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Fullest GSA can do?



  • goonergooner
    @jamesmurren - That looks right, what proxies are you using? Did you test them?
  • @gooner - yes i have tested my proxies working all fine... started harvester is just eating bandwidth and not harvesting urls at all so I stopped the harvester.... do i need to generalize my keywords?
  • i use only contextual footprints only... articles, wikis, socials, social bookmarks...
  • goonergooner
    @jamesmurren - Maybe you have a slow connection? I don't know but it should harvest, let it run for an hour and see what happens.
  • @gooner - i doubt it... im running it on a vps with 30-100mbps speed.. i started harvesting again.. ill wait for hour to see its harvesting.. thanks.. btw do you know why i have 100+ karma??
  • goonergooner
    @jamesmurren - You get Karma when you participate in the forum, post and answer questions.
    Are you running SER on the same VPS? Maybe it can't handle both together.
  • i only run one at a time.. i dont run both..
  • if that was the case gooner youd have 10000 or more karma :D. this is turning into a nice thread, lets keep it running like that thread that won't die, otherwise known as 'how do you guys do onpage seo now' :D
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited November 2013
    Going back on topic, GSA SER is by far the best SEO tool available for lots of reasons, to name a few... The one time fee, the flexibility with link building, the compatibility with its API integrated services, both for indexing and article importing and finally @sven for being so good at implementing his customers ideas.

    Now, for what it can do... The posibilities are endless, the back link sources are endless, SER allows you to post to such a massive amount of platforms, it's up to you as the 'SEO' to find a working strategy that works for you! This is why I have previously said that SEO's keep their information/strategies to themselves.

    I have contributed to some threads in the past with some guidance but I don't believe people should reveal their strategies, I believe as an 'SEO' you should figure out what works for you, that's all.

  • Very well said @tim89 but sometimes why not share? :) and from what people are sharing some people learn from it until they find whats work.
  • goonergooner
    edited November 2013
    It's good to share strategies, we can all learn something from somebody on this forum.
    So when people ask me a question i give them a full and honest answer. Why be scared to reveal tactics?
    It's not like people are stealing my niches, keywords or clients... So there's enough room for everyone to be successful.

    @peterparker - That's your fav thread isn't it? :D
  • Tim89Tim89
    @jamesmurren thanks, I believe sharing is caring I do, but there is a place for this and it is not a public forum.

    I work alone as many other SEO's do, however I do have various 'hangouts' if you would like to call it that, where we all contribute to SEO related strategies.

    These places are not indexed in google and are occasionally invite only.

    You have to appreciate that any information shared on a public forum will be noticed by most search engines, take a look at google alerts, it's very simple to set up auto-notifications that alert you whenever someone mentions certain terms and google allow their consumers to use this service for free!

    Anyone could do it, you can have certain words such as 'seo' 'SEO blueprint' etc and this information could automatically be sent to a google employee.

    Which brings me to my conclusion, what may have helped you rank using your time, effort and work, could be completely wasted simply due to the fact of people over using your strategy or even spy's (being employees of these search engines)
  • goonergooner
    @tim89 - I doubt a multi-billion dollar company would need to spy on small time forums to work out what people are doing in the world of seo.

    Even if they are, there are a million seo forums where the same info can be found.
  • And maybe they have thousands of spies.. :D....
  • @tim89 id love to hear more about the underground forum you were talking about... mind inviting me?
  • edited November 2013
    This forum is polluted with more technical details on what you should be doing than anywhere else on the internet unless it's 100% private. Stop complaining about people not sharing the fruits of their labor. When information is publicly shared and thus indexed, it gains exponential exposure and kills off working methods, targets, platforms etc faster.
  • Tim89Tim89
    edited November 2013
    @gooner I'm not a paranoid person so please don't think that I am, didn't want to come across that way.

    But to answer your question bluntly, yes I do think a 'million dollar' company spy's and gets certain information for how people rank from public forums.

    Matt cutts publicly speaks about browsing various SEO forums etc.. Why else do google produce their updates on a regular basis and sites tank..

    Why did certain 'sape' networks get busted.. Why have sites that previously used these networks been penalised? This means google have actually penalised a site that 'once had' these types of links.

    To you and me or others, this business might be a 'hobby' but to an established company like google, this is what they do 24/7, they don't like SEM (search engine manipulation) regardless of what you may think, it is in their best interest to penalise sites that do SEO.. Means more incoming money for their share holders using Adwords..

