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  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    edited May 2014

    Hi There

    I am very happy to offer you our GSA Search Engine Ranker Data packs, May month end 50% discount voucher.

    Use the the coupon the below coupon code to order as many data packs as you want :



    • The discount code can only be used for standard, 5 tier or 7 tier GSA Search Engine Ranker data pack and email upgrades.
    • You CANNOT ORDER UNIQUE CONTENT  for top tier add on.
    • The offer ends on midnight 30 May ( GMT+7  Time zone ) and will not be extended just because you were too late.
    • Asia Virtual Solutions reserve the right to cancel the offer before the indicated date \ time without notification

    GSA Data pack order page over here :

    Thanks and happy month end :-)

    Asia Virtual Solutions

  • Any update for june promo?
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions

    Nothing at this time but possibly later.

    You can however use the social share at checout to get a 10% discount.

  • do you have skype? would like to ask some few questions?
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    Skype: asiavirtualsolutions

    Or if you go here there should be a Live Chat pop up bottom right -

  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    Asia Virtual Solutions - Affiliate program launched.

    Those interested in promoting the GSA Search Engine Ranker data pack service, you will earn 25% per sale ( That is $6.25 commission on a standard 7 tier data pack  - could be more if extra emails or unique content is addded) - Sign up page over here:
  • Great service @royalmice! Super fast delivery and great instructions. Breath of fresh air for beginners using GSA – I’ll be purchasing again! Thanks!
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions

    Thank you very much for the kind words and for taking the time to share your experience.
    I look forward to be of service again.

    Have a great weekend
  • edited June 2014
    I have purchased GSA for one month and not using it yet, as there is so much learning curve still considering that I am new in IM . I bought the 7 tirer GSA data pack with original content, and now I got my first project up and running : ). I have read the reviews on GSA forum before put my order for data pack, I think it’s worth to try the data packs after look through the review. Below is what I feel after set up my first project :
    * It’s very easy to install , really just 3 minutes set up.
    * Good for newbie like me, as then I can look how a project really like
    * I can make changes for URL, keywords and other setting after I install the data pack
    * It saved me a lot of time and effort on filling up all the required filled on GSA
    * Fast communications – I got the reply for my answer usually within 24 hours – which is very nice, please keep it up !
    I will order more as it’s just a huge time saver. Thank you!
  • How much have you spend@dsfegsa?
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    @dfsfegsa - Thank you very much for taking the time to do the detailed review. I am glad you are happy with the data pack and that i was able to save you time.
    You are correct, the data pack i a great way for those that are not familiar with GSA SER and not sure what settings or filters to use. The data pack is a sold platform from where you can edit and fine tune it to your liking. Thanks again and have a great week

    @Molex - The data pack options and prices can be seen here:

  • Pre -order inquiry:

    What is the difference between "Premuim Article Write and Spin" and "Original Content for Top Tiers"?

    If I bought 7 tier data packs already with NO original content, can I buy "Premuim Article Write and Spin"later to add to tier 1 to make the content original? Or what can be done to change the tier 1 article to content? Maybe order "Original Content for Top Tiers" alone and merge with the already running data pack? kindly advise. Thank you!

  • @Molex, please see answer of royalmice 
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    edited June 2014

    Thanks for the question:

    Please note the premium Article Write and spin is a different service on my site and not  related to the GSA Ser data pack service.

    It would be better to just order a data pack with the Original Content for Top Tiers add on from the start because to change it for a existing running campaign will be tricky since you are a new to this.

    Premium Article Write and Spin
    If you order Premuim Article Write and Spin - , you basically will get 1 original article and 2 manual rewrites, syntax of the 3 articles combined, syntax of the 3 articles combined and spun, 100 variation.

    If you import this into your GSA Ser project it will be a problem as it does not contain any of the tokens (anchor text and links ) which is needed to show your random keywords \ URLs, it also does not include any random images, comments, descriptions etc -- If you import the syntax into GSA SER, it will show as one article

    For GSA SER usage it is better and cheaper to just order a data pack with unique content, unless you know how to add the tokens. Ifyou can figure out the tokens then you can import the articles via article manager.
    But note that import articles does not mean the descriptions, comments, etc are going to change.

     Original Content for Top Tiers
    The base of the original content is the Premuim article write and spin service which u mentioned, however it includes all GSA SER tokens, random images, and is integrated with the single import which ensure the comments, descriptions and other things are in place. The pdf's will also be based on the original content

  • edited June 2014
    great service, i will be back for the 7 tier data pack.

    thank you.

  • Shopping Cart Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID #2FE26150V8450122F)

    payment sent! sent you a pm in skype as well..
  • nawshalenawshale Sales & Tech Support at
    I have bought many times (when i feel lazy) and it helps me. Wonderful service.
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    @william88 -- Thank you very much for the compliments, i look forward to continue to be of service.
    ^:)^                                                                          ^:)^                                                                   ^:)^

    @molex - Payment received and i have already completed that 7 tier data pack for you - check your email or account at  -
    Thank you for the support and i look forward to continue working with you.
    ^:)^                                                                          ^:)^                                                                   ^:)^

    @nawshale - Thank you for the nice words, much appreciated, hope you feel lazy often.
    ^:)^                                                                          ^:)^                                                                   ^:)^

    Thanks all, and have a great day

  • Meaning its ready for import already?
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    @Molex -- yes
  • edited June 2014
    Post removed..
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    @molex -- If you want to see reviews, scroll back in this thread and you can read the reviews, or go to my site there are more reviews.

