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proxies getting banned without activity


My problem is, all my proxies are getting instantly banned without any activities performed.

I am totally new to this, so please bear wirh me.
I started my first project based on a video tutorial. Signed up for for proxies, I still have bandwidth quota so that side is covered. I added the API key to GSA. When testing the proxies, it gives me various results, most of them are green, but many are red right at the beginnging.
Anyway, please see the screenshot. Started with all green, yet without any successful submission or even search, all actiions are failing.

I am not using any lists just wanted to start with Google / MSN / Yahoo searching for sites without search phrase, mostly with default setup just to see how it works. I guess I messed up something, tried to figured it out but I am lost, please advise.


  • cherubcherub
    webshare proxies are not virgin proxies. They'll have been used before.

    But this behaviour could also be that the searches are giving no results, which SER takes as a ban. Have you tried any of the searches manually and see if you get any results?
  • Hello, 
    Thank you for helping me.

    Do you mean searching through the VPS from a broswer using the IPs? Well, the proxy verification screen does that I think, and I tried verification for Google / Bing, it's all green. Then I start the project and no result.

    There are no search phrases. Please see my settings:

  • I tried without proxies and there is activity, searches and some submissions.
    Any proxy I try, it's like GSA can't get any response however it verifies the IPs.
    I added 10 private daracenter IPs from another source and it was the same. refreshed the and just clciked start:

  • It seems you are using proxyjudge to test proxies. Confirm?

    And then in URL log seems like your searching on Google and other search engines.

    Maybe in proxy manager  "LIST"  after "Options" on top left, click on quick and then change the "test against" to Google if your going to be searching google. You may have to enable it if its off to get to be able to change it but then shut off again after changing the default "test against" engine in the proxy manager.

    Unless your searching for free proxies and have that set for some reason.

    Maybe want to test against Yahoo/Bing and set those search engine in project and test a bit first.

    Google will be tough with service and if paying buy bandwidth it will likely get eaten up pretty fast.

    This is partially why they are all green but showing bans and errors. You can also right click, select all, then in the right click options there test against Google search or Bing. Or whichever you like. Also buttons there with options.  But better to test against the service you will be using for searching for better results. Google being the toughest!

    You will find result very different.

    As cherub mentioned manually go to engine, try an see result. 

    You will likely see it throwing ReCaptcha, banned on network traffic, hiding results or even blocked by a term "known to be used by bots".

    Sometimes editing/changing up the footprints can help, as well as testing what operators the engine "can handle"

    Changing that stuff though should boil it down hopefully to at least a few working Google proxies for you.

    If using the API it will function and behave differently too so be aware of that.

    Try some of those

  • Hello,

    By manually go to engine, you mean try and use these IPs via a browser? I have 10 provate proxies set up on my computer in firefox and I can access google through any of them. I added those and only to the IP list.

    tested with google.

    Now when I start the project:

  • Banned on query
  • No, it seems like a bug in GSA. Mistakenly recognized the proxies as "CONNECT" whatever that means, while they should be used as WEB. (I tried with IP auth and username/pw methods) Itnteresing, that both my own private IPs and the IPs provided through the API were identified as CONNECT. The proxy tester interface could however make a test to google / bing even when the setting was wrong, but the app itself could not use the proxies.
    thank you all for tuning in!!!

  • You can right click and Change proxy type if you think it's identifying differently.

    connect OR web OR sock4 OR sock5

    -Happy Monday by the way :)
  • hehe, to you to!

    I did that, thanks. It works.

    What's odd is that nobody has reported the proxies pulled from not working.

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