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  • goonergooner
    @donaldbeck - Great list as always. I would also like to request future lists are completely unique if possible because i am getting a lot of "already parsed" with this list.

    Having said that i'm still getting an LPM of 130 with it so i am not complaining :)

  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Thanks for the nice words.

    @gooner you can always use 'continously try to post to a site even if it failed before' to combat already parsed messages. You probably already know that though.
  • goonergooner
    @donaldbeck - Thanks for reminding me, i'll check that is on.

    @eyman - I have 1500 new verified domains for contextuals in just over one day of running. But of course it depends on how old your projects are whether or not these will be dups for you.

    If projects are old you will get less new domains and if they are new they will get more.
  • @donaldbeck
    how do we know when we have posted to all the target sites on your list, and start using search engines for scrapping?

  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I import urls on my own. So I don't know.

    I would either use a list, or parse raw urls, I wouldn't do it at the same time personally.

    Just search on the forum for the answer, I'm sure it's here.
  • thanks @gooner for the review.. is that all the 1500 come from unique domain only?

    @donaldbeck, i knew you start from the scratch.. but i just confused.. maybe it will be hit and miss.. not exactly the same number for each scraping/project/list.. there must be a few slipped away.. or a few new site.. by the way i am the previous buyer.. can i get the discount if i interested to buy?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Yes you can have a discount. Just PM me your paypal email.
  • goonergooner
    edited January 2014
    @eyman - Yes they were all unique, but the projects were old with lots of url history. So if you have new projects with no history you will get more unique domains. I should also mention i hadn't run through the entire list when i stated that number. The total at the end would of been higher.
  • No great insight or questions for the moderator, just wanted to say, GREAT list, will always buy the newest one and will not bother you for a discount



  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    It's always nice to see comments like that, thanks Keith.
  • Hey Donald, Sorry I didn't read your reply. Where to send the payment for the discounted price? I already purchased list 6 before. Thanks
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I replied to your PM.
  • I wanted to buy your copy for 2nd time and asked for the coupon but you are asking for the verification. Thats not fair. I bought your first list via my credit card. So what do you required for the verification of my purchase.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    It's not fair to ask for verification before I give out discounts? Whatever you say :)

    Anyway, you can send me anything that proves you bought a list from me, that's all, nothing complicated about it.
  • Can i give you last 4 digits of my card number? or my email address?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    edited January 2014
    I'll just give you a discount lol.

    edit: I PM'd your coupon to you. Please next time just keep something, a confirmation email, anything to give to me next time if you want a discount. I individually check every order before I give out a discount, so it's not anything against you personally.
  • Thanks for the coupon
  • Hi Donald. I purchased list 7 before and I want to buy your new list. I can have it for $19 right? you are not in skype... can you come skype please.
  • nawshalenawshale Sales & Tech Support at
    JUST BOUGHT! Buy subscribing to your mail list bought at 39$  ...

    Hope to get next list at 19$ 

    If you have skype group or somthing please let me
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I don't have a skype group. Maybe I'll make one next list.
  • Can you tell me how many dofollow urls can I get around? and unique domains?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    The unique domains are in the post, but I don't know the amount of dofollow sorry. I'll try to remember to check next list.
  • Thank you. When you will publish the next list?
  • Is possible to make something like this -> ?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Those 37,000 backlinks are only from 7xx domains. So yes. it would be very easy. Just repost a lot to the same domains.

    It will be out pretty soon, 1 week - 10 days I guess.
  • @donaldbeck

    Can you tell me how much dofollow backlinks is in your list ? 
  • any idea when your next release is going to be?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Maybe 4 days or so.
  • DO you have a skype group or something where we can join and get updated when you release the new list?
  • Im up for the skype group list :
    Skype Ids:
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