unknown directory script suggestion / question / improvement
there are some direectories around for quite some time like the following
there does not appear to be a footprint on the first page
but when you go to the links page i.e. http://directory.betterlinks.net/submit.html
there is always "Sponsored by: WebProNews"
and ALWAYS the following fields URL/email/category/captcha (type u102 with 50% success rate on the new CSX2)
is there way to script them ? Sven ? Ozz ?
one peculiarity of them is that the confirmation link contains AGAIN a captcha (type u102)
can this be handled by GSA SER ?
why should anyone care ?
1. there must be more than 1000 directories around (maybe more than that, webpronews sets them by the 100s up to promote their domain)
2. the approval rate is very fast (for directories) within a few minutes you can have live link
3. directories have not lost their power ;-)
putting it out there just in case anyone wants to give it a shot (maybe me if I get some time to learn the script engine)
there does not appear to be a footprint on the first page
but when you go to the links page i.e. http://directory.betterlinks.net/submit.html
there is always "Sponsored by: WebProNews"
and ALWAYS the following fields URL/email/category/captcha (type u102 with 50% success rate on the new CSX2)
is there way to script them ? Sven ? Ozz ?
one peculiarity of them is that the confirmation link contains AGAIN a captcha (type u102)
can this be handled by GSA SER ?
why should anyone care ?
1. there must be more than 1000 directories around (maybe more than that, webpronews sets them by the 100s up to promote their domain)
2. the approval rate is very fast (for directories) within a few minutes you can have live link
3. directories have not lost their power ;-)
putting it out there just in case anyone wants to give it a shot (maybe me if I get some time to learn the script engine)
I just realized that this is already scripted as unknown directory.ini
I tried to input a bunch of those directories but if given this way
they are not recognized by GSA SER
but if given as
it will actually recognize them as unknown directory
(using download retry 2 times)
Does the script accommodate for the captcha at verfication time ?
but I have both webpronews.ini and unknow directory.ini in the engines folder
the captcha on verification page is a new addition
because I remember not long time ago I used to submit manually and it never had captcha
Feature request:
maybe the captcha discovery on ANY page can be automated
(and of course sending it to captcha service)
before actually submiting a page or marking it us success (on verification)
I have a feeling that more and more engines will start doing verification with captcha
what you give me on previous post is instructions for GSA SER on how to identifiy the engine right ?
is n't it better if I just erase the unknown-directory.ini
since its not going to be used with this name anymore
and reimport the sitelist_Directory-Unknown Directory.txt
and all to be identified as webpronews
actually I did this and it worked
the real problem is how to set captcha on the verification page right ?
I erased the unknow-directory.ini manually from the engines
this won't create any problem right ?