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GSA Captcha Breaker solving 34% of blue serlist

Hey guys, I don't understand what I am doing wrong but CB is only solving 32-35% of the blue serlist I just  purchased last night.

I am wondering why this is so, here are my settings.image


  • SvenSven
    It would have helped if you showed some captchas coming from that list. I don't own it and can't tell what captchas are used in it. But it might be a good idea anyway to skip captcha types with a low success rate and have that option to 20%.
  • @fitnessregime post this in the list thread to get help from @ron or PM him
  • cherubcherub
    CB wont solve 100% of the captchas that the Blue SER List uses the first try. This is why it is recommended to run verified lists multiple times to get the most out of them.
  • Is it just me or am I seeing a lot of Captcha types unchecked ?
  • BTW why are you running CB as an webserver???
  • ronron
    What @cherub said is 100% correct, thanks cherub! We recommend setting the GSA-CB retries at 3 for our lists as we literally create the lists with 3 retries.

    Now I 100% agree with what @sven said about setting it at 20%, but I want you to know I am running the blue list with it unchecked (so it is solving all captchas regardless of solve rate%). And in addition to that, I have every single captcha checked - I am basically asking GSA-CB to solve every single captcha in the blue list. And here's what I have:


    Also, here are my settings:


    And here is a snapshot of how the newest blue list is running right now (after 14 hours):


    So even though I violated my own rules about solving anything under a 20% solve rate, I still get pretty darn good results. However, that is one setting you can experiment with to see if it helps. Traditionally I do set it at 20%, but I just wanted to show you another opinion since I had it handy.

    Remember, you want to set captcha retries here (in case you don't know):


  • Hey guys, I have it set at 3 already since the start, I followed the guides from serlist. It still is 34%, wait I will get you more screenshots
  • ronron
    Then it has to be the engines you are running. You obviously are only running engines that have difficult captchas. You have to be.

    My results are based on running all the major engines. So my number is a blended %.

    I don't think you have anything wrong.
  • On the left side of CB,  where the x's are that select the captchas, you have lots of 'grey' boxes.  This means not all the captchas in that section are selected.  You need to click all the 'x' again until their background is white - then you have selected all captchas.

    Might help a little with your list results.
  • image


    It still isn't working, any help? This is killing my LPM
  • HinkysHinkys - Catchalls for SER - 30 Day Free Trial
    From the screenshots you posted it looks like recaptcha (which CB can't reliably solve) is messing up your stats. 

    Try checking the "skip hard to solve captchas" option in each project and your "recognized %" should be much better (LPM too).
  • :( But then I'll lose loads of links from the blue list which should be at 71% with just CB according too Ron... I'll select it now.
    I paid for that list
  • image

    I just did that and it's even lower now
  • cherubcherub
    You will not get exactly the same captchas that @Ron did whilst compiling his list. Therefore CB will not be able to solve all captchas on the first run of the list. As I said, run it multiple times for best results.
  • Run the same project multiple times?
  • cherubcherub
    No, after SER has tried to post to all the targets in your list, I'd clear your target history and import it again.
  • Ah alright, so it's normal CB is only solving 30%?
  • cherubcherub
    It completely depends on what captchas you've sending to it. If you're sending it a bunch of recaptchas (as in your screenshots) then of course overall solve rate will plummet.
  • I skipped hard to solve captchas, and it's still 30%
  • SvenSven
    Did you reset the stats?
  • Yes I did Sven, as you can see the recognized is now 30, I know thats not a data sample but now that its at 3145 its at 40% after I restarted it, and skipped hard captchas.

    Is this normal? 
  • edited June 2014
    I just want to jump in and reverify what @ron said. I've purchased the blue list the past 2 months and my CB is solving at 65%ish. It's got to be something your doing or in your settings. You may want to look into getting an OCR solution for those recaptchas too. 
  • I don't have the funds for extra re-captchas...

    Also what are your settings? can you pm me I really want to fix this
  • Pretty much the same as yours, which is why I don't know why you're getting such a low rate. 

    did you do like @sven said and reset the stats?
  • Yes, I reset, also turned off and on, restarted, pressed every single type, played with settings, have everything set the way I was told too in the guides.
  • Have you got any projects searching or any set to "use linking URL..." or "analyse and post to comp..."?

    I'm running the blue list on one of my servers and I'm not seeing any recaptchas
  • Untick use URLs Linking on same verified URL

    That is where your recaptchas might be coming from.
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