Captcha Breaker is solving captchas (incorrectly) despite the settings

Hi guys, I have a problem which lowers my success rate. This time I created a test campaign using SERENGINES NOLINK

Here are my captcha settings in test campagin:

General Captcha Settings

And settings on Captcha Breaker

When starting this test campaign I deleted solved captcha statistics so on the start of campaign there was 0/0 by Captcha Breaker and by DeathByCaptcha as well.
At the end of campaign:
Left Captcha Breaker, Right DeathByCaptcha

When you watch closer on my settings, you can see that I wanted GSA to solve captchas ONLY by DBC. However CB solved 24, and all of them correctly - at fisrt I thought great, I saved extra money... but after closer look on solved captchas

As you can see, some of captchas are solved incorrectly. I understand that CB is only machine and there are plenty of captchas that it won't solve. The problem is, I didn't want CB to solve them, by settings I wanted to only use DBC. I have no idea what's wrong and don't see any problems in my settings. Does anyone know how to stop CB from solving captchas in certain projects ? I'm trying to automatize the process of creation of new blogs by serengines, however when captchas are solved wrong my success rate drops down...
From your settings, I would just shut down captcha breaker so you only use DBC as you want to use it as the first service, so no point is interrupting it with captcha breaker and then asking it to send unsolved ones back to DBC. Looks like things would go in circles.
Captcha Breaker seems to recognise some captchas incorrectly, i guess it's not perfect but it doesn't matter overall because you can still get a ton of links.