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GSA Auto Approve List - 46,546 Verified Domains - Low LpM Is A Thing Of The Past!

donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
edited January 2015 in Buy / Sell / Trade
GSA Auto Approve List with 46546 Unique Verified Domains

So many people are using VPS’s, or even their home computer to run GSA. With a low power server like this, it’s going to take forever to create a sizeable base of auto approve urls to use on your projects.

Even if you know exactly what to do, scraping/filtering/scraping and posting to extra urls takes a looonnngggggggg time. That’s why I created this list, to save you the headache of going through all that trouble yourself.

This list is an excellent option for tiered linking, churn and burn type spam, or even directly to your site if you use the right filtering options.

Let’s take a look at the stats on this list. You will receive:

46546 unique verified domains. That’s 46546 different domains where my link was verified to be found. This was just 5-7 days ago, so this list is VERY fresh. You can see the stats here: That output is straight from GSA with unique domains only.

455158 unique verified urls. I took the time to scrape the extra urls from blog comments, image comment and trackbacks. This came out to 455158 extra verified urls for you to place your link on. You can see the stats for the urls here

Account data from my projects is also included. That way you don’t even have to register accounts!

You will also get a quick video showing you exactly how to install the list.

Literally all the work has been done for you. You get a verified GSA auto approve list, with all the extra urls scraped for you and verified, and you get account data as well. You’ll be up and running posting your urls to 46546 domains in under a minute.

The price for the list is 49$

You can also get a 10$ discount by signing up for my email list(the coupon will be emailed to you).


Contact:Post here or contact me on skype at web2accounts to ask any questions you have.

Refunds: After you receive the list theres really no way to give a refund as you already have this awesome list. If there really is some reason why you can't make good use of it, I'm of course open to discussion and will give you a refund if theres no way to get the list to work for you.


  • This will be the beginning of the end for SER.

    Not good for the life of SER when you make it so easy for anybody to come along blast the internet with there website with the push of a few buttons. We all know what happen to Scrapebox backlinks because of AA list sellers.

    And all for what...$39?
    If your list is any good you can easily make that promoting a website.

  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    People were already trading lists, putting lists up for free to download, selling lists on fiverr etc long before I came along.

    The end started a long time ago by your logic.
  • This list is crap :) A lot urls just for tier, so @jpvr90 don't worry :)
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    The list contains articles, blog comments, directories, forum profiles, guestbooks, image comments, microblogs, social bookmarks, social networks, trackbacks and wikis. Not only links for tiers.

    Of course there are going to be more links in the list that are traditionally used for tiered linking. Thats because things like blog comments, trackbacks and image comments all have extra urls that are unique(which I have scraped and included in the list),  unlike platforms that support blog posts for instance. For a platform like that there will only be 1 url(domain) included in the statistics above.

    A customer was specifically interested in drupals yesterday so i checked them personally. There is 789 unqiue working drupal domains in the list. Thats just one example. Thats pretty good in my opinion. Theres more out there for sure, but it's not bad.

    In addition to that, I have not had 1 customer that wasn't satisfied with the list to date. All of them are happy with the list.

    But thanks for your informed and very intelligent comment seogrizzly ;)
  • edited August 2013
    This is not the death of SER, its just 0.5% of targets that can be scraped within 2 weeks if done right. lol.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    0.5%? The list has 46k unique verified domains.

    So you are suggesting there are 10 million unique domains that GSA can post to?

    I guess we can't all be as great as you.
  • Startrip is right in some extend bcoz there are tools like Xsubmitter and Hrefer with Xrumer with proper knowledge thye can scrape millions but posting is big pain in ass too i dont think donaldbeck doing something wrong selling list and trading them is going on for ages and there are always customers for it i hope who ever goes with him get good submission rate as well :)
  • goonergooner
    @donaldbeck - How many social networks and article directories on the list?

  • edited August 2013
    i bought the list, imported site list, account data and gsa ser is currently posting to every article + social network site. will report back how many verified i have, when finished 


    i am always looking to buy social network / article (especially drupal) lists. pm if someone wants to sell. 

