway, so you will have it. I have a lot I want to do with the live sync and new features to add. At this point the interest in the live sync dwarfs the 1 off lists by far so Im devoting all the effort to what the majority of people want. However sorry to those who do want a 1 off list, they are coming eventually.
By add links that are not AA what do you mean? In the world of GSA SER AA/verified is a site that a link can be built on. Non AA don't allow links, generally speaking, at least not without going thru moderation. As a general rule most people, that I have run into, don't want moderated sites. Are you asking for just a list of urls that GSA has identified but that it can't necessarily build links on, or that it can submit to but that require moderator approval?
The AA lists in live sync are deduped regularly, but not exactly live, just due to how it works. Any manual list will have been deduped.
Ok, that makes sense. So then you would probably only want contextual based ones?
I could provide identified only targets, to some degree. Currently I don't sort in and identify all my targets, in fact I don't sort in and identify any at this moment, the system is build differently and non AA get discarded by default.
However down the track as I add reCaptcha targets and text captchas that system is going to work differently. At the end of the day I probably could provide what you want, but at this exact moment it would be further down my todo list then adding things like SERengines support, reCaptcha targets, text captcha targets etc... But some or all of that should be done in the next 45 days anyway.
So would you specifically want something from particular platforms that you have had good experience with or all contextuals or all platforms in general or ? As it stands at the moment it would be just a massive identified list, sorted by platform, however it would still potentially include AA targets as well as moderated, would that be an issue or a non issue?
Yes its still on my todo for the day. I just activated your live sync, just accept the invite and follow the setup video in the members area and you will have the up to the minute live list.
Excellent is all I can say. Any chance of increasing the number of twitter clones or generally getting more micro blogs?
Glad your loving the box sync! Thus far I have been doing lots of experiments, but I am actually working on dialing in social bookmarking and I will add micro blogs to the list. Basically all contextual things will get a lot of special attention over the coming weeks. I am uncertain how many micro blogs are out there, but I will focus on them.
Also as OldFusser said you can click the box icon to see when the last update was and how many files are left etc.. I am uncertain why you don't see the icons on the files and folders, but double check the box controller to see when it says that the last update was and make sure it has updated recently. Else it might be frozen or have crashed etc... So just make sure nothing is arry there so you are getting the lists.
Thanks both of you.
Your welcome. Glad you got it sorted.
Sure, in "Where to submit" just choose teh contextual platforms. When you click edit a project its the big white column on the left. SER will only post on a given project to the ones you select there and any filters you set in project options will also be applied. So my lists are just what is "available" for SER to use, but you get to tell it what it is "allowed" to use out of my list on any given project.
Ok, yes they would be split by engine. Ill play around with this over the coming days/weeks and see what I come up with and let you know.
I updated the manual list in the members area, but I would still recommend using blue box. Not to integrate with GSA in your case, but to get the list. Let me explain why this is an advantage.
If you download the manual lists from the members area, then you have to firstly login and then second your getting an outdated list. Its out dated because a few mins after I upload it, the live list already has more targets in it.
So what I would recommend is you install the box sync app and let it create a folder on your machine. Then you just open that folder, highlight all the files, copy them and paste them into whatever folder you want to use them to work with. That way you can do that whenever you want, without ever having to go to the site and login, so that saves login hassle and time.
Second you always have the newest list. So if it has been 5 days since I updated the list in the members area, you can still get the most recent list any time you want 24 hours a day 7 days a week from the box folder.
It is very important to note that you WOULD want to COPY the files out of that folder and paste them into another folder to work with them. Please do not try and delete the files in that folder or use the Cut command (as that deletes) or edit the files in that folder. My server will see the changes and try to sync the folder back to the live list and then your machine and my server will fight back and forth wasting resources for both of us.
Does that make sense? If I were you that is what I would do because I would always want the freshest list with the most targets and I would not want to have to login all the time. If you prefer to login all the time then of course you can. I have not been updating the manual lists because thus far everyone has used the live lists whether they are using them with GSA SER or using them for other uses, such as you mentioned. I even considered removing the manual lists because they can be downloaded from box sync any time.
