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Spamvilla? Not again. Sven, read this please!

So I've a conversation with @Spamvilla on Skype on 17th December. And when he promised to provide good support again, he said he'll activate my account within 2-4 hours. Thus, I paid for it. It's going to be 20th in my country, and I receive no reply from Kelvin on my account status. I PM him on skype, email support, forum message, NO REPLY STILL. So my advice to @Sven is, unless he solves my problem (activate my account) within 24 hours from now, or else WE don't have to give another chance to Kelvin to post another thread on this forum. We know about his support very well, for now, it's as bad as last month. I'll update with you guys on the thread real soon about the status.


  • goonergooner
    My opinion is the guy doesn't deserve a second of your time or a penny of your money.
    Sure he had problems but that was a long time ago and the world doesn't stop for personal problems.
    If i treated my clients like he has i would have no business. Simple as that.
  • I also don't know how things go on like that. If I were him, I'd outsource to some cheap labour that could help me to AT LEAST reply some nonsense to the clients, better than getting NO REPLY. Yeah?
  • Well,  That's the problem when people have a monopoly on things like this.  Sure there is MegaOCR.  but lets face it.  When it does work it's currently the best one available.  If there was a better one I'm sure everyone would be there instead.  :/
  • goonergooner
    True, but if all of you stopped paying he would fix himself up in an instant and be here apologising and trying to win his customers back. :))
  • @reeve95545 i m sorry it will get activated tonight we have some problem going in server hosted , billing and support domains its nothing to do with ocr its running fine
  • @gooner we still running fine with 509/(375 active clients) i admit that there was some serious problems before and i refunded 100+ clients for that month without asking any question, but right now there is no downtime , no problems what so ever for orders 24 hours is the standard set-up time to prevent fraud orders ( we got some fraud orders in last 2-3 months or so) if somehow any order get further delay i always add extra (lost days there) it can be confirmed by multiple clients running with us any ways all orders pending will be processed tonight ( like in 2-3 hours from this reply)
  • all orders are processed btw updating the thread for @reeve95545 website and billing is reup and running too :)
  • Yes, things are getting ok now. So it seems like Spamvillla has returned ;)
  • Hi guys, how to check the solving rate of Spamvilla (and what he had solved)? Because it seems like in the GSA Log, I only get this "captcha service SpamVilla is not responding/can`t solve" although when I click 'test' in SER it's working.
  • @spamvilla, so when I will buy from you subscription, you guarantee that service will be online for 99% of the time?
  • goonergooner
    @spamvilla - You didn't refund me or add extra days for me, i was a paying customer for 2 months and didn't receive any of that.
  • @reeve95545 as i explained in skype double stain captcha are impossible to solve it cant be sole by any provider it basically only base on ip ban make sure to use lots of good proxies and rotate them well rest variation we solve it 45-80% accuracy depends on recapcha variations
  • @micha yes after our return its really 99% up and no downtime what so ever
  • @gooner i m sorry please contact me via support ticket or skype i will make sure u get free plan from us to make it for you :)
  • Very nice to see this kind of response ^^
  • goonergooner
    @spamvilla - That's very nice of you, thanks.

    You have the best recaptcha service available, if you can improve your customer service you will have a fantastic base of loyal customers on this forum. Hope you can keep it going :)
  • I'd like to ask you guys how many threads to spamvilla you've bought compared to the threads you're running in GSA ser? I'm usually running 1-2k threads in ser and those are only submitting, but I'm wondering whether 10 spamvilla threads is enough or if I'm going to need hundreds?
  • 1-2k threads in SER and your SPamvilla is 10? So you're expecting only 1% of the sites are using recaptcha o.o
  • @fakenickahl you need the biggest plan , @reeve95545 its not entirely true in my own websites it seems 30% + sites were asking recaptcha as its most common used spam prevention captcha
  • @gooner thanks i know and i m really working hard to keep it up and i promise i will
  • edited January 2014
    @reeve95545 I've never used spamvilla and I've always skipped recaptcha as I'm only using captcha breaker for churn and burn, but I do appreciate you pointing out the logic to me. I had not really thought about it in this way, but I was thinking the amount of threads needed from spamvilla is based on the time it takes to solve a captcha, compared to the time it takes ser to go from a link to registration page to sending the captcha request. Also not every thread will find a working website which it can submit to.

    @Spamvilla thanks man, but would you happen to have any stats on the average solve time of your service?
  • Avg solve time is same like 1 sec or faster
  • @Spamvilla, I gave you another chance, because you guarantee that service will be work 99% of time.
    Please check PM and activate my spamvilla account asap.
  • michamicha Uk
    edited January 2014
    @Spamvilla, you not answer from more than 10 hours. My account is still not activated, I paid more than 10 hours ago.
    I was your client before, so activating should be faster than 10 hours, how you think?
  • BrandonBrandon Reputation Management Pro
    @micha relax man, 10 hours isn't a lot if a guy is sleeping. I know you're impatient because of the history, but relax.
  • I think he said you have to wait for 24 hours to check for fraud.
  • @micha pmd you my skype and yes standard setup time is 24 hours even for older clients bcoz we are getting 1-2 fraud orders every week these days but i m going to process your once with the batch in few hours from this reply
  • Yea calm down guys. The Good Spamvilla has returned. I'm not getting any downtime YET, but I hope it's good as what is it now ;)
  • Anybody could comment on the uptime for now? Would love to hear some opinions before giving it a try again, I think everybody can understand it given the history of the service. Not meant to bust on Spamvilla by posting here.
  • Hi, it's fine now. MUST get buyproxies, since GSA will keep saying "recaptcha URL resolved failed". Buyproxies can change to new proxies every day, but i don't think others are as fast.
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