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  • goonergooner
    @aulia - I use the one the Wizard package mate.
  • Berman Hosting sucks... My server started failing since 2 weeks ago. I sent ticket and this dudes take like 48 hrs to answer. They claim it was a node thing, so they moved my service to another one. It was way worse. Couldn't even log in. So after lots of messages being sent, they moved me to another node. All this in a week. Finally the node was cool, and they offered me to make a backup of my things and create a new vps clean install for me. So I did and sent them a message to do that, but they just never answered back. The service became unavailable after 12 hrs though. After that it's been like 5 days without an answer and without any service. I just moved to solidseovps. Service is awesome and they use XEON instead of Ci7. Bad thing is that I can not allocate more ram on the Geek package... BERMAN HOSTING SUUUCKS. DO NOT USE IT.
  • edited December 2013
    I can't say nothing yet, but i am still facing bad results. But to tell my final decision i should wait for the reply. But in matter of speed and other things seems to be good. The price makes me to buy their service, but sometimes is better to spend a little more, just to have something that really works.

    @gooner can i know from where you get the proxies? Just because for me to spend 100$ a month for 100 proxies is really difficult..
  • edited December 2013
    @baxelu, Thanks for the review, Glad you like it and Welcome to Solid.
  • goonergooner
    @dimcik - I use solidseovps proxies and buyproxies too.
    I do not think you will find 100 cheaper than $100/mo. If you can't afford 100 then consider buying less and/or consider scraping with Scrapebox which needs less proxies and only posting with SER.
  • @dimcik, We sell 100 semi dedicated for $67.5 and 100 dedicated for $127.5
  • solidseovps on any given day.
    - awesome support
    - superfast VPS
    - instant VPS setup
    - cheap prices (I am locked at 16.95$ per month since I bought them 4 months ago)

    what else do you want?
  • edited December 2013
    -double post-
  • capricious Thanks for the nice feedback, Our pleasure to serve you.
  • @dimcik
    Try to use Gscraper to only scrape. They have a built-in proxie-service (at $48/month I think) and you get so much results (depending on your keywords and footprints), you can't process with Ser. I scrape in Gscraper with 800-1000 threads and it removes duplicates automatically.
    Built huge lists with thousands of urls and let Ser post or identify+sort-in.
    It's much cheaper than $100/month for 100 proxies.
  • @magix One thing I encounter while scraping with Gscraper (bought it few weeks back, dusting off the dust today haha) that importing huge amount of keywords and stuff and running it for good couple of hours makes it stuck and turn out plain white not responding type. It's not a VPS thing, the VPS is powerful enough. I'm importing FuryKyle's kws and its stuck (plain white window) since past 20-25 minutes. Is it same for you or any solution for that?
  • I don't encounter that problem. Perhaps your footprints produce a very low number of results ?
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    edited December 2013
    @magix were you able to build huge list of verified sites with Gscraper ? I mean getting plenty of sites is good, but % of sites from scraped list that SER is able to build backlinks on is what matters
  • edited December 2013
    @grax1 no, I don't get a VERIFIED list I get a huge list of urls that - after this step - could be successfully imported into Ser in the identify+sort-in process. I don't have a statistics how many % of them will get stuck after the post+verify process but because I scrape continously with gscraper I don't care about high percentage of links that could be verified. That also depends on so many factors (how good is your spun content, what kind of link are you using, ect.) you can't just say "this list is good and another one is bad" I think...

    @Pratik What helps me a lot to find new footprints is fpf (footprintfactory). Try to find your own footprints or search for them. On bhw there are plenty of threads regarding footprints. Try them out - it should fix any "stuck" situation in gscraper. On some footprints, google blocks your (proxy)-ip very fast because they are often used by automated software or blackhats. Perhaps that's why it seems to stuck. Wrong footprints...
  • grax1grax1 Professional SEO, UK | White Label SEO Provider
    edited December 2013
    @magix I know that, just wanted to know how much verified links(approx) you can get from a list created with gscraper
  • Ah okay - you could also scrape with Ser, scrapebox, hrefer or every other scraping-tool. That has nothing to do with gscraper. The advantage of gscraper- I think - is its built-in proxie service which helps a lot...
  • edited December 2013
    @grax1 I get about 20% veryfied - but - like I posted above - that has to do with my spun fields - not the best content and quality. I think I'll try the service of asiavirtualsolutions - perhaps the quality is better and you'll get more results veryfied...
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