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  • hi donald can you give me again my coupon for 19 dolars . i want buy your list.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Please PM me your paypal email.
  • I wanted to know what captcha services were used while posting to verified sites?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    CB and spamvilla.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    List #13 is done

    73,917 unique domains total

    22,102 new domains compared to list 12

    170,213 extra unique URLs from trackbacks/pingbacks/image comments/blog comments. A lot of the extra URLs were created during the last couple days, so they are very fresh.

    Account data/video on how to use the list is included. About 100k accounts.

    While reposting to the list myself as I made it, I was able to create links on 3,755 unique contextual domains. For these contextual links, I only used engines that were dofollow, and created a new page.

    See full domain/URL details at


    If you bought a list for full price last time, PM me your paypal email and I'll send you a coupon to buy this list for 19$
  • Is there an updated release of this list?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I'll release one in September.
  • Hello Donaldbeck can you send me the list, i haven't received it yet

    Transaction ID: 6TS65976MU218322E
  • list 14 coming soon?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Maybe around the end of the month, thanks for your interest!
  • varthdavervarthdaver Sydney, Australia
    I'm keen, dude.
  • looking for new list
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I'll release a new and improved service shortly. Thanks for your interest, and I apologize for the long delay between lists.
  • any news on these? Thanks.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I'll send out a mail when it's done. Sign up here if you want to know when it's out.
  • donaldbeck, we're waiting list #14!
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->

    It will be out in 1-2 days. It probably would have been out today, but I couldn't use the computer as much as I would have liked too.

    Thanks for your interest.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've sold a list. Sorry for the delay. I'm back with a brand new list service. Instead of selling one off lists, I'm now going to be offering an auto-sync service.

    Now, after you set up the list one time, your copy of SER will be receiving fresh links 24/7.

    In addition to providing auto-sync, I also have 2 lists to choose from.

    Option 1: All links.
    Option 2: Only articles, social networks, and wikis.

    While I have upgraded the service substantially, the price is going to remain the same. If you don't want to sign up to the email list the prices are as follows:

    All links: $49 per month
    Articles/Social Networks/Wikis: $39 per month

    If you sign up for the email list the prices are as follows:

    All links: $39 per month
    Articles/Social Networks/Wikis: $29 per month

    For both the packages, I provide 4 different lists, updated every hour.

    1) Verified links
    2) Double verified links
    3) Identified links
    4) Identified URLs, that come from domains that are verified.

    So if you sign up for a package, you get access to 4 different lists. #1 is obvious and doesn't require any additional explanation. 

    #2 is the same as number 1, the only difference is, the links that make it in to #2 have successfully resulted in a verified link 2 separate times.

    #3 is all the identified URLs created while I make the lists. I'm only using CB and SER to create the lists, if for example, you wanted to use another type of captcha OCR, human captcha solving, or a text captcha solving service, you would be able to do so.

    #4 is a little confusing I'll admit. But I'll do my best to explain what it is and why I included it in the service. Basically, I took every verified domain from #1, and then compared each identified URL to that list of domains. If the domain of the identified URL is in that list of verified domains, I know that URL comes from a domain that it's possible to post to. That identified URL makes it into list #4. The reason I include this type of list is simply to give you as many chances as possible to successfully create verified links on all the domains.

    With all that said, #1/2 are probably the best lists to use for normal usage.

    That's pretty much it. You can choose from contextuals only or all links, and you get access to a variety of different lists for each package.

    I should also mention, the contextuals are the same from both lists.

    There will also be a limit of 50 members for each list. So, 50 people can be signed up for the contextuals only list, and 50 can be signed up for the all links list.

    Setup: Your account will be setup manually. Once you purchase, you will need to give me your Dropbox email. I'll then share the lists with you through Dropbox. Here's a short video showing how to set everything up

    Stats: Stats for the verified and double verified lists are updated every hour and uploaded to


    If you already signed up for the email list, please PM me your email address and I'll give you the discounted links.

    Contact: PM me here on the forum(preferred), or skype me at beckautosync.

    Refunds: Basically there are none. We are talking about text files after all, once you've got them, you've got them. Although I do my best to produce a quality list, if for some reason you are really not happy with the product, you can contact me and we'll find a solution.

    Email list: If you want to sign up for the list, you can do so here.
  • Just bought a package, please check your pm for my DB email. Cheers!
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    You've been setup, sorry for the delay.

    For anyone who orders in the future, between now and + 14 hours forum time is a good time to order. I'll be awake and you can get your links faster that way.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I got a message from a customer asking me if I could provide a regularly cleaned list. It sounded like a good idea, and it did cross my mind from time to time. 

    I've implemented this idea in the form of a new list. So total there are 5 distinct lists included with this service. You'll see a new folder inside the shared dropbox folder called 'last_2_weeks'. It's just like the folder name sounds. These are all links that come from domains that have been verified in the last ~2 weeks(16 days or less).

    In addition to the lists I already provided, you can now use this continuously cleaned list. It updates every hour.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    edited January 2015
    Just added stats for the new list. You can see them here:

    All the domains in this new list:

    1) Have URLs which have been successfully reverified within the last 24 hours.
    2) Are no older than 16 days.

    Pretty clean IMO.

    edit: I forgot to mention, the domains are all double verified. So to make it into this list, they get verified once, then if they are successfully reverified on another server, they make it into this list.
  • Just wanted to leave my review:

    I have been running this service for the last few weeks, and all I can say is it works amazing.

    Huge VPM and awesome contextual being created.

    The Double Verified Last 2 Weeks List gives fresh clean targets that are working like gangbusters!

    Support from donaldbeck is 100% professional and helpful.

    Very happy with the service and my purchase. Thanks.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    You already know I appreciate the review @lesid.

    @lesid and another user pointed out there were dup URLs in the 'last 2 weeks' list. They were right, and I already took care of it. Thanks again for the feedback.

    I'll release another list shortly for those who would prefer that the contextual lists only contain unique domains.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I added 2 new kinds of lists to the service:

    1) 'last_2_weeks_unique_contextual', this list is the same as the last 2 weeks list. The only difference is, each contextual engine type only allows a domain 1 time. To put it another way, contextual engines are filtered by unique domains.

    2) 'last_2_weeks_unique_contextual_no_time_limit'. This is the same as the last 2 weeks list, the only difference here is, there is no 16 day time limit. With the time limit removed, this list has more targets.

    I have more ideas to improve the service, and will implement them shortly. Feel free to PM me feedback.
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