  • So how can I tell whether it's posting to the sites that I imported?

  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I would use only the list if you wanted to check that.
  • 1,7k article, social network & expression engine backlinks.

    of course there are NOT 789 Drupal, but neverthelesss for this amount of backlinks i think the price is good

    i already bought a few lists and this is the best so far.

    at the first try you always get many verified that get deleted fast and then submitting is not possible anymore, so it's totally normal that i don't get the amount the OP got before, no problem for me.

    @ OP: would be great if you focus more on scraping article & social network backlinks, those are really important to me and not just me..

    i'm willing to pay for them again - so if you got a new list for articles & social networks, just PM me.


    @ OP: what i don't understand: how can you get over 1,9k backlinks from XPRESS Article and i'm just getting ~75?

  • Is it the same list GSA List 2 by Import Target URLs/Buy URLs to post to for 49$ ?
  • goonergooner
    In my opinion 1.7k article, social network & expression engine backlinks is not a lot for that money.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    @cander Yes it is.

    @Gooner I'm glad you find the product well priced.

    @bekkolt I'm glad you enjoyed the list.

  • If you public sold, very quickly, most of them are spam to death and most of them may invalid soon. Because socket mode spam too fast.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    The list still works just fine.
  • edited August 2013
    ran the list a second time and now got ~2,9k verified articles including a lot of xpression - good ;) $39 is a good price.

    @ awint: sorry, but what are you talking about? i'm using gsa ser since the very first months and i really never came across article sites that are NOT spammed to death.
  • Hello, i interested to purchase it but i have a few question in mind

    1) As we know almost weekly or even daily Google will index new websites, so do you intend to replace with a new list once your list in the mean sometimes will get shutdown or even get deleted.. because i really don't know how long your list will stay longer.. maybe each and everyday the list that can be posted to get reduced slowly.. i know it is one time payment.. but i just hope the buyer at least get at least one time of new replacement of new list.. i don't know maybe after 1-2 month.. then for the second time, that only you have to pay for it.. just to imply my idea

    2) Kind of confuse...What do you mean 'you don't have to register account'? i thought that each new campaign with that list need new email, new article, etc and especially for article and social network module

  • Hi , i am using your list , but a problem , for 24 hours , i only using social bookmark project , i am using gsa cb , cs and dbc . and fresh and working proxys . but i only got 41 social bookmark with +1 PR verified links :(

    can you help me please . thank you .
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    edited August 2013

    1)It's a one off purchase right now. New lists may be discounted for previous buyers.
    2)If you use my account data, you don't need to create accounts.

    These are the stats clearly listed in my OP:

    Social Bookmark-Drigg.........: 1
    Social Bookmark-PHPDug........: 15
    Social Bookmark-Pligg.........: 301
    Social Bookmark-Scuttle.......: 221

    How many of those do you think are going to be PR 1 and whatever other filter you are using?
  • I only got 40 verified links : / , if you want i can send you my vps details to make test for me :) . it is possible ?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Yes. I already talked to you on skype.
  • Hi,

    I bought the list, I have also put the list in failed like you did. How can I run now only the filed list



  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Open your project and click options, scroll down a little bit and check failed next to 'use global site lists if enabled'.
  • I bought the list a couple of days ago and It's well worth the $39
    @bekkolt I'm also interested in Article & Social Network sites, If you've a good list for these platforms for sale or open for a list exchanging I'd be glad to buy or exchange.. Also if you or anyone knows any good site lists for these platforms for sale on another forum or site please let me know..
  • thanks, only failed or failed and global sites?

  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    @figuren check use global sites, and also failed yes.
  • edited August 2013
    I ran two separate projects for the contextual links ((Articles & Social Networks)) and got less than 300 verified articles in each of them which is far away from what @donaldbeck claims or @bekkolt reported of 2,9k verified articles !!!!! So probably I'm doing something wrong..

    Here're the options that I used in both projects
    Please advice
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