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Loading URLs from Site Lists - Will It Ever Stop?

edited November 2012 in Need Help
I had a couple of projects set up in GSA which ran for a few weeks and verified around 2000 links in total. When I was looking back through I decided to split up the projects so there was one for each, like one for blog commenting, one for article posting etc.

With the new projects running I have enabled the Global Site Lists option, but the log is constantly full of 'Loaded 0/300 URLs from site lists'. I wanted to know if this is going to stop when it has completed checking the site list? I have a project that was set up a few days ago that hasn't submitted anything yet and wanted to know if this was the cause?

If they do eventually finish then I will wait - I just want to make sure they are using search engines / footprints to look up new targets as well though


  • SvenSven
    'Loaded 0/300 URLs' will not stop unless you have new sites in the site listes that have not been parsed/submitted to by the project. If it comes to this situation, you should either enable search engines again or fill your site lists with fresh sites.
  • Okay well for all of them I have enabled search engines, so am I right in thinking once the project has parsed all the sites in the site list then it will revert back to using search engines?

    Guessing its taking a little longer than expected because I have imported a few scrapebox lists before so I guess its slowly parsing them.
  • SvenSven
    if you disabled search engines, than no it will not used them unless you turn them on again.
  • I never said I disabled them, all the projects have search engines enabled still. I just want to know that the site list parsing will stop, its been going on for a few days and I wanted to make sure
  • SvenSven

    I was referring to your sentence "so am I right in thinking once the project has parsed all the sites in the site list then it will revert back to using search engines?". This is not the case. No change will be made on your options.

    That site list parsing will never stop.

  • Question: how do you "enable search engine again" ? what option exactly do I need to click on ?
  • you need only to check some SEs.
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