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Reason for not using Captcha sniper

edited October 2012 in Need Help
@s4nt0s, you mentioned in another thread (didn't wanna hijack the thread so I'm posting it here) that "I'm running ShaniBPO primary and DBC secondary today"

I'm not sure if you're not using captcha sniper for any project, or just today or some projects. But I'm keen to understand your reason why you're not using captcha sniper since everyone is using it. I'm assuming it has something to do with the services you submit to and you know that these services provide different kinds of links that you want and they can't be solved by captcha sniper.

Could you elaborate a bit more? It would help some of us to understand your rationale. Thanks.


  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    I'd be interested to hear this too. I think he used to not use the old CS, but is using the new one.
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    edited October 2012
    Hey guys ... I do have a copy of the new CSX and do use it. That was just for testing and playing around with things. (yesterday) I get a better deal on captcha's then most users so sometimes I just use captcha services because I have extra credits in the account.

    It has nothing to do with strategy or certain services providing different results or anything like that. CSX is a  huge money saver and I do use it on some campaigns.

    but I'm also a weirdo that doesn't mind paying for captcha's. I don't run 20+ projects like a lot of people .. I usually have 5-7 projects and run them at different times or only have a few running at certain times. I also only hit the higher PR sites so that also helps. I'm a quality > quantity type guy.

  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    Thanks for clarifying! Roughly how many projects per website do you create?
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    Also - what do you mean by higher PR sites? 3+?
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    1) That's hard to answer. I know that for certain platforms (web 2.0's, social networks, article sites, etc.) they don't need an OBL filter and having that on might make you skip good target sites so I might separate all the contextual platforms into 1 campaign and then blog comments, trackbacks, guestbooks and everything that needs and OBL filter into another. I don't do this every time but sometimes I might feel like throwing something like that together.

    2) Sometimes PR2 + and sometimes PR3+ or even higher. I know a lot of people go crazy if they don't get 1,000 links in a day but for me its not a big deal.

    That doesn't mean everyone should copy what I do. I play around with a lot of different things and there's still a lot to learn with this software.
  • Back in June when I first started using GSA I looked into buying captha sniper.
    There were a bunch of special and complicated instructions for installing on a window 7 machine so I didn't buy.
    Does anyone know if the latest version will install easily on windows 7?
  • OzzOzz
    edited October 2012
    I never had a problem to install CS.

    If you do everything that needs to be done you should be fine. If its not running, contact their customer support. They will help you out in no time.
  • I had problems installing CS but after 3 days I gave up then I got on skype with the owner and he got it running in minutes. Dont waste your time like I did.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    @Santos - Thanks! I do something very similar. I split articles into PR3+ and directories into PR3+ with no OBL and each has it's own project. I then have the rest in one project with PR1 and 50OBL. I also have social networks in the second batch. Do you think these will these get ignored due to an OBL filter of 50? (Would prefer not to have 4 projects per site. (Articles, Directories, Other, Social Networks)
  • @Santos, you wrote: "That's hard to answer. I know that for certain platforms (web 2.0's,
    social networks, article sites, etc.) they don't need an OBL filter and
    having that on might make you skip good target sites so I might separate
    all the contextual platforms into 1 campaign and then blog comments,
    trackbacks, guestbooks and everything that needs and OBL filter into

    1) What do you mean by these platforms (web 2.0's,
    social networks, article sites, etc.) not needing OBL?

    2) What do you mean by contextual platforms - what are these platforms?

    3) What other services would need an OBL filter?

    4) When you mentioned, "Sometimes PR2 + and sometimes PR3+ or even higher.", do you mean page or domain PR?

  • OzzOzz
    edited October 2012
    I might answer that for S4nt0s ;)

    1) OBL = OutBound Links = Skip sites with more than XXX outgoing links on page

    2) Contextual = in general these are sites where you can put an article or the like on (Web20, Article Directories, Social Networks). Google for "Contextual Links" and you will get a better answer.

    3) I think no other than the mentioned platforms

    4) domain PR
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    This man read my mind ^^

    Couldn't have answered it any better myself.
  • Thanks, I know what OBL is. I'm just wondering why you think they (web 2.0's,
    social networks, article sites, etc.) doesn't need an OBL filter and "that having that on might make you skip good target sites"
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    The reason web2.0's & the like don't need OBL, is that on the homepage, they may have more than 50 or 100 OBL and thus get ignored, when actually they are good sites. They have many adverts to sustain them and these links also count towards the OBL figure. Thus, good sites might get missed! :-)
  • I see. Got it. Thanks!
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