GSA not using all available memory?
in Bugs
Ok so I'm a little new to this so here I go:
I am running GSA SER on my desktop PC
Windows 7
Intel i7 core CPU 870@2.93GHz
2.96 Usable RAM
32 Bit Operating System
I've been running SER with 1 project, 15 threads and 10 proxies for a few days now. However, I am constantly have the "Out Of Memory Error" when the program hits around 200-250 MB of Memory Usage. Why is the program not using all of the ram available on this computer? Is there a way to allow SER to take up more RAM?
I was runing only 1 or 2 projects. If i restart SER than it is fine unitl....
I have 12GB of RAM so i do not think memory is an issue.