@Tim89, I'm picking on you again as you know your dedis...After speaking to you a few weeks ago and looking again at building my own server, it seems on Amazon you can just buy ready-made gaming PCs with the spec that I want. Would it be OK to run that as a dedi, selling the GPU to make the overall cost of the PC cheaper? If so, that seems a financially viable way for me to go rather than paying monthly for a provider, as I'm always looking for the best deals
@judderman yes, that's perfectly fine.. when I buy parts I tend to purchase gaming motherboards anyway simply because there better performers and I have the option to sell them on as gaming machines on ebay if I want to get rid.
I bought a £500 nvidia graphics card on this machine, simply because I may want to play some games, I used to be a big gamer in my teens but haven't touched a game in 3 years lol, but the option is there!
Awesome, cheers @Tim89 - I assume the box/cooling will be more than good enough rather than me guessing at what is right. If a company has built a specific machine for gaming then it will be perfectly capable for me.
LOL at gaming. Last time I picked up a game was a PS1 controller!!!...I think I've worked non-stop for 15 years
@judderman The cooling should be good enough, just make sure it has at least 2-3 fans, all computers come with two main fans, an exhaust which is at the back of the machine and a vacuum which is normally located infront of the HDD bays, so don't include those fans, they are standard.
try and go for at least 2 fans (not including the standard fans)
Yes, I used to be a big player in cod4 and MoH:AA, I was actually playing in the same online league as Mathew Woodward, what makes me laugh is that if you check out his online blog, he claims he was the first ever person in the game to do a 360 air shot with a sniper rifle, which is absolutely rubbish lol, I guess it's the blind leading the blind though.
Excellent, thanks mate. Looks like £500 (after selling bits) for the one I want. Compare that to $90pm for the dedicated server I have (which is a different one to the one I ordered). Just need to see what Virgin Media can do for fast Internet.
@judderman coolio, please share your virgin media product you end up going for, The last time I had virgin was two years ago, had to change when I moved.
Virgin Media is pretty decent. I got 100MB soon to be 120MB. They double your speed for free and offer discounted rate for about 6 months i think on a lot of deals. Speeds depends where you live though of course.
Just hide behind a VPN if you need to sequentially scan through a big list of proxies. Nothing like a Netscan detected to ruin your day and put your Internet access at risk.
@Judderman I set my up home server about 9 months and at the time I went with the AMD FX8350 as it was quite a bit cheaper than the nearest Intel equivelant. With 8Gb ram, 128Gb SSD the processor, case and fans etc it cost about £400.
@Tim89 I'm the same, but my problem is I keep buying them. I keep telling myself that I'll get time to play them soon enough, but there are still 7 or 8 in my draw still shrink wrapped...I've even got the last two COD installed in Steam, but I bet I haven't fired up either of them more than once...
Cheers @davbel AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz (4.2GHz Turbo), 8 cores, 16GB RAM this is the dedi I should have had but they had none in stock. Instead I got 32GB but slower CPU, which is pointless for SER as it doesn't need RAM (I don't think). I will buy one soon I think, as I hate monthly payments for anything.
Sven says 2008 Win is better for SER but £35 is a bargain, cheers. I find SER works best on Win 7 64bt. What Internet speed do you have @davbel and with what provider?
I've not had any issues with WHS2011 and SER, but @sven would know better :-)
I'm in a non-Virgin area, so 38Mb fibre with Sky which averages at about 30-32. SER consumes about 10mb so it still leaves a good 20 for web / streaming / downloads etc
I'm looking to upgrade to 76Mb as I also run a VPS with SolidSEO, so with dbl the bandwidth I'll be able to quiet literally bring that "in-house" and build and run another server on the home network )
Just got an email from Virgin telling me they are upgrading me to 152MB for free in the next couple of months. Man i might need to get a home server too!
why this is not about churn and burn anymore?, Great tips and advice guys i know everything talked here is some kind related to the topic..... BUT i want to know a little bit more about the results on churn and burn techniques :-*
I don't know if you have been following the journey on BHW from the link that was provided on the first page of this thread, but the latest update is that his rankings apparently fell except for 1 keyword.
I can't access BHW from my computer at work so I don't remember the specifics, but I believe he's going to continue throwing backlinks to see for any improvements. If nothing happens, he'll move on to another blogspot blog.