Would you prefer to login and download the manual lists instead of getting them live from the box folder? (Just want some honest feedback so I can determine what people want).
Sure, I appreciate feedback and ideas.
Yes there is a limit, 100 users max per list cluster. What I mean by that is that at what point I reach 100 users I will not allow any other users to use that list. However I am able to scale.
So once 100 users are reached I will start a new group. The new group will have its own cluster of servers producing lists, and their own live sync folder with their own list in it. Each cluster of servers will approach list production using a different technique/starting point/method/etc...
What I mean by different starting points/methods etc.. is that there is many ways to go about building lists. In fact there are so many that I have to reign my self in when Im in R&D mode because I can spend days at a time checking out how to build lists and not getting any lists build, lol.
Given the scope and size of the internet and the targets that SER can post to, I can't guarantee all groups will have 100% unique lists, Im certain there will be some bleed over, but by using different methods to build lists I can minimize that bleedover and maximize the unqiueness of the list that each group of users gets. Of course there is nothing to stop any random person from scraping a target and using it or from another list provider from including a given target on their verified lists that they sell. Thus Im not worried about a little bleedover between lists as some of the targets will always be being used by other people anyway, but I can maximize the uniqueness of each groups list, and thats what I am after.
So 100 users max per list group, this applies to the main core list anyway. I will be offering SERengines targets, reCaptcha, and text captcha targets. That said I haven't fully tested those targets, so for those there may be more then 100 users that "could" use them. So everyone will get them included in the price for example, but I might share reCaptcha targets with 150 users, knowing that 80% of them said they won't use and don't want reCaptcha targets anyway, so usage might only wind up at 30 users etc... But with reCaptcha its a different ball game anyway, thus far almost all of my users have said they won't use them and only a small handful want them, so I don't think it will be an issue.
The reason being that by the time you buy reCaptcha solving, SERengines membership, text captcha solving etc... that is just added cost/hassle that many users don't want. SERlists quit offering reCaptcha targets all together as so many people said they don't want them.
For my service it makes sense to offer them, because I will offer them as an added value for members that want them, but keep them separated from the core list, so for most members they don't want to use them, no worries and people who do want them can get them.
All in good time anyway.
Great, glad blue box will work for you. You need to go back into the online account and next to the folder you will see a small drop down arrow. If you click that and choose to sync the folder with your desktop. Then give it a minute and it should sync. You might need to turn the box controller off and then back on or restart it.
Let me know if you have any issues.
Hey Matt,
Been using blue box for 3 weeks now. Your help was greatly appreciated.
I am impressed. Getting double verified from only do follow and contextual links than my old service.
I love the no work part. I check everyday for new sites and they are always there as advertised.
Thanks again,
I do not get any verified links from the "Referrer" I have setings of 100 submissions per day, I see that the submission count goes up to in between 30 and 40 than it stops, goes into verification mode and counts down back to 0 and no verified links at all. I deleted project several times, deleted cached Target URL Cache every time, checked if or not I have any submitted or verified URls , checked if there are any remaining URLs in the pipeline, not a single URL anywhere
could you please have a look at the problem I have with "Referrer" as described. Thanks
Thanks for the review Steve!
Yes I will have a look, but I am in the middle of moving the site to a new server, its running too slowly atm, bear with me though and we will sort it.
is there any good way to prevent this?
I believe that awstats only updates the stats once daily, I am testing right now and getting the same immediate behavior that you are, but on the same sites I can see my domains dominating the awstats pages. So I will have to wait another 24-48 hours to be sure, but I know my own awstats (when I used to use them) on site only updated once a day or there abouts, so if I hit it right after an update it could take nearly 24 hours or more before I could see it. Ill track it and let you know. But it obviously won't show verified until it does show up. So you could have your project reverifiy links every 24 hours or there abouts.
Great, glad its working well for you.
What platforms are you using? There is no real way to stop it, persay, but if your working with a small group of sites, based on your filters/parameteres, then it is going to happen due to how SER is setup.
But Im shooting in the dark without knowing a lot more about your setup. So if you can message me or post here what platforms you are using and what filters you have set etc.. I can answer much better. Or if you want to mail me a backup of your project and couple mins of your log file, I can give you a much better idea much faster.