    As I've previously stated before, I've not actually been affected from any updates, you can put it down anything you would like to, but I put it down to not publicly sharing my strategy or link sources.
  • goonergooner
    It's also well-known G spread misinformation for the same purpose. You can't believe what they say or what others say about them, all you can believe in is the results you see with your own testing.

    But, everything they need to know is in the backlink profiles of the sites they analyse. I believe the talk of analysing forums is simply propaganda to stop people discussing SEO on forums, with the end results being more people using Adwords.

    This business is not a hobby for me, i make 100% of my income from web design and SEO - So i wouldn't want to risk that, but i don't think anyone needs to worry about talking here... Unless you have some good secrets? If so PM me :P lol

  • Tim89Tim89
    edited November 2013
    @gooner yes, what matt cutts says and what works are completely two different things, I agree on that, don't listen to them when they talk about ranking lol, you'll get nowhere.

    Studying these link sources/networks and being able to infiltrate a network because of a public forum, then destroying the links that come from that network suggests to me that they do investigate things and this isn't hear/say if the majority of users were complaining of loss in rankings when they were using the mentioned networks.

    The only propaganda that comes from google is 'what works' and 'what doesn't' but simply visiting a forum and finding out what works and what doesn't, what networks are working etc is childs play and easily done, you could outsource this work and pay peanuts for it.

    I too work as an SEO, this is my lively hood, I'm not going to share things that 'could' affect my earnings because I don't want to get an underpaid minimum wage job like most people have, it's difficult out there. Plus I'm a gooner and hold a season ticket! Gotta pay for it^^
  • goonergooner
    Infiltrating private networks is a different thing to talking about what goes on here.

    G is already aware of SER so i don't think there's anything that we could talk about here that would come as a surprise to them. After all they can just buy the software and run extensive tests with resources far beyond those that any of us have.

    Anyway, each to their own - I'm glad there are people willing to share info because it helped me a lot when i started using the software.

  • Tim89Tim89
    edited November 2013
    @jamesmurren redirects still work a treat but this is considered 'black hat' and much much easier to find!

    I don't believe that what I do is blackhat, the only black hat part of it is actually building links, which I guess is a massive oxymoron but I hope you understand what I mean by that, I don't use networks, I don't pay for links.

    I think buying links is retarded, you haven't earnt your rankings and they can suffer a massive drop just as easily it took you to get those rankings.
  • edited November 2013
    Im not sure why the thread turned into this talk about us vs google but i tend to agree with tim in that there is no reason for them not to search these forums (fuck you matt!) especially since gsa is getting big attention now its becoming a bit of a lad about the town in the seo world everyone talks about it now so its drawing more attention than id like but it is what it is. Like how scrapebox blog comment blasting got saturated i kinda get the feeling that gsa is becoming like scrapebox due to low cost of entry and popularity its gained from that. btw how do i keep the formatting when editing my posts cos recently the forum just ignores it and lumps everything in one big text block.
  • goonergooner
    But SB was only one type of link, so they penalise sites that use that link type excessively. How can you penalise SER when it builds links on so many platforms?
  • Tim89Tim89
    @peterparker not sure mate I've been posting from an iPhone/iPad not at my desk..
  • goonergooner
    @peterparker - Weird, enter works for me... Try shift + enter
  • edited November 2013
    well yes ive thought that the advantage of gsa is its versatility. but as such thats all the more reason to keep the most important stuff under your hat in that if they couldnt find a big footprint with the bakclink profile alone then all they'd have to do was browse the forum and someone has kindly laid out the whole blueprint for them to follow and subsequently penalise :D. its a dbl edged sword for me cos ive learned tons from this forum since i joined but also recognise the freeflow of info might also cause its downfall- being dramatic but quite plausible in my mind. @gooner no dice on enter or shift+enter :(
  • So @tim89 do you use a seo method that never been shared or unsaturated at least
  • I admit i am pretty down right now so every strategy i found online that i think will work, i dive! :D
  • goonergooner
    Don't worry so much, time for me to watch the mighty Arsenal :D
  • @tim89 I couldn't agree with you more.   That's why I don't say to much of what I think is working on these forums. 

    Also, I'm a firm believer in whatever matt cutts says that you almost wanna do the opposite lol. :)
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