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does GSA come with a default list?

I dont understand how SER knows where to submit to. Does it have a built in list of websites that it comes with?
If yes, how can I tell SER to not use that list? I have SB. can I scrape my own list and then import it into SER? or can I give SER a footprint and tell it to scrape and then post?
where is SER's default list located? How can I see it?


  • No default list, except for the individually coded Web 2.0s in their own section. You can either let SER actively scrape for sites to submit to, or import your own. The best thing for you to do if you are unsure about things it so set aside some time to go through the forum, starting with the sticky threads (not the sales ones threads that are being whored out)
  • insterested to know this as well... waiting for answers :)
  • Tim89Tim89
    No, you create your own lists once you set up a project/campaign, GSA will then scrape urls that are relevant to the keywords you import into your campaign, when targets are found they are then saved into your 'identified' list and once they have successfully posted to these targets they will be saved into your 'succussful' list and then once they are verified, they will be saved yup, you guessed it, into your 'verified' list.
  • Well its both isnt it why do you guys say it doesnt? because those ones you tick at the left side are the default ones arent they cos they are for individual sites not just platforms?
  • Tim89Tim89
    I was under the impression they were platform indicators as to what SER is able to post to. Take a look at the bookmark section, pligg is not a site name it's a platform name suggesting that it is able to post to pligg sites.
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