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SockError: Connection Refused Error


Im keep getting this Error. Any Solution for that ?. i am using Buyproxies Service and everything was Fine before that last 2 updates.



  • From the changelog: 8.58 - new: improved error message on download failed

    It's just the same old "download failed" message with more information. Did you try opening the failing url with the proxy in a browser to see if it loads?
  • cherubcherub
    I'd say 'Connection refused' could mean either the proxy is overloaded (too many connections), or the proxy is banned from the url it is trying to access.
  • but its happening with one of more my friend. its saying everytime this error. before that update it was not showing. :(
  • cherubcherub
    It wasn't showing the 'sockerror' message before as that was added in the 8.58 update to give people more information as to why a download failed. I suspect the download failed messages were still there before you updated.
  • SvenSven
    If it's a WEB proxy (no trans/connect or socks) then it can also mean that the proxy itself is down.
  • Nope, i upgraded yesterday and rebooted my server. Im getting the same messages after i turned my service back on so its definately GSA. I checked with BB's and they stated it a bug.
  • SvenSven

    BB = ?

    GSA = company!

    Sorry I don't see there is a said before, just the error message was improved with more details, nothing else.

  • edited June 2014

    I'm getting this message quite a lot, most of the websites I get this for load normally when I click on the error message. The proxies that it displays it for are semi-dedicated from buyproxies and they're working fine when I test them against google, bing, whatismyipaddress and an anonymous test url. So what exactly does the error mean? What could be causing it? Too many threads?
  • SvenSven
    Sorry I don't own proxies there but yes, maybe to many connections.
  • i still get a lot of download failed on 8.59. i am also with buyproxies, dedicated servers. i've been using GSA SER and buyproxies for a year.

    anyone getting these issues with another proxy provider?

  • I moved away from buyproxies today and using another service, guess what!

    SAME issue there. So its not your proxies.
  • I am getting the error suddenly too. It started today, June 19th. A LOT of errors = 'download failed - SockError: Connection timed out'

    At the same time, the results I normally get, i.e. verified links are not happening. I am running normal settings I have run over the last year with usual success. 

    Submissions are way too low.

    Verified is way too low.

    Something is up on this.
  • Also adding to my previous comment, it is not my proxies. I am using the proxies on another platform with zero issues.
  • @viking

    Previously it was displayed as a regular "download failed", the only thing that changed recently is the error message I believe.

    8.58 - new: improved error message on download failed

  • ronron
    edited June 2014
    I know we all have been complaining about this error message. But the big question is whether it has affected performance.

    Previously it did. Now it has spun 180 degrees around. I can tell you for a fact that my performance is better than it has ever been.

    Here's a look at one server (using our blue list) at the 11 hour mark today:


    As you can see, I'm well on my way to 200,000 verified today. And yes, I have that error message in my logs.

    I'm using SER v8.59. All I can tell you is that it is a beast like no other. And I am no longer focused on this error message. It just doesn't matter.

  • @ron that is amazing!!

    I have spent the better part of the day today on and off trying to figure out what is happening with my situation. I have v8.59 too. my campaigns are set as usual. threads normal. timeout settings as usual. 

    i have run 5 campaigns today for over four hours. results = a total of 40 submitted, 2 verified. Normally i would have several thousand submitted and about 18% verified over the same timeframe.

    I am just wondering since you mentioned that it DID affect your service, I am wondering if you did anything specific to change that, or did it resolve itself on its own? I ask because it is definitely affecting me today.

  • ronron
    edited June 2014

    @viking - Honestly, I am a very meat and potatoes user. I really try to use things straight out of the box.

    Now, of course, using our list does create a lot of links, and that isn't blatant self promotion. I'm sure that has something to do with it.

    You may also have filters going, low link building limits, and all sorts of settings checked that limit linkbuilding.

    I gave this advice in another thread: I would create the ultimate spam project - from scratch. Build it to Bing or Wikipedia, etc. Turn on all platforms and engines. Have zero filters. 10 brand new emails. Make it the spam project from hell. Then duplicate it 9 times so you have 10 of these bad boys. Turn off your real projects, and turn on these 10 spammers. Crank up the threads. See what happens.

    If you can't make a lot of links, then something is wrong with your PC or your internet connection. Or your settings. At that point I would start a thread, describe your equipment and connection, take screen shots of all your settings, talk about your proxies, your emails, etc. Any one of us can help you at that point.

  • I see this msg too(buyproxies) and i noticed there are more reassons.
     -that url load normaly in browser, so maybe px issue.
     - after visiting that url i saw nothing, white page
    - 404, no  website.

  • @ron - I've got the same issue as viking.

