Additional Captcha Service
Hi guys!
I want to try some additional Captcha service to use with GSA CB.
What will be the most compatible one to solve captchas that ware failed by GSA CB?
I want to try some additional Captcha service to use with GSA CB.
What will be the most compatible one to solve captchas that ware failed by GSA CB?
SHould i ad the api to GSA CB or to GSA SER?
I tried it yesterday by adding it to CB, and it looks fine solving near 100% of all captchas (i choose to use the additional service only if CB fails). What will be the difference between adding it to SER?
It looks like 2 captcha is working fine if I add it to CP, but it's not working as Sven suggest adding it directly to GSA SER.

IT's now 24 hours active, and it didn't solve any captcha, Is there something wrong with my setting?
Ok, I remove the "Run as Webserver" option and it works.
The problem is that is sucks all my credits ($10) in 1 there any way to send only captchas that are not easy to solve with CP?
Thanks again!
Any Advice?
its yes no no !