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  • edited August 2013
    BTW, the Captcha service that I'm using is Deathbycaptcha. I also used 10 hotmail emails with spam filter disabled and I copied the purchased list and pasted it in the failed site folder. and as you can see in the project snapshots I didn't enable any PR, OBL or Bad Words filters.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    edited August 2013
    Are you making your own accounts? I would check continuously post to sites even if it failed, and uncheck the dont post to dup domains thing. You will get more unique domains by unchecking it i bet. But if you don't want to, then check the first thing i mentioned and rerun the list a few times. I'd also right click the project and go to modify project, and delete target url history before i re ran it.

    Obviously I don't have any idea what settings bekkolt used.

    I'll run the list later today and see how many unique domains i get using the list though. Since so many people are interested in those links.

    -edit: I ran the blogs/articles minus ning, and got 596 unique(domains) verified blog posts in about 25 mins probably. If i let it run longer it will keep finding more of course... but im going to continue making the 3rd list. Use the account data and the settings I mentioned and you will find a lot more.
  • This GSA Community is cheap. You guys are just cheap. You don't see the quality of yourself and your work, just yet. A list should be sold at minimum 100$ (thats for a poor list) A descent list should sell for 7-800$...

    Looks like your broke marketers jumped the gun, and turned GSA into "Just another spam bot"... There's no quality here. Not anymore. I don't care what options you choose to use. Many of them don't even work...
  • goonergooner
    Wow!!! Quality? Such as?

    SER is for bulk links, if you want quality build quality... manually.

    If you sell a list it diminishes the quality of the list, not the software.
  • edited September 2013
    Honestly, I wouldn't even sell a list even if I could get good money for it. All the people that do their own scraping know how much time and work it takes to produce a sizable high-quality list with links that stick and make rank.

    Nothing wrong with buying one if you're just getting started but best to create your own in the long run.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    edited September 2013
    gregorysmith You can think I'm cheap if you want, you're entitled to your opinion. Your opinion is worthless, but you're entitled to it. I don't know why you're talking about the GSA community like I represent everyone here. Obviously I don't. I only represent myself.

    sweeppicker  I'm glad you chimed in here. Now we all know sweeppicker wouldn't sell a list. I don't think I could sleep at night without knowing that.

    3rd list is coming out today.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    edited September 2013
    GSA Auto Approve List with 55077 Unique Verified Domains

    So many people are using VPS’s, or even their home computer to run GSA. With a low power server like this, it’s going to take forever to create a sizeable base of auto approve urls to use on your projects.

    Even if you know exactly what to do, scraping/filtering/scraping and posting to extra urls takes a looonnngggggggg time. That’s why I created this list, to save you the headache of going through all that trouble yourself.

    This list is an excellent option for tiered linking, churn and burn type spam, or even directly to your site if you use the right filtering options.

    Let’s take a look at the stats on this list. You will receive:

    55077 unique verified domains. That’s 55077 different domains where my link was verified to be found. This was just 5-7 days ago, so this list is VERY fresh. You can see the stats here: That output is straight from GSA with unique domains only.

    500K+ unique verified urls. I took the time to scrape the extra urls from blog comments, image comment and trackbacks. This came out to 500K+ extra verified urls for you to place your link on. You can see the stats for the urls here

    Account data from my projects is also included. That way you don’t even have to register accounts!

    You will also get a quick video showing you exactly how to install the list.

    Literally all the work has been done for you. You get a verified GSA auto approve list, with all the extra urls scraped for you and verified, and you get account data as well. You’ll be up and running posting your urls to 55077 domains in under a minute.

    The price for the list is 49$

    You can also get a 10$ discount by signing up for my email list(the coupon will be emailed to you).


    Contact:Post here or contact me on skype at web2accounts to ask any questions you have.

    Refunds: After you receive the list theres really no way to give a refund as you already have this awesome list. If there really is some reason why you can't make good use of it, I'm of course open to discussion and will give you a refund if theres no way to get the list to work for you.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    There are 27228 new domains not in any of the previous lists.

    I'm also offering a special discount for buyers of the previous lists. Please contact me through skype/email/pm with your paypal email or transaction id so i can verify you bought an old list, then ill send you the coupon. Price is 19$ for old buyers.
  • @donaldbeck

    Could you break down the PR of those domains?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    edited September 2013
  • After I load your list Do i click Start Button ?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Set up the list like I showed in the video, make sure your project details are all filled in, then click start yes.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    Contact me on skype if you can't figure it out.
  • I really really don't get this.

    Why would you want to spend $49 on a list such as this that has been sold to many different ppl?

    You all post to the same sites and then you all kick off about losing rank etc.

    Instead of wasting $50 on this, spend $60 on something like Scrapebox and build your own totally unique list...

  • How many captchas does GSA captcha Breaker solves? 

    If you use this for directly linking or tier 1 what are the filters if just for tier 2 and tier 2 what filters?