    I'm running v8.62 on a dedicated server. I admit that i've only been using the software for 3 weeks but am using scrapbook daily to get new lists. It seemed to be running fine a few days ago but gone bad in the last couple of days. 

    I've tried reducing threads and increasing html timeout. I have 50 semi proxies from buy proxies and am at a loss at what to do next. I like your idea of creating the ultimate spam project and will wait till the morning to do that if things don't improve overnight.

    Oh and btw been to your website to get some lists but you always seem to be sold out ?

    No point in blatant self promotion if we can't buy the lists eh ? 
  • How on earth are you getting 219 LPM's Ron. I thought 50 was good and i am using your list.

    Do you have SEX filters set? I bet you dont, you wouldnt get 200 LPM's if you did. Other than that, besides v8.59 what are you doing differently?

    8.59 worked great, So how do we GO BACK? There should be a rollback function. The current version SUCKS!
  • ronron
    edited June 2014

    @harmony22 - Lol. It comes out every 2 weeks. If you sign up at the website, we give subscriber to Advanced SER Tips a 2 day heads-up before the list goes on sale. Typically, it is sold out in 36-48 hours.

    When you do what you said about scrapebox, you are essentially doing what we are doing, but at a smaller scale. You can expect that only 1% - 2% of all those scrapes will results in a verified link. Plus, that type of mining operation runs at a much slower LPM because you are literally processing 98%-99% crap to find the gold nuggets.

    So don't think you are doing anything wrong - it is just a giant pain in the balls. That is why I teamed up with the boys to do this together - so we could have lists. The thing is that it is expensive to scale properly for one person. So the idea was to team up and share costs among the 4 of us - but be guaranteed that we would always have lists. Selling them quite honestly was an afterthought (that I fought hard by the way as I didn't want to be a vendor).

    @mikie46 - You gain the speed on the lower tiers. The more lower tiers you have with no limits or filters, the faster the LPM meter flies. So yeah, the T1's are the stick in the mud, but once those link limit orders are filled, then it is fifth gear all the way baby!

  • I'm getting the same thing. This is throttled right down to 100 threads for 50 pure dedicated proxies from The urls load when using the proxies in firefox.

    10:53:10: [-] 35/98 download failed (Return: -, Proxy:, SockError: Connection refused) -
    10:53:10: [-] 099/789 download failed (Return: -, Proxy:, SockError: Connection refused) -
    10:53:11: [-] 060/976 download failed (Return: -, Proxy:, SockError: Connection refused) -
    10:53:11: [-] 046/928 download failed (Return: -, Proxy:, SockError: Connection refused) -
    10:53:11: [-] 146/815 download failed (Return: -, Proxy:, SockError: Connection refused) -
    10:53:11: [-] 055/150 download failed (Return: -, Proxy:, SockError: Connection refused) -
  • Same issue here, using 50 dedicated proxies with 300 threads and still getting such errors.

    Never had such issue before.
  • I have similar problem even I don't use proxies:
    (Return: -, SockError: Valid name, no data record of requested type)

    Moreover I can't test proxies. I import them, click test (it doesn't matter if I check 'against google' or another option) and nothing happens. What's going on with GSA?
  • I'm also getting that kind of errors, but on a sample of 40 connection refused URLs, 40 were also unreachable with the browser (mainly with 403). So for me these errors are justified.
  • I have these errors when I try to make web2.0 profiles from GSA list, so I don't think they are justified
  • And I still don't know why can't test proxy...
  • Ok, my bad. I don't know why my anti-vir blocked GSA. Soft works correctly
  • Getting same errors still.
  • @ron - Thanks just signed up to your lists. Yeah must admit I'm using Scrapebox every day and basically just letting it run. I get an average of 2-4 million URLs a day and after removing dups i get about 2-400,000 to import daily. Ive been scraping for Tier 1 CDF stuff and using footprints from the best engines that seem to get the best verified. My filters are pretty strict so sadly I'm still in first gear and haven't had the chance to let rip with GSA yet. I'm importing the list directly into the project and also disabling the engines that I'm not scraping for. Just another quick question. If i import the list into the advanced 'import URLs and sort' will this slow GSA down while it's importing ?

    I'm on a dedicated server and still having issues with a lot of SockError: connection reset by peer issues. My threads are up and down like a yoyo too for some reason.

    I see that you're pretty active on the forums ron and have also taken your advice on other things such as using a massive list of keywords for scraping in GSA - %spinfile-C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\keywords.txt%. 

    Tested that and thats working ok. Been three weeks now of using the software 24/7 and starting to get a bit frustrated at not getting much further than the starting line. 
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