Express Indexer:: The best indexing service for your money.

Express Indexer was officially released a little over a week ago, since released we have evolved quite a bit and automated more things and introduced additional features.
With a fully functional API that works with GSA and Back link monitor, with drip feeding options that you can control, there isn't any drip feeding limit! You can have 20,000 links and have these drip fed into our indexing service for any amount of days you like!
Custom email notifications that remind you of any ongoing drip feeding campaigns sent straight to your email address!
A easy to use, clean web interface.
No subscriptions required, you just register and purchase a package and start indexing!
Instant index rates of up to 40% - 60% and a 70% - 80% index rate after just 10 days!
Many professional SEO's have been using Express Indexer for the last couple of weeks and they have already seem massive SERP gains by doing so.
Our web interface allows you to fully automate your indexing campaigns, you can build out all your tiers all your links then simply set up your indexing campaign and even name it to something personal so you know exactly which campaign is which!
With more fantastic features being implemented next week such as a global API drip feed option, which allows you to set your API submissions so they have a drip feed effect.
A dashboard update so you can keep track of your indexing campaigns, you can see which links have been submitted and also easily download them to check their status.
Express Indexer is one of a kind and made for users from an SEO's perspective.
This is an indexing service, not a crawling service, register now and give us a go, you will not be unhappy.
I will be closing registrations once I hit a certain amount of subscribers to keep this indexing service exclusive to current customers.
To join our already expanding service sign up here
With a fully functional API that works with GSA and Back link monitor, with drip feeding options that you can control, there isn't any drip feeding limit! You can have 20,000 links and have these drip fed into our indexing service for any amount of days you like!
Custom email notifications that remind you of any ongoing drip feeding campaigns sent straight to your email address!
A easy to use, clean web interface.
No subscriptions required, you just register and purchase a package and start indexing!
Instant index rates of up to 40% - 60% and a 70% - 80% index rate after just 10 days!
Many professional SEO's have been using Express Indexer for the last couple of weeks and they have already seem massive SERP gains by doing so.
Our web interface allows you to fully automate your indexing campaigns, you can build out all your tiers all your links then simply set up your indexing campaign and even name it to something personal so you know exactly which campaign is which!
With more fantastic features being implemented next week such as a global API drip feed option, which allows you to set your API submissions so they have a drip feed effect.
A dashboard update so you can keep track of your indexing campaigns, you can see which links have been submitted and also easily download them to check their status.
Express Indexer is one of a kind and made for users from an SEO's perspective.
This is an indexing service, not a crawling service, register now and give us a go, you will not be unhappy.
I will be closing registrations once I hit a certain amount of subscribers to keep this indexing service exclusive to current customers.
To join our already expanding service sign up here
This discussion has been closed.
I have seen no improvements in rankings though. But that can be due to Penguin 2.1 and my old ways of ranking. Have no proven way to rank after 2.1 :-)
"SERP gains to my knowledge happens a couple of weeks to a month after your links become indexed"
then how can
"Many professional SEO's have been using Express Indexer for the last couple of weeks and they have already seem massive SERP gains by doing so."
I am already a user, but blatant BS like this will turn away customers. You would be better off focusing on what your product does well (index links), then making claims that have no substance or contradict each other.
Back to the thread...
I would like to see the reports interface complete with an "index" status so we can see which links are indexed right in the dashboard if possible. And the ability to export the non indexed, indexed or all links for further use in other programs.
My 2 Cents!
However, I have had a number of customers who have stated publically that they have seen SERP gains within the week or two of using my service, each to their own I guess.
People such as Tops from another popular forum has stated he has seen gains in his SERP within two weeks, maybe this is due to the amount of links he can build within these couple of weeks, believe me I am no way trying to talk "blatent bs" but rather displaying my personal opinion in regards to what I see, please do not mistaken what I've mentioned previously by quoting someone elses conclusions/results.
It was meerly my point of view.
It's difficult for me to not interact with peoples opinions in regards to SEO findings and results, as I am an SEO too and I like discussing about the concepts and results, you may even see some of my posts within this forum before I set up this service, actually interacting with people on an SEO level.
For future occasions I will forbid myself from talking about anything relating to findings and just sit back and keep my conclusions to myself, I shall save my opinions and document them elsewhere.
I shall solely update Express Indexer features/updates on this forum from now on.
This is a duplicate thread...go here: