uncheck engines if list1 vs list2 is <[xx]% AND...
Hi Sven,
I think a very helpful feature for getting your lpm optimized would be this one:
uncheck engines if list1 vs list2 (from the statistics) is smaller (<) than xx%
and behind this feature add checkboxes with the following options
[ ] AND [ ] OR list1 is [ ] smaller [ ] bigger than yy [ ] AND [ ] OR list2 is [ ] smaller [ ] bigger than zz
It looks very complicated but I think it's logical: all it does is sort out all engines which match - for example - the following criteria:
list1 vs list2: < 10%
[x] AND [ ] OR list1 is [x] smaller [ ] bigger than 100 [x] AND [ ] OR list2 is [x] smaller [ ] bigger than 30
That sorts out all engines with a list1 vs list2 ratio under 10% AND they are also sorted out if list1 is smaller than 100 and list 2 is smaller than 30
(yy and zz should be processed on each engine type as pairs - only if both criterias match, the engine should be unchecked)
Add this feature to the projects window (you can select it for every single project - each one with different conditions) or/and in the options window to let Ser select engines globally accross all projects.
I hope this was not too complicated...