awaiting account verification ?
Hi,everyone, nice to be here. thanks for all your help, i have a new question,

there are about 20,000 submit,only geet 10,000 verified. my hotmail works well, and about .
i checked the submitted url,most of the urls show awaiting account verification.
Is there something wrong ? how should i do ?
Thanks everyone.

1. account verification
that can take up to weeks or never
sometimes mail server of target site NOT working or NOT properly configured
2. submission pending approval
similar to above
some are auto-approval
others manual
manual approval may be from several hours to several days
a while ago I did lots (some 20'000) of manual account verifications and profile updates
the largest list of pending approval found was 300'000+ (300+k) articles (!!!)
needless to say that such accounts are most likely DEAD for good
many others had between several thousand up to a few ten thousand pending articles
again most likely NEVER being approved = dead sites
looking at your ration submitted vs verified
I am sure MANY here would ENVY you and be more THAN happy with your results!
keep in mind that MANY submissions can NOT be indexed because they are on moving pages
or are you using monthly new private proxies ?
I could list them all, but others surely might be more qualified with SER
as an example, I just (this minute) interrupted a SER run of approx 3-4 hrs:
submissions = 1002 - verified = 647
that is amout my own "norm", sometimes higher - sometimes a little lower, deending on what target URL I load
currently on "identified" only, NO submitted = I try to add as many as possible NEW domains, but also add new articles to the "ARTICLE MANAGER" yesterday just added 4 new ones.
hence the result depends on such things as
the precise selection of submission engines / platforms
where you get your site lists
when you use SER to scrape, keep in mind that you scrape again and again the same results = find same sites and at one point get more and more "already parsed"
NOT all drupal sites or WP sites accept public submissions
same for wikis and other sites
even if footprint exists and matches
the "art" is to find those sites that welcome 3rd party submissions of articles (human readable + quality)
= sites that have already accepted articles by OTHERS = by EXT link extraction with SB addon
most SE, incl G give you 300, 600 or max 1000 results
the top 600-1000 sites are almost exactly same between different SE,
small x-xx % variations only if you change country TLD of SE
hence a SER newbie has exhausted the regular SE, except if you do extreme keyword lists as some do,
that may NOT work at all if you just want sites with matching SER-engine footprints for the precise engines you want to submit to (as mentioned in SER) = some footprints only can be found on very particular (single) pages of a site and often those pages have NO keywords or other text at all.
after the first many weeks of using SER for scraping,
I then moved to SB for new target URLs and instead of scraping, use creative link extraction w/o SE use
scraping only rarely and if then for specific country TLDs only
I belief many others HERE may do same procedure for new target URLs
SER very best for submission / verification / PR stuff
all else by SB to get new target URLs
your above pics have the most important CUT OFF = what engines you actually CLICKED / selected for submission?
another factor surely is the kind of captcha services YOU use / want to be solved
I use
CB = 66%
antigate (human solved any leftovers from above)
and the minimum domain PR = 0 (NOT N/A) + HTML time out 75 seconods, 33 threads on max 1-2 MBps MAX shared www access from home, usually less than 1MBps down to half MBps
for me, a critical factor is the CPU usage to get high LpM!
more thread = lower verified % = because my CPU (32bit ATOM 1,86GHz, 2GB RAM) is fully loaded with 33 threads (for RE-verification done separately - 88 thread), with verification of some accounts going on = 44 threads
THAT SEEMS in SER = 100% = fully loaded
make sure you monitor your CPU% repeatedly and you see that your 99% drops every few seconds a few % below 99
else you may have overloaded your PC
which results in my experience in MUCH lower verified !!
re spamvilla = see the thread, many ppl unhappy with frequent downtimes
I quiet samvilla to9day
minimum PR assures quality
may be set it to 0 or even higher if you need fewer links daily
at the very beginning I run all my projects at PR3
the Tiers PR0
few weeks later when I needed more sites / links I lowered PR to 0 but never N/A
a new PC ONLY make sense when you have fast www access of more than 2MBps
currently I have max 2MBps but shared with several others
and my CPU + www is just fine = BOTH maxed out
new PC would need more bandwidth to make use for me
basically you can optimize a lot to improve results
just understand step by step SER
remove anything that wastes resources (CPU and bandwidth wise)
if you play with your thread numbers
you may notice there is an IDEAL number
you exceed that = your verified goes down but your LPM UP
only the verified really count
I have LPM of approx 10 sometimes up to 15
of course if I do only or mostly blog comments or guestbook comments or URL-shortener
I get MUCH higher LPM
at the expense of quality
If I am lucky and doing NO tests of new stuff
I get often extended period of time 65-85% verified at 10 LPM
do the math and you see that I may get same number of verified at 10 LPM
= may be lower threads = lower LPM but higher verified ...
play with your settings = go below and above and find YOUR ideal numbers
I do RE-verification once per day - manually - at night when all www free at 88 threads = approx 1 hrs
I do highest Tier (T3) NEVER verification or every x days manually
that keeps my line free for submission
I asked you for more details to help you, not to shut up. Thats a difference. And since the program is not based on a fixed database it can not tag sites as being bad or not before submission.
I have however replied by email to this by now, please use one way to communicate next time.