gsa posting to email submit form only
Hi Guys,
I'm the 'victim' of my own spam, in that a blog I own with an email collection box is being posted to by some projects I have running - couple of questions:
1. where would I find my blog that is being posted to, to remove it from global sites list? I've looked in 'general blogs' in each of submitted, verified, identified, and cannot find it in any of those
2. why would ser fill out an email field only? This is not a contact form, just a custom email collection field with no other fields, seems a waste of resources to find and post just to an email collection box?
I'm the 'victim' of my own spam, in that a blog I own with an email collection box is being posted to by some projects I have running - couple of questions:
1. where would I find my blog that is being posted to, to remove it from global sites list? I've looked in 'general blogs' in each of submitted, verified, identified, and cannot find it in any of those
2. why would ser fill out an email field only? This is not a contact form, just a custom email collection field with no other fields, seems a waste of resources to find and post just to an email collection box?

It's just a simple email collection script hardcoded in the blog header
All I get is the email addy, so I guessed to look in global lists under blog comments - couldn't find my naked url, and I just looked again under wordpress article and only find it as so in brackets here: (the url I'm posting to, which I'll call here I also have running in another project(s), so though I see it, only under eg: )
I see that going forward I can add 'do not post to urls containing' so I can manually enter all my money site urls, repeating on all projects as I don't see anywhere to have this option globally, *if* that string is exact match and not part match? Or would entering 'moneysite1' prevent it from posting to any url with the word 'money'?
Hope all the above is clear - if not I'll expand as needed
social bookmark pligg
which is where I'm assuming it's finding the email collection script to post to.