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WTT huge verifieds list?

Anyone with a big list want to sell or trade verifieds lists?

I have a 25MB list (.SL file, URL deduped) that I'd like to swap with someone with a similar list size. 


  • anyone else with big lists that want to swap?
  • My verified list is about 24.5 MB, deduped ( I took the size of the folder the verified files were in )

    I might be interested, but I do not want to trade for the same links I already have. Anyway to do a check to make sure we are nto just trading the same old links?
  • My verified list is 150MB deduped. Will sell to you for £10k :)
  • spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
    edited June 2013
    I have verified list of 70 MB. Offers over £5k....  In all seriousness I would be willing to exchange say 500 verified URLs with someone , to see how many of them are on both lists? Always wondered if we have similar lists to each other.
  • Hey everyone,

    make sure you're looking at the size of the actual exported .SL file not the list folder. The list folder is twice the size of the .SL.


    Want to do a swap? If theyre the same old links, no harm no foul because theyre the same case scenario is we both come up with a bunch of new links.

    Make sure you get the stats for the exported file though not just the folder size.
  • More important than the size, is what types of platforms/engines they are. I'd rather have 5MB of good, contextual URLs, then 25MB of spammed to shit URLs

  • depends on what your goal is. Id rather have a 50MB list of which 5MB is contextual than just one list of 5MB contextuals.

    My list contains very little blog/ping/indexer links.
  • Ill check the export file later on.

    I know I built my list with a lot of 0 retry Captcha Breaker submissions, so these should all be good 0 retry CB verifieds.
  • Hi,
    I've a verified list of 5MB with very high quality links because I use many sessions of Scrapebox + RDDZ scraper + Hrefer with 150 private proxies from on a main dedicate server for get many platforms/engines.

    Who wants to swap ?
  • Im running a group that is swapping verified lists. Currently its me, another person on this forum and 4 others on imsoldiers forum where Im a very reputable member. 6 people in total so together we have lots of links. If anyone who is interested in joining and swapping for free please PM me or post here.
  • Do u guys dedup domains? Or just URLs?
  • both, just make sure you dont dedup domains on Blog comments, image comments, trackbacks or pingbacks. then you are g2g
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @rodol are these deslected by default when you choose dedupe domains? I recall blogs where and figured the others were too.

    For dup url's it should only select these by default. @sven - can these defaults be added? I'm not sure why the dedupe URL's has all selected when it should only apply to blog, image, trackbacks and pingbacks. 
  • i have high quality dedupe sitelist rank first page many time let me know anyone wanna trade
  • @AlexR Why would you keep duplicate urls ? There is no point keeping dup urls regardless the platform.
  • edited July 2013
    Yes @alexR this have been discussed long time ago and they are deselected by default  ;) deduping Domains of course.

    Deduping URL they are all selected, why you want a duplicate url?
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @all - if you go to Tools --> Remove Duplicate URL's

    It should ONLY select:
    trackback and pingbacks.

    Currently the default for this option is to select all. When using this feature it should ONLY be applied to the platforms I mentioned. 

    (Duplicate Domain Removal is a different discussion - and has been setup correctly) 

  • We know, what we want to know is WHY? why you don't want to remove dup urls from everywhere?
  • cherubcherub
    Indeed, we don't want duplicate urls anywhere.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    I only want to remove duplicate URL's from my blog,image,trackback, pingback sitelists. 

    What's the point of having the following in your blog sitelist:

  • cherubcherub
    Yes, but you should be wanting to remove duplicate urls from all sitelists, not just the ones you've mentioned. For exactly the same reasons you're mentioned.
  • De-Dupe URL on all lists
    De-Dupe Domains for just the contextual platforms (articles, wikis, social network)
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @mmtj - it's much quicker if you depupe domains first (excluding the ones blog, image, trackback, pingback) and then after that you do the URL dedupe.

    This way it's much quicker...that's why it should have only the ones I mentioned selected by default on the dedupe URL's. 

    Otherwise it's a repeat, since if you remove urls first, then it still leaves millions of results where URL's are different but the domains identical. 
  • edited August 2013
    Either way it only takes like 1-3 (max.) minutes on our dedi servers
  • @AlexR i think in you mistyped or get confused for some reason before... thats why i asked that question...

    what you are saying NOW its what we all agree but you didnt say that before...

    anyways YES in DEDUP DOMAINS those platforms are not selected by default.

    but in DEDPU URLS everything is selected.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @rodol - it makes no sense for Dedup URL's to have everything selected! It should by default only have the 4 platforms selected. (Blog, Image, Ping, Track) 
  • OzzOzz
    edited August 2013
    it doesn't really matter, imo. even if it would save you 15 minutes per week. who cares?
  • aah ok now i understand... deduping domains have those platforms uncheck by default... BUT deduping urls have everything selected and it should only have those platforms selected Because after you dedup domains there are no duplicates url on anything else.
  • ok..anyone sell verified list? Please PM me 
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @Rodol - spot on! @Ozz - there are many users x 15 mins x number of week = lots of time wasted/lots of care. 
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