Right. So you didn't include the URLs from list 3 in list 4 is what you're saying?
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
edited September 2013
I felt like I should clarify. While I made list 4 from scratch, and I didn't take list 3 and copy it into list 4, there are duplicates for sure. I didn't check how many yet though.
By purchasing any of my previous lists for full price, you can get 1 upgrade for 19$ though.
I'll figure out how many dup domains there are later today or tomorrow.
edit:i just checked right now, 23534 domains are new when compared with the previous list.
@davbel - do you use some kind of additional filters in SB or just dedupe and let GSA SER identify the platform on its own ? I am asking because you mentioned only de-duping. Thanks.
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
List #5 is done.
64,031 total unique verified domains
389,923 unique verified urls from blog comments/image comments/trackbacks
Account data/video on how to use the list is included
@donaldbeck - could you clarify, if all those linking opportunities are just for commenting ?
Blog Comment-BlogEngine.......: 3139
I looked both images, but was confused by second.
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
I'm not sure what your question is.
You specifically pasted blog engine... yeah those are all blog comments.
The urls.txt shows the extra unique urls that are verified. The domains.txt shows the domains from every platform. For most engines, there aren't more urls. If you post a blog post, it makes a new page for example.
If I didn't answer your question, feel free to clarify.
Today i bought your list, but afer downloading in IDM and got error then the link said This download link (https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/df.php?txn_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhas expired. Please contact the merchant, i have sent you email too for this issue, please kindly assist me
Thank you
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
Sorry for the trouble.
Could you pm me your paypal email please. Also I don't think your mail showed up.
Anyone have skype and wanna share tips on making GSA SER LPM go faster. I generated a huge URL LIST WITH HREFER with over 100,000 urls and imported it into GSA Ser i was hoping to get thousands of new backlinks daily.
so can anyboyd which actually bought those lists in the past say anything really good about it. The point i am missing here is that for 5 bucks i can buy a SB Autoapprove list on fiverr. and i would use that only as Tier XXX to get other links indexed.
Btw, for the guys which bought it in the past take 1 or 2 PR5+ links and lemme know the outgoing urls on those pages ... out of curiosity
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
@Oil You are buying lists from people who are reselling other peoples work. If you don't care, then go ahead. No one will sell a decent list for 5$, not a person who actually made one anyway.
Normally to complete 1000 backlinks the SER takes approx 4 hours(using GSA Breaker). So can you confirm that by using your list, SER will complete the same project in lesser time? If yes then how much time will be saved?
Is you list just install and run or anything else is required for the support?
Agreed with jdubz, i also interested more in 'contextual' links only.. like article, web 2.0/social network article and social bookmark... if you do have good verified site lists.. that would be good
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
@parmarjeet - There's no way to know how much time would be saved, there are too many variables. A toaster on dial up and a beastly server on 1 gbps are going to perform much different with all settings being the same.
@jubz & @eyman I did a quick count, 20k domains remained when I removed image/blog comments/trackbacks/forum profies. That's still a lot.
Maybe next list I'll release contextual links only though, in addition to the regular list.
Can you please share the video about how to install the links and how it works? I am interested in buying your links but first i want to understand few points.
Hi, tried to contact on skype, got no reply, so my question is: how can I import accounts data to GSA - when i try to do it the program stops working
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
Sorry, I haven't been on skype for a few days.
I found out the account data is too big. Simply use the scrapebox dupremove tool to split the file into smaller chunks, 100k per chunk is ok. Then import each chunk to a different project.
Social Network-Dolphin........: 45
Social Network-DZOIC Handshakes: 2
Social Network-Elgg...........: 175
Social Network-JCow...........: 42
Social Network-Oxwall.........: 29
Social Network-PHPFox.........: 222
Social Network-PHPizabi.......: 5
Social Network-Plone..........: 71
Social Network-SocialEngine...: 109
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
I make all the lists for a similar amount of time, using similar techniques.
At first i thought.. when you did from a scratch (scraping, filtering, etc) each list at least had plus minus different (contextual links).. but it appears to be, the only thing is different is list come from comment, trackback, forum, etc or i would say 'burn and churn' type.
When i look at list 4, 5 and 6.. the contextual list like above i post.. exactly had the same figure (amount).. even though you said you used similar techniques and similar amount of time, but it might be 'hit and miss'.. i mean plus minus between list 4, 5 and 6.
I just interested in contextual links type.. if you have new good fresh list (verified) i would consider to purchase.
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
Bought list 6. When is 7 coming out? Any chance of more contextual links website like everyone has suggested?
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
I'll release it in a few days. I try to find the maximum amount of every kind of link that I can. I don't really think the result would be a lot better if I tried to find contextual platforms only. I'm already doing everything I can pretty much to find as many as possible already.
I'm waiting for the list 7 List 6 do very good job on me.
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
It will be out today.
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
Spamvilla was down the whole time i was collecting the extra urls, it just came back up, so I'm going to repost and then release the list, it will take 2 days give or take.
donaldbeckAdvanced SER Videos -> http://bit.ly/1ySrbwu | Learn SER For Free Step By Step -> http://sertips.com
List #7 is done.
62471 total unique verified domains, 27986 domains are new compared to list 6.
300k+ unique verified urls from blog comments/image comments/trackbacks/pingbacks
Account data/video on how to use the list is included
Anybody mind sharing success rate of this list? I tried to run contextuals (social networks + articles) in a separated project, using manual captcha solving by expert decoders, around 10k unique domains and 2k verifieds only. Anybody mind sharing their success?
Could you pm me your paypal email please. Also I don't think your mail showed up.
so can anyboyd which actually bought those lists in the past say anything really good about it. The point i am missing here is that for 5 bucks i can buy a SB Autoapprove list on fiverr. and i would use that only as Tier XXX to get other links indexed.
Btw, for the guys which bought it in the past take 1 or 2 PR5+ links and lemme know the outgoing urls on those pages ... out of curiosity
and if you got lots of verified contextual links with do follow and fresh list every time you update.. i think you will have lots of loyal customer
When i look at list 4, 5 and 6.. the contextual list like above i post.. exactly had the same figure (amount).. even though you said you used similar techniques and similar amount of time, but it might be 'hit and miss'.. i mean plus minus between list 4, 5 and 6.
I just interested in contextual links type.. if you have new good fresh list (verified) i would consider to purchase.