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WEB 2.0 Question (HELP!!!)

edited October 2012 in Need Help

1.What is the meaning of this? Is this an error?

2. What is the RIGHT setting for WEB2.0 project?

3. Why is it that my success rate is too low ?

please help ..

I need it badly :(


  • OzzOzz
    edited October 2012

    2. What exactly are you asking for? My answer to those kind of questions is: "It depends".

    Just make sure you set up a quality campaign with spinned articles, descrtiptions etc. and you are good to go. Most filters aren't necessary for Web20's anyway.

    3. How should we know? AFAIK there is no clairvoyant on this forum so you need to tell us more about your settings. What proxies are you using, which captcha solving service, .... are necessary to know to give you any tips. 
    If you get many "already parsed" errors than delete your history cache (rightclick project -> modify -> delete history cache)
  • And I beg you to make use of the search function and of the tags of this forum next time.

  • Thank you so much :D

    Thanks for the reminder sir :D

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