  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    edited September 2013
    @davbel "Why would you want to spend $49 on a list such as this that has been sold to many different ppl? "

    Every target GSA can hit already has multiple people posting to it, this list is a natural extension of an already occurring phenomenon. It makes perfect sense to buy it once you realize this fact.

    "You all post to the same sites and then you all kick off about losing rank etc."

    No ranking gained with GSA is going to last forever. There are always exceptions, but we must be talking about way less than 1%. I have sites ranking and making money using a list just like this one for 3 months. Not bad. One day I'll probably lose the ranking you're right, but guess what? I'll rank it again in 2 weeks or less just like I did the first time.

    "Instead of wasting $50 on this, spend $60 on something like Scrapebox and build your own totally unique list..."

    Why not paint your own house? Why not fix your own car? Why not fill in your own GSA project details? People either don't have the time, skill or inclination to do so.

    If you think this list is easy to make, you're wrong. If you think just letting gsa run will produce an equivalent list to this one, you're wrong. That's why people buy it.

    And your list isn't totally unique, people are posting to every target you have.

    @tgoogle looks like gsa breaks about 680 catpchas. According to my CB anyway. What filters you use are a personal choice, there is no one certain correct set of filters. You'll have to experiment and see what works for you in your niche.
  • davbeldavbel UK
    edited September 2013
    "Every target GSA can hit already has multiple people posting to it"

    You couldn't actually be more wrong.  I literally have more sites in my verified list that haven't been spammed than the total number of sites you have in this list that you're selling. 

    With some good footprints and KW combos you can find all sorts of sites...

    "If you think this list is easy to make, you're wrong."

    Again, how you can you be so far off the mark? 

    It is easy.  It actually couldn't be much easier to build your own list using something like Scrapebox.  There are literally shedloads of tutorials around including this one by Jacob King, as well as lots of advice on these very forums.

    It takes me about 10 minutes to set up a scrapebox scrape that will find about 1million URLs overnight.  Out of that million, I'll end up with about 100-200k potentials after de-duping, of which I may be able to post a link to something 10-30k after they've been fed into SER.

    I don't do it every night, I do it once or twice a week, but even then, considering I've been using SER since Nov 2012, you can guess how many sites are in my verified list...

    Don't get me wrong, you might be a really nice chap etc etc, but it just appears that instead of teaching the noobs to fish, you'd rather just sell them a fish and a pretty shitty one at that...

  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    @davbel You strike me as a person who doesn't know what they don't know. You said what you wanted to say, I'm going to leave it at that. 
  • i bought the list 2 - is list 3 update free ?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    There are 27228 new domains not in any of the previous lists.

    I'm also offering a special discount for buyers of the previous lists. Please contact me through skype/email/pm with your paypal email or transaction id so i can verify you bought an old list, then ill send you the coupon. Price is 19$ for old buyers.
  • donaldbeck - You've mentioned a video about setting everything up, but I didn't find one ! Could you please share it with us ? Regards
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    When you buy the list, its in the readme.
  • Before I purchase , could you recommend a solid VPS for GSA SER and Captcha Breaker , so that I can take the best out of those URLs and start building links right away !

    Also - are you updating this list for Current Buyers ?

  • Hi PM'ed you, please respond. Thanks!
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    I would use the VPS that Sven has stickied on this forum, it's what I use.

    Right now I offer updates for 19$, not for free. I'm always ready to be persuaded by a reasonable argument though.

    Messageinabox, I don't have any pm from u.
  • so we will load this list, and blast to our tier 2 and 3? 
    Maybe can you share with us, how can we better make use this list ? 

  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    You can rank tons of stuff just directly blasting. I have many sites ranking for many months using these same kinds of links.

    Or like you said you can use them for tier 2+ to help power up your tier 1.
  • Could you please also share with US , how many DOFOLLOW vs NOFOLLOW are these verified URLs, because I have just checked and saw that almost 25K are from Blog Comment-General Blogs and I doubt there are any Dofollow links at all ! On the other side - I can say that this list is Huge non the less, so it is probably worth the money and time which has to be spent scraping all those URLs ! Also I hope there are no Porn, Adult Sites in your List , correct ?
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    edited September 2013
    There are dofollows in those blog comments. I don't know how many, but there are some. I'll try to break down the dofollow/nofollow next time i release a list, but i can't guarantee anything.

    The list is totally unfiltered, so if you don't want to post to adult domains, just use the bad word list. I don't think theres a lot in there anyway... just use the filters if you are concerted though.
  • donaldbeckdonaldbeck Advanced SER Videos -> | Learn SER For Free Step By Step ->
    edited September 2013
    List  #4 is done.

    52334 total unique verified domains

    7634 unique verified article/social network domains

    400,000 unique verified urls from blog comments/image comments/trackbacks

    Account data/video on how to use the list is included

    See full domain details at

    See full url details at

    All the above sales copy/fluff/bs from the other lists still applies to this one, just didn't feel like copying and pasting it this time.


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