    You also have me on Skype so if you want to know something ask me.

  • Okay its removed already
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    many people ask me what URLs to use with the GSA SER data packs  when promoting 1 YouTube video, here are a few ideas.You have your main Video link

    • You main Video link
    • You can include the YouTube mobile link
    • You can promote the Video comments url ( like so )
    • You can promote the share url : instead of
    • You can promote the YouTube playlist
    • You can promote the Profile feed
    • When you upload a video it can be shared - do it , then get the links where it is shared on G+ Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Reddit etc and you promote those also.
    • Create a rss feed of all the links of where the video is shared and promote that also.

    Hope that helps
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    I am re-posting a earlier post as i receive many inquiries about what urls \ keywords to use:

    The reason why it says "Up to 100 urls" on the order page is so people can use deep links. BUT it does not mean you HAVE to provide 100 links, if you dont have then provide as many as you can;  for example:

    If promoting an entire website:
    • Main site link
    • Site feed link
    • Site comment feed
    • Sitemap link
    • About us link
    • contact us link
    • category links
    • post links
    • site's Facebook link
    • site's Twitter link
    • site's YouTube link
    • and any other high profile links pointing to your main web url (specially web 2.0 )

    If promoting a category on your website:
    • Category link
    • Category feed link
    • Category comment feed
    • Sitemap link
    • About us link
    • contact us link
    • post within that category link
    • site's Facebook link
    • site's Twitter link
    • site's YouTube link
    • and any other high profile links pointing to that category (specially web 2.0 )

    If promoting a page on your website:
    • Page link
    • Sitemap link
    • About us link
    • Contact us link
    • Facebook link
    • Twitter link
    • YouTube link
    • and any other high profile links pointing to that page(specially web 2.0 )



    One of the reasons i am asking for 3 keyword is if i am unable to find content for a keyword, then i have 2 others to try for. I works best if the 3 keywords are all on the same niche, for instance if you are promoting a specific category on your site then the keywords should be related to the category, and even sub category, as a stupid example:
    Category name is:   Dog Sun glasses
    Your 3 keywords would be something like: dog sunglasses, sunglasses for dogs, Rayban sunglasses for dogs

    What i then do is search for content (articles, news, images, videos) on those 3 keywords
    I also take those 3 keywords and do a longtail keyword search
    I remove all keyword phrases longer than 5 words
    Try to remove usa city names, dates, countries

    The longtail list is then what will be used for your anchor text


    If you are going to use an automation tool like GSA Ser, then it means you are going to create a high volume of backlinks. Now it is going to look very suspicious to Google if every one of those backlinks have the exact same anchor and all pointing to exactly the same link - Then it becomes a problem with Google.

    By randomly using a bunch of related links and hundreds of relevant keywords we ensure that we have link diversity and anchor text variation == if you know anything about the Panda or Penguin updates then you will know how important that is for successful SEO marketing.

    Yes you can, infarct you can change anything and everything in the data packs after loading it into GSA SER.

    The keywords and anchors are not directly inserted into the content, instead i insert, GSA SER placeholders like %anchor_text% and %url% , so the links in the content you receive will look like this: <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>

    The only place where keywords \ anchors  and links are added is for the top tier, on the option page. You can edit those keywords if you want to add more or remove some. So whatever is added here is what GSA SER will smartly and randomly use to replace %anchor_text% and %url% this ensure greater diversity.
    For the lower tiers it will use the verified links of the Tier above and replace the %url% with that.


    I hope that answers your question, if not please feel free to drop me a PM  or contact me via the LIVE HELP on my site  and we can discuss

    GSA Ser Data pack sales page  -

    For details of the 7, and 5 tier packs as well as the standard data pack, check out my blog page at:
  • I ordered the tier 5 service pack and the setup was a breeze.  the very detailed video walks you right through it.  I will order another but, will get the unique content for the first Ties next time. 
  • Hi, just a quick question for the data packs:

    For tier 1, if I set pause after 10 verified links per day without checking "per url "box, however, I have 30 URL in my tier 1. Does it means each tier 1 URL will get 10 verified links or all together 10 . As I noticed in the data packs, the "per url "box is unchecked.

    I want each URL in my tier 1 has 10 verified links per day, should I check the "per url "box?

    Thanks in advance for your answer.
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    @brandue - Thank you very much for the feedback and happy to hear that the videos was of help. Look forward to working with you again

    @dfsfegsa - The default setting with my 5 and 7 tier data packs  is on tier 1 pause for 1 day after 10 verified per day. So even if you have 1000 links in tier 1 it will pause when 10 verified have been reached.
    Yes i unchecked the "per url" for all tiers,  If you want all 30 urls in the tier 1 to get 10 verified , then yes u can check the per url
  • edited June 2014
  • @royalmice please reply to my skype..
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