[ Please Have A Look Admin ] Gsa Fault Or Websites Fault?
Hello guys . I might need a little help to solve an issue . I have a list of some personal verified Drupal , Buddy Press, Wordpress article directories + some Elgg, PhpFox and Jcow Social networks blogs . Filled all info , added email ( hotmail ) and set my options . I ran on the 30th december 2013 A project with theese platforms ticked in Gsa to Create links . I left the project run for few hours and got around 5000 verified Links .
Today I ran a new project with same settings , hotmail account ( I tried with others too - though maybe is from email ) . Thing Is, I get submitted links , but when comes to verify , it verifies the submitted ones ( Website USERNAME CONFIRMATION ) , Links Found and then the number of submitted Drecreases alot and at the Verified section I have none . Why is that ?
What am I doing wrong ? I first thought is maybe from the Sites list , but I dont think the whole 2000 verified domains changed their policy .
Any thoughts ?
I can give the list of sites to A Moderator Or Admin to verify himself . ( Please Pm me With Your SKYPE to give the list ) .
THankyou !
Big Thankyou to SVEN ! Solved my problem
THankyou sir , very much .