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Not Loading Site List URL's?

AlexRAlexR Cape Town
edited October 2012 in Need Help
I hope this question hasn't been asked, but I did search the forum!

I am reviewing my logs and see this everywhere. Here is a sample:

13:18:55: [ ] Loaded 0/151 URLs from site lists
13:18:55: [ ] Loaded 0/155 URLs from site lists
13:18:55: [ ] Loaded 0/18 URLs from site lists
13:18:55: [ ] Loaded 0/14 URLs from site lists

There are a few projects with a few loaded URL's from site list, but these are 1 or 2. Most say loaded 0/xxx URL's.

Is there something that I need to fix to get it to load URL's from the site list? 



  • SvenSven
    It means that it loaded 151 URLs from the site lists but all are known to the project (parsed before). So it replies with 0/151.
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    1) So what you're saying is that 151 are either verified links or submitted to links already and as such do not need to be loaded again (Sorry, not quite sure what you mean by parsed)? 
    2) Does the sitelist only have 151 URL's or is this a random number of URL's extracted from the site lists? (Just I have global site lists enabled on some projects and the number varies, which is why I assume it's loaded a random size sample from the list, rather than all)
  • --> 1) or links SER has visit and wasn't able to post to because of missing fields, failed submission etc.
    --> 2) I don't know the algorythm but I think they are random or based on the size of the sitelist file. Some time ago the default number was x/50 URLs but Sven had optimized the search process for new links in sitelist and by now you see all different kind of numbers.
  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    Good to see Ozz back. You were missed, buddy. :P
  • I needed a day extra to sober off :)
  • SvenSven

    yea wb Ozz ;)

    The number of URL loaded from the site list was fixed in the past but it is now dynamic and based on the number of sites left to post to and the number of threads it can use. And yes, the URLs are loaded randomly fromt he site lists in no order at all.

  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    Thanks! Will just clear target URL's and cache and let it redo the URL's it didn't post to. :-)
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