well if you use verified site lists already then I don't know why there is such a gap on the captcha costs vs. verified links. Anything useful in the log?
For Drupal and Wordpress contextual links I would make sure you're using a proper verified list to submit. Many list sellers are offering 'identified' and 'submitted' lists too, and it's these that can really eat through captcha credits, as the majority of Drupal and Wordpress sites will allow you to register (using a captcha in many cases), but not allow you to post.
Any suggestion? I am still
struggling with using the additional captcha feature right without spending a
lot of $$$ and getting more and faster links.
Any strategy will be appreciated.
Which engines should I try who are accepting fast submissions?
Any suggestion? I am still struggling with using the additional captcha feature right without spending a lot of $$$ and getting more and faster links.
Any strategy will be appreciated.