Verified links must have an exact URL ?!
Cause my question got too mixed up in another discussion, I made a new one. So I was searching the forum about "Verified links must have an exact URL" option, but I didn't find any satisfying answer..
I found that my projects to money site did not have this on, but Tier2 had it checked, and I unchecked this option everywhere because it seemed to me like holding verifications back (articles, directories, bookmarks, social, video, web 2.0, wiki).
I read the mouse-over help in ser over and over again.. am I right, if the "Verified links must have an exact URL" is unchecked, some verified links can include only the domain and not point to the right post, like verifying a link pointing to instead of ? But I don't see how this could happen if I have the "Use the root/main URL in some variations" also unchecked under Data..
Can you please explain a bit, when and why should the "Verified links must have an exact URL" option be on? I checked verified links and everything seems ok (anchor + source), while this option is unchecked.
Few comments from ser professionals would be highly appreciated @Ozz @ron @LeeG Thanks!!
I found that my projects to money site did not have this on, but Tier2 had it checked, and I unchecked this option everywhere because it seemed to me like holding verifications back (articles, directories, bookmarks, social, video, web 2.0, wiki).
I read the mouse-over help in ser over and over again.. am I right, if the "Verified links must have an exact URL" is unchecked, some verified links can include only the domain and not point to the right post, like verifying a link pointing to instead of ? But I don't see how this could happen if I have the "Use the root/main URL in some variations" also unchecked under Data..
Can you please explain a bit, when and why should the "Verified links must have an exact URL" option be on? I checked verified links and everything seems ok (anchor + source), while this option is unchecked.
Few comments from ser professionals would be highly appreciated @Ozz @ron @LeeG Thanks!!