Email verification seems to take a long time.
in Bugs
I put my main 2 sorting projects on verify last night and woke up this morning to SER still verifying emails for those 2 projects.
Each project has 5 email accounts. Even if each email account had a few thousand emails to process, wouldn't SER have completed everything after about 8 hours?
What are the best settings to have for email?
Should I have "Delete All Emails" option checked?
When I manually log into these email account's, I still see verification emails in them that SER never processed.
unfortunately there is NO indicator how long or how many emails till pending when stopping SER
it just looks as hanging but in reality is doing some unknown staff in cackground
a possible solution might be to make the entire email downloading / parsing / URL verifying a seperate THREAD = MULTI THREADING SER that keeps working until job done even when rebooting SER