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SolidseoVPS vs. Bermanhosting - pros and cons

I plan to switch my VPS - I plan to move from to one of these two VPS providers mentioned above. Which one would could you recommend ? I'm located in Germany and I plan to order the 2GB plan. Anybody using this together with GSA Ser and GSA CB ? How many threads are possible to post without too high CPU-load ? Any pros or cons here ? Do they both allow GSA Ser (together with GScraper and Scrapebox) ? Thanks for yourr replies... magix


  • Anybody got an suggestion ?
  • 2Take22Take2 UK
    edited November 2013
    I plan to switch my VPS - I plan to move from to one of these two VPS providers mentioned above. Which one would could you recommend ?

    I can't comment on Berman hosting, but my particular experience with solidseovps has been good.

    I'm located in Germany and I plan to order the 2GB plan. Anybody using this together with GSA Ser and GSA CB ?

    I used to use GSA SER  and CB on a 2gb VPS and they ran fine.

    How many threads are possible to post without too high CPU-load ?

    It depends on various other factors, but if you've got it set up right, and you've got say at least 30 semi-dedicated private proxies, then you should be able to get 100 - 150 threads comfortably, without it crashing or slowing down.

    Any pros or cons here ?

    No cons for solidseovps - I would recommend them.

    Do they both allow GSA Ser (together with GScraper and Scrapebox) ?

    As long as you use proxies, as far as I know, solidseovps will let you use whatever programs you like.

    Hope it helps.
  • Thanks for your help. Any other here with Berman VPS ?
  • goonergooner
    If you search the forum you will find some info about Berman, some good stuff and some bad stuff from what i've seen. Downtime being a complaint i have seen a couple of times.

    I use Solidseovps, can only tell you good things - good performance, decent price and customer service is very quick and helpful too.
  • Many thanks for your comments. I read a lot in the forum - some guys use Bermans VPS and are happy, others prefer Solidseovps. I think I'll test solidseovps.
  • another vote for solidseovps! :) was with hostamus too but solid gave a load more specs for the same price and ive been running over 300 projects /100 threads and its still not even sweating at 30% cpu :). unfortunately my wallet prevents me form getting more proxies to up threads evne more to get the full use from it.
  • I would also like to add the customer service is some of the most prompt ive ever dealt with!
  • How long does it take to reboot if solidseovps crashes ?

    I scrape with GScraper - that gets me much more results in less time than with the built-in scraper.
    Thanks for your comment.
  • +1 Solidseovps - Always quick to reply to any support issues and the new Highline VPSs are really good...
  • Another vote for SolidSEO. I had minor issues a day back and they were solved very promptly as well as professionally.

    @davbel What LPM you usually get? How many proxies from where? Also what # of search engines you use?

  • Just ordered a solidseovps - looking forward to test the first time...
  • Ive had 3 of the middle plans with berman for 6 months or more and only had one downtime for a day when i got hacked,
    the one i use for GSA i am running 350 threads and lpm bouce around depending on what im doing
  • I'm very happy with solidseovps - great speed improvement - but I recognized very high percentage of "system idle process" where the VPS does nothing...what's this ??? On hostamus I never saw this message...
  • edited December 2013
    @Magix, this is due to the heartbeat since its linked to the control panel incase you want to restart your vps.. the vps is linked to our control panel for both management monitoring and also for you incase you want to restart it through the control panel... so every few seconds it give like a heartbeat..

    this idle is not really taking any resources.... but nothing other than a way for you and us to keep track that your vps is running as it should

    If you logged to your control panel.. you will see your vps heartbeak blinking every few seconds, checking the status of your system.
  • edited December 2013
    @solidseovps - loving my new VPS. is indeed faster than my old one and for the price point I'm happy. It was a little gurgly at first but it has really settled in now. I've been able to run between 95-99% CPU usage for days with no issues. I may need to upgrade soon with that said.
  • thanks for your advice. Any chance to lower down the frequency of this "heartbeat" ?
  • JamPackedSpam Glad you like it, Some people sometimes have bad route with the vps for couple minutes or first day, Glad you like it and Welcome to Solid
  • magix, Our staff checked it for you, Please always check the performance tab since the processes can be tricky, Your performance tab shows your cpu usage is 0% and your ram is within the average... Our monitor would have showed immediately if there is something wrong with your vps and we would have asked you to either check it for you or migrate you to another node if required without you asking... We have done that to several clients since we always want them to get all the performance out of their vps
  • Great - thanks - everything is okay if I have a look at the performance tab... I'm very happy with the vps...
  • @magix, You are always welcome. Thank you for your business and welcome to Solid.
  • goonergooner
    edited December 2013
    Why i love solidseovps:


  • @gooner, Thank you very much for the nice feedback, we hope you are enjoying your vps. Thank you for your business.
  • @gooner

    Your LPM is realy amazing.....and wow 500 threads......Never tried but yeah solidseovps is a great service.
  • goonergooner
    @idreesfarooq - 500 threads because SER is not scraping, only posting.
    It's the VPS that is amazing, at the current rate i could get 300,000 verified today :O
    So i just wanted to give proper thanks to @solidseovps
  • @gooner So you're scraping from Gscraper and just running list in SER?
  • @gooner:
    what kind of submissions are you using (you are getting a very high verified-rate!) ?
  • goonergooner
    @pratik - I'm scraping with SB these days.
    @magix - Mostly contextual + bookmarks, forum, url shorteners, microblog and directory
  • @gooner Where you get so much supply of proxies then if scraping with SB? :O

    Btw, does URL shorteners help in rankings?
  • goonergooner
    I use URL shortener on lower tiers only. I'm using 100 private proxies for SB, shared with SER for posting.
  • @gooner which solidseovps package do you use to be able use 500 threads like this?

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