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GSA SER filter + xevil

with respect and admiration
this is a problem

i try to block

i can't stop this web site  how can i stop

xevil is getting tired for nothing.
Is there any way to stop this?

Can't solve captcha.
Total damage is tiring the processor.
13 ser 2 xevil is not enough. (5950x 7950x)
40% of CPUs go to them.


  • maybe that would be more understandable.
  • SvenSven
    edited May 2023
    can you show a log from SER to identify of what engine it is treating it for?
    also try adding the following in global filter
    Thanked by 1ahmetibis

  • I use 28 search engines. only the international ones were selected in line with the GSA-SER recommendation notes.
    i stop fandom
    just editing the hosts file solves everything.
    I said proxy goes independently. but it is following the hosts file.
    Thank you very much.
    I have a very special thank you to Sven
  • SvenSven
    still it would be good to know what SER was thinking that this site was about to try to solve recaptcha. But glad you could solve it anyway.
  • edited June 2023
    Hi @Sven,
    This is the log you requested.

    1) I am using raw Identified SER list (not verified) and I my XEvil has:
    Good: 300,000
    Bad SiteKey: 50,000
    Bad: 1200
    Is the Bad SiteKey consider a lot? How can I reduce it?

    2) I also have a lot of Bad SiteKey from
  • @Sven still has Bad SiteKey. Any fix?
  • SvenSven
    sorry no solution for that one. I had a look in source and can see recaptcha being configured, but when using in browser I guess it is not used ?
  • hello
    I'm in the same case with 70% bad sitekey with the site, I added in the host but xevil still receives this site
    I added this line in the host
    I also added in the global filter
    can you help me please
  • SvenSven
    if you use proxies, then the hist file will not have any effect.
  • @Sven thank you for your reply
    yes I use proxies, I use this list I don't scrap
    do you have a solution for blocked site because it exhausts my Xevil
  • SvenSven
    put it to global blacklist

  • I did as on the capture but there is no impact
  • also in GSA I have set up two attempts to solve the captcha but it is done in a loop in Xevil
  • SvenSven
    edited October 2023
    im sorry but i can not solve this while being on vacation. this has to wait till im back.
    Thanked by 1MonemLefi
  • Other sites also get caught in a loop and endlessly solved. I've seen this even for a "successfully solved" captcha. 

  • I have changed the settings of XEVIL and CB working together. Now the loop completes much faster. I'll let you know if the problem resumes. 

    Введите комментарий
  • SvenSven
    Why having XEvil in CB config at all? It would be even faster if you skip the XEvil setup in CB.
  • Введите комментарийSven said:
    Why having XEvil in CB config at all? It would be even faster if you skip the XEvil setup in CB.
    CB - solves simple capches. XEVIL - solves complex capches. 

    Are you saying that XEVIL can solve all the CAPTCHAs on its own?
  • SvenSven
    XEvil can solve image captchas as well, but not as good as our software.
    But if you put them both in SER, it would mean that SER sends the captcha to all the services one after another until one can solve it.
    Thanked by 1Skanavy
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