How to learn GSA ? Know few things .But need to improve the learning standard.
Hi All,
I am from India and i am doing IM since 2013 and have gone through many up's and down's.I am not making good cash as of now because i lost all my traffic.
My main traffic was coming from Youtube and facebook.This time i have decided to start with SEO.I have started learning SEO few months back and working on it.But now i need to understand more about GSA and ScrapeBox.Still i don't know what is footprints but i see a lot of threads regarding custom footprints bla bla bla.I guess i am short of GSA knowledge and when i started going through forums i didnt know where to start with.Finally i ended with few websites to start of.
1:I will go through by donaldbeck and will learn the basic on GSA/SB.
Note:Later i want to know what exactly is all about the scraping good list.I usually rank YT videos in GSA by using the bestspinner tool and put the content in GSA and run them on VPS for 24/7 blasting the links.I get around 30-40 LPM on it.But never gone through these footprints,scrapping list.
2: Will go through on all the videos from the below threads
I will post my updates and doubts if i had any,I would appreciate if Experts could help me in understanding the concepts.
Also let me know if there are good materials to scale the GSA knowledge.