His method of anchor text was strictly the use of keywords he wanted to rank for. Since there were 50 he wanted to rank for, each keyword was getting roughy 2% of the backlinks. He didn't use generic words as anchor text, nor did he use naked url anchor text backlinks.
You should definitely keep an eye on that thread as he plans to run more tests to try to rank faster, as he said it took him a month to reach as high as he did.
I think the moral of the story is not to go mad behind very very tough and manually moderated keywords. That guy wasted resources for roughly 1 month and just made $168. Not saying it's bad but if he would have chosen a relatively medium competition niche, maybe around 40K searches and low to medium competition, then he might have made way more than this.
Using the resources at proper place is what is important, at least for me.
Yeah I agree @Pratik he could have gone into a relatively smaller niche and cleaned up. There are plenty of $40-60 niches that isn't moderated so harshly. I still wonder if it was the fact that he used Blogspot but then again we all blast YT videos and that's a Google product too.
Especially if people use a gmail to sign up to BHW and then it could be open for them to see what that same email address is used for ie. hosting, tools...etc etc
Seems Like he's still going good. I see him about to hit first page for the Main Keyword. Maybe he just fell for all the other keywords? even if he ranks for that one main keyword he will still make a very good amount.
I think he called off that his main KW is not ranking? Not sure if the site you're talking about @Hunar is the same one as of that guy.
@davbel Definitely. I don't think Google is fool enough or doesn't have stats to see what # of backlinks are being fired at their products. For example I am sure there might be some way where they can sort, filter and see the # of backlinks coming daily to their blogspot domains. And the guy who makes almost 70-100K backlinks daily to blogspot can be easily spot by Google team.
Now, it doesn't mean that this is what has happened or is some manual action, but there's a chance.
I'm 100% certain it's his site. Cause he gave away what affiliate company he's using. And if you look at the site i'm talking about you'll see the link lol. Maybe masking his buy/affiliate link would be better but <shrug>
@Hunar , I'm not sure what keyword position you're seeing, but he did mention that all of them fell except for one that receives a search of 40.5K. When he reported that all but one fell, he said one still remained at position 13.
Do you guys really think this was a penalization (a manual action taken by Google)?
I bought a £500 nvidia graphics card on this machine, simply because I may want to play some games, I used to be a big gamer in my teens but haven't touched a game in 3 years lol, but the option is there!
try and go for at least 2 fans (not including the standard fans)
Yes, I used to be a big player in cod4 and MoH:AA, I was actually playing in the same online league as Mathew Woodward, what makes me laugh is that if you check out his online blog, he claims he was the first ever person in the game to do a 360 air shot with a sniper rifle, which is absolutely rubbish lol, I guess it's the blind leading the blind though.
@Tim89 I'm the same, but my problem is I keep buying them. I keep telling myself that I'll get time to play them soon enough, but there are still 7 or 8 in my draw still shrink wrapped...I've even got the last two COD installed in Steam, but I bet I haven't fired up either of them more than once...
I'm in a non-Virgin area, so 38Mb fibre with Sky which averages at about 30-32. SER consumes about 10mb so it still leaves a good 20 for web / streaming / downloads etc
I'm looking to upgrade to 76Mb as I also run a VPS with SolidSEO, so with dbl the bandwidth I'll be able to quiet literally bring that "in-house" and build and run another server on the home network
I don't know if you have been following the journey on BHW from the link that was provided on the first page of this thread, but the latest update is that his rankings apparently fell except for 1 keyword.
I can't access BHW from my computer at work so I don't remember the specifics, but I believe he's going to continue throwing backlinks to see for any improvements. If nothing happens, he'll move on to another blogspot blog.
His method of anchor text was strictly the use of keywords he wanted to rank for. Since there were 50 he wanted to rank for, each keyword was getting roughy 2% of the backlinks. He didn't use generic words as anchor text, nor did he use naked url anchor text backlinks.
You should definitely keep an eye on that thread as he plans to run more tests to try to rank faster, as he said it took him a month to reach as high as he did.
@Hunar , I'm not sure what keyword position you're seeing, but he did mention that all of them fell except for one that receives a search of 40.5K. When he reported that all but one fell, he said one still remained at position 13.
Do you guys really think this was a penalization (a manual action taken